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RE: 25 Ways To Help #newbieresteemday (and your teammates) ;)

I'd like to think of myself as a scout, re-steemer, and (aspiring) mentor. I like the idea overall of being a "trailblazer" :D

Many of us that feel so new to Steemit will one day be known as the pioneers that believed in this platform. We are the brave minnows that struggled early on, and will be able to contribute to the ease of use in the future. Whether we mentor others to grow, or our feedback directly moves developers to make essential improvements (like speed up new user subscriptions).


Very good @betterbeing, you have now added "trailblazer" and "pioneer" to our opportunities available. I may even put you to work and see if you can come up with some more ;) ...

In fact, I remember the day you joined and I knew you were going to make an impression here! So maybe you have inspired me to add a third title from your comment: "role-model" ... If you keep going at the rate you are, you will be one as you trailblaze your way to become a true pioneer!

Good job on giving me ideas ;)

And I'm happy to see that you are onboard with our initiative. You have learned the way this place works and will be a very valuable contributor in so many ways. You pump me up with your comments, so keep it up and lets keep going forward (together)!

ps... if you didn't see my post yesterday, you should go enter those contests, make a few friends, and win a little money. You are still a newbie technically, so every little bit helps for sure (here is the link to make it easy for you ;) ) ...

pps.. here's a tip, its easy and free (and we rigged it so that the newbies will get something for playing ;)

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