Choose Wisely Who You Follow

in #newbieresteemday6 years ago (edited)

I’ve been on the steemit platform for a couple of months now and have observed and become aware of some things that could have accelerated my climb in both reputation and steem power. Converting some cash into cryptocurrency and buying some steem power is one. Another is to choose wisely the people I decide to follow.

(At this point in my original post I had written some information regarding categories of whales, dolphins, minnows, etc. that turned out to be incorrect. @cryptokeepr and @everittdmickey were kind enough to take the time to correct me and you can find their corrections below in the comments. My apologies for any inconvenience.)

Whales bite off large chunks of the daily rewards payouts. Some whales share these rewards with their followers by taking the time to go back and review and reply to their comments. When these sharing whales and dolphins upvote your comments they are sharing what they have with others. If you don’t leave a comment that they find worthy of their time they don’t share with you. I can’t blame them, can you? Leaving a comment like “Great post!” or “Beautiful picture!” in most cases will not earn you a reply or upvote from the person who posted the content. Neither will a comment that is only a request for a follow or upvote.

And then there are whales who keep the rewards for themselves and don’t interact with their followers. It is their right not to share. I would be immature to begrudge them for the choice they have made. This platform is all about freedom and that includes free will to help others or not. We can choose not to follow these people because it is a waste of our time. Unless you are into unrequited hero worship. Just let them go their way without you.

When you choose people to follow may I suggest it be those with higher reputations and will interact with and upvote people who comment on their posts. Choose whales or dolphins who post content that you know something about so that your comments can be of high quality to engage the author. If you don’t understand the content or don’t take time to read and contemplate the post don’t think you are going to fool anyone with a trite comment.

Keep an eye on your feed. If someone is putting out poor quality content or refuses to reply to your comments or upvote you, unfollow them. Remove this dead weight from your blog. The Law of Attraction is in play here.

I’m not a whale or even close to a dolphin yet, but I will reply and upvote every QUALITY comment someone chooses to leave on one of my posts and I always will.

Good luck as you swim along...
Google Images


I tend to find that insightful, supportive, entertaining comments do much better than mine.

Thank you for the reply and upvote, sir!

Off the top of my head...

Dolphin - 5k to 50k steem power
Orca - 50k to (I think half a million) sp
Whale - greater than half a million sp

I forgot the #’s for plankton and Minnows..plankton is the lowest and minnow I believe is like 500 to 5000 sp.

I used to know the actual numbers off the top of my head but forgot. These may not all be exactly correct but they’re hopefully kinda close. What kind of aquatic creature you are is dependent on amount of steem power you hold.

Someone feel free to step in and correct these numeric brackets if they’re incorrect. I’m 99% sure about the dolphin level numbers though.

Thank you very much for the reply, upvote, and for correcting me. WOW! There be plankton and orcas too? Instead of steem maybe they should have called it streem with all the aquatic references : ) Again, thank you, sir!

Here ya go Chuck...The image depicts the numbers. I think somewhere along the way someone added plankton to the mix to describe those with like 500 SP or less.

Originally the designation of which category you fall into is determined by how many vests you hold. Vests are basically steem power or kind of like stock in steemit (and I'm playing it fast and loose with the interpretation here). Right now, 1 Steem Power is equal to 489 vests as found using this handy calculator

If you look at curation rewards sometimes it says you've been awarded x amount of vests and a lot of people are like, "what the heck is a vest?" It's Steem power. But why two names for things that appear to be one in the same? Idk. It's a lot to wrap your head around.

Give this post a read when you get the time if you want to dig deeper into what a vest is and the different forms of steem. It was very interesting to me. I did a lot of digging to find this info awhile back and it's golden. Not many people even understand half the stuff covered in the post below. The guy that wrote it spent a lot of time reading the white paper or something.

Use this site to see all kinds of stats about your account (I put in your username so it'll take you straight to your account stats)

You can also use this tool below which was created by @magicmonk to find all sorts of useful or maybe not so useful info depending on how into statistics you are.

The truth is out there... :)


This is incredible! Thank you so much. I can only hope this helps a bunch of us minnows swim a bit more with the current than against it! I'll dig into it. See you in a week or so : )

I’m gonna do a post for new people soon. Haven’t done that in awhile and I feel it’s kind of a cvic duty of people who’ve been here for a bit to help newer users. I have way more reference material links in my bookmarks than I’ve shared here so im gonna go through that and put something of a reference / guidance post.

If we are to serve as a shining beacon of pure capitalism and what some might call anarchy that is actually a functional model, the system must have well intentioned people who are willing to give their time to help others and thus grow the platform in a good way.

My error was because I did not read all of the FAQ provided at the beginning of my journey here. Anything you post I'm sure will be valued content, but be sure to underscore the need to DO YOUR HOMEWORK before you swim in this pool. I wonder why they don't have a "shark" category? Again, THANK YOU!

FYI-I corrected my original post to remove the reputation comments and referenced your comments for the correct information. Thank you again for your help, sir!

I think a “whale” is someone with a reputation of 70 or greater. A “dolphin” is someone with a reputation of between 60 and 69. Minnows are 59 or less. I think so anyway. Again, I’m just guessing.'s not about's about SteemPower.
Think of Steemit as a bank.
if you invest a little bit of money(for minnow's it's's free) you receive a little bit of interest
A tuna (redfish, bonefish etc) has more investment (SP) it get's more interests.
A dolphin has about 5,000 SP (convert that to dollars back in the day)...more interest yet.
An orca has about 50,000SP
A whale has about 500,000SP

They invested in Steemit and are now receving a return.
Suppose I tell you where one of the Whales live?
You can go sit on his step and hold out a cup...
puhleassse...gimmeee some money!

Same thing..

Thank you for the reply, sir! I have been preparing to send in some USD for SP, but as I've mentioned before I put a wad into DXGold in 2004-5 and it didn't work out so well. My wife, bless her wicked little heart, enjoys reminding me of that little foray into crypto whenever she wishes to shut me up. Thanks for the additional info that it has more to do with steem power than reputation.

FYI-Thanks again for your corrections! I updated my post to remove the incorrect marine species comments and referenced the information you and @cryptokeepr supplied.

Which is better; buy SBD and transfer to steem power or just buy steem power? Thanks!

I was looking to go to coinbase and purchasing bitcoin and putting it in a software wallet on my system. Then go to blocktrades to complete the buy. Yes?

This post has been upvoted for free by @microbot with 0.1%!
Get better upvotes by bidding on me.
More profits? 100% Payout! Delegate some SteemPower to @microbot: 1 SP, 5 SP, 10 SP, custom amount

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