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RE: Weekly Recap for #newbieresteemday - 2nd Edition

in #newbieresteemday6 years ago

It is only with the generous support that you, @coolguy123, and @goldendawne have shown to our initiative that we are able to help and strengthen our newbies community. We would have put our best efforts forward without the help, but you all made it possible to truly give back to our newbie members.

Please let us know if we inundate you with our newbies asking to join your Curation League. Dave does a great job encouraging our newbies to join, but we don't want to overwhelm you.

Thanks again Asher! Looking forward to @osm0sis's post about the next destination after Reunion Island. Safe travels! (Thanks for the resteem!)


It's a pleasure to be supporting such an initiative for the keen and new members of the community!

Please let us know if we inundate you with our newbies asking to join your Curation League. Dave does a great job encouraging our newbies to join, but we don't want to overwhelm you.

Too late! haha!

I think i've got everyone added, but my internet isn't great and i've spent hours today trying to vote/reply to people asking to join.

If there is no vote/comment next to someone asking then they may have been missed, so incase anyone is reading this who has asked to join this week, if you can check the Post and see if you've had a reply/vote, that would be great!

Hopefully more travel blogs will be on the way soon, thank you!

(RS a pleasure!)

hahaha... I had a hunch ;) lol

And make sure to rank yourself this week in Asher's League of Excellence, you might find you are a shooting star with all those comments!!!


Comment length was the key metric last week, and although I wrote over 50k chars, it still wasn't enough to make the top 20!

wow... I'm not sure i want to know how many characters I wrote then... no wonder my head hurts sometimes lol

Dave sure can rally the troops, hehe. Thanks for adding our newbies. It gives them an opportunity to gauge their performance. I'm surprised our beeyou team even made in onto league 2. There are three of us on here and we barely made it on there. Dave is only one person and he jumped right to the top! lol, yes @davemccoy, I am talking about you.

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