Newbie Resteem Initiative Conspiracy Theory Challenge - my entry post

in #newbieresteemday7 years ago (edited)

Here is my entry to @mudcat36’s Newbie Resteem Initiative Conspiracy Theory Writing Contest

If you haven’t seen his post yet please check it out!

It’s a fun challenge that gives everyone a chance to throw on a tin-foil hat, triple lock their doors, cover their laptop cameras and get to writing about any conspiracy of their choice!

IS there a Secret Space Station on the Moon!?

[source Wikipedia](

We’ve all heard the controversy around America’s moon landing in 1969. Most people are well aware of the at least a few of the conspiracies revolving around (pun intended) our Moon. Personally, I’m on the fence with whether or not I think the original moon landing was faked - I have seen compelling evidence for both sides. This leaves the door open for all the theories to come and go. Through my open door policy I’ve bumped into an array of moon related conspiracies. I chose to write about this one because if it was true.. It’d be pretty freakin’ cool! It’s out there, loony and has a true dark side (haha, okay, no more moon jokes).

Is the Moon some kind of hollowed out Space Station?!

Yes, you read that right - it could be totally hollow.

The Moon itself has been up for scientific debate for a very long time. We all know it’s there, we see it shining at night, we know it impacts the ocean’s tides and can even eclipse our sun but that’s pretty much all we know for sure..

Since I was apparently lied to about the moon being made of cheese and that giant space mice chewed out a man’s face on its surface to watch over all of humanity’s well being - I guess I need to start at the beginning.

But where did the Moon come from?

Like all great conspiracy ripe topics there must be a controversial starting point to get the ball rolling. With the Moon there are four major theories about how the Moon came to orbit Earth. That’s a huge number of variables in the world of conspiracies! We can spin 100 tales from one event - let alone four.

Science.How Stuff works listed these main categories:

  1. FISSION - It's a broken piece of Earth. During the early, rapidly spinning days of the solar nebula, the moon might have broken away from the Earth. Scientists question this theory because the Earth probably wasn't rotating fast enough to spin off a whole moon.

  2. ACCRETION - It's the Earth's baby brother. As the Earth was forming through accretion, the moon might have formed the same way, right next door. Scientists doubt this one because the moon doesn't have the same physical composition as the Earth.

  3. CAPTURE - It followed the Earth home, and the Earth kept it. The moon may have come from somewhere else in the universe and gotten caught in the Earth's gravity. It's relatively unlikely, though, that something the size of the moon could have passed by the Earth in just the right way to end up orbiting the planet rather than crashing into it.

  4. GIANT IMPACT THEORY - It came from a fiery crash. The most popular scientific theory for the origin of the moon is that two large planetesimals, or planets-in-progress, collided in the solar nebula. The smaller object was about the size of Mars. The smaller planetesimal ended up in orbit around the larger. Neither object was really solid yet, so the iron core of the smaller got pulled back to Earth because of gravity. This explains the differences in composition between it and the Earth.

#4 is the most popular? Hmm.. I see the perfect soil to plant a conspiracy seed.

Now let’s look at these well known and scientifically measured anomalies about our Moon courtesy of the University of Oxford’s website:

The Moon is unusual compared with other moons in our Solar System -
-It is the largest moon relative to the size of its host planet,
-It’s gradually moving away from Earth, and its orbit is tied to Earth's rotation with most of the angular momentum in the Moon’s motion.
-It also has a lower uncompressed density than that of Earth implying a smaller iron core.

Even more strange evidence came to light after the moon landing in the 60’s and 70’s. Without going into crazy details because boy I fell down a rabbit hole looking into this but I’ll sum it up by saying the more they studied the rocks from the moon and also attempted to make simulations of how this 2 impact theory would work to create the moon as we know it - the more issues they than ran into - no theories have worked out as expected.

EX: - The moon is much older than we hypothesized, has a different chemical composition than expected, there’s evidence of water vapor, magnetic conductivity, and all sorts of other weird differences.

The Theories

  • I found this article from the Sunday Post in which David Icke talks about the Hollow Moon and how the moon rung like a bell when Apollo 12 purposely crashed its lunar module into it - along with quite a few other interesting points.

  • This article from Humans are Free was very helpful in learning more about ancient theories behind the origins of the Moon and how the Hollow Moon/Spaceship Moon theory.

African Zulu legends tell of an extra-terrestrial race called the Chitauri who hollowed out a moon and brought it to Earth to use as a hub to oversee the control of the human race. This legend fits well into the theory of the reptilian-human hybrids which are thought to run our world today.

  • And what about this episode from Ancient Aliens:

  • I found this YouTube video with 1.1M views and 16K likes so clearly some people really believe this.

So is the Moon a secret spaceship?

Who knows! We probably never will - but what I will say is clearly we need more information.

It's questionable to me why we do not have answers to this. It's so close to us - why would we go up there a few times, take some rocks back conclude that all the theories are questionable and have many holes and we're like, screw it we don't need to go back - it's not important. Might be hollow - full of aliens watching us like the Truman Show - but that's okay we should fund wars instead of space programs!

There must be something They know that We don't - why else would we just completely stop going to the Moon? People say because it's just a rock - there's nothing there but after reading all the scientific anomalies it's clear THAT'S not the case.

In conclusion, I have no idea if the moon is a space station for humans or aliens, if it's hollow or solid.. In fact now I'm more confused!

source pixabay

What do you think?! Comment below!


wow. this may be the best post I've ever seen! You're too cool @amariespeaks!

I am the "Tag-Lifter" and you have been resteemed because you tagged your post #newbieresteemday


You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more: Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)

thank you @ilovepoorpeople !! I wanted to have some fun with mudcat's challenge - glad you liked it!

very cool @amariespeaks... Its good and you covered almost all of the conspiracies... I had a slightly different idea on that topic though, I hope I have time to put out my own moon conspiracy theory! ;)

@davemccoy I'm dying to hear yours! Please post it! lol

How you managed to pull one of my favorite ,topics to research out and make such an awesome post I will never know. I literally have books, upon books on this subject. I even have notes from the remote viewing project the US government ran for over two decades pertaining to this very topic. It's out there and awesome. Thank you so much for your entry. It's awesome. :)

oh remote viewing... that is just crazy - I want to learn so bad lol and I'm so glad you liked my choice! it's seriously strange.. and mainly because the moon is RIGHT there.. yet we never go there and can't seem to come up with any real answer to why. There's definitely SOMETHING up there.. or even I've heard it's a projection.. hologram or something.
But then maybe this entire life is a hologram and we are living in the Matrix.. oh I could go on for dayyyyss lol thanks for doing this challenge @mudcat36

BTW did you see the #newbieresteemday member of the week post? You're our shining member this week, sir!

I did. You and @beeyou are amazing people and I was absolutely blown away by your kindness. I genuinely can't thank the both of you enough.

If you scroll back in my blog there is a post called interviewing your subconscious, the methodology in that post are the beginning steps used in remote viewing. My professional background is in psychology but I have always had a fascination with the esoteric. I've attended multiple workshops on remote viewing and it is an incredibly fun science to practice. If at any point you want me to send you over details and literature or interviews relative to self training and practicing I would be more than happy to. There are multiple types, i.e. CRV, TRV, ERV, etc. CRV (controlled remote viewing) is the one that has very clearly defined protocols and has proven to be the most successful. The methodology was refined by SRI back in the late 60's. It is an innate human ability and is literally you interviewing your subconscious for data. How our subconscious has access to that data is a mystery only if we throw out what most physicist believe to be true in regards to all things being entangled at a quantum level. It's an amazing topic so give me a shout if you ever want to know more. I love sharing on anything to do with the science of the mind.

yes! send all the information you possess to my email please!! lol this is one of my favorite subjects - the subconscious- it's absolutely amazing to me - your words got me thinking of the Akashic records and the parallel between the esoteric knowledge we've had for centuries and the new science of our time with remote viewing.. I'm dying to tap into my own abilities lol maybe it's selfish but I must do to learn I'm one of those types lol and what better way than proving something to myself by learning it.. and who else do we really prove anything to except ourselves?
we can totally talk about this more! I'm going to check out that post of yours right now :)

Info has been sent so you have loads of content now in your inbox. Should keep you busy for a while. lol On other notes, have you had any thoughts on logos and designs for the site? Most of our stuff is in draft at the moment so there's no rush as I'm not publishing it for a while.

thank you!! so excited :-D I'm sure I'll be bothering you for advice and clarifications and what not - if you don't mind ?
I have a couple of ideas/themes .. as I'm crafting possibilities to send you I was thinking of sizes.. should I be thinking like big wallpaper size, banner size, or smaller ? all three? LOL what me to do it by tab like home,about us etc. or just throw together some ideas that we can swap and put in wherever ? I'm etching out a few hours on my day off (thursday) to work on sketches and then this weekend too I'll have some free time

We also need to search for the dark side of the Moon.

@videoaddiction - I almost was going to write about that but I chose the hollow moon instead, seemed easier to tackle in a quick post. The dark side is very interesting - maybe one day we'll know ;-) thanks for checking my post out!

lovely post, though if you refuse to acknowledge the cheese face in the photo I took of the moon last year, I will be forced to report you, to the none cheese face accepting society of moon people. DSC_0127_edited.jpg


LOL this is great! I knew I was on to something with that cheese theory.. lol thanks for checking my post out @deliberator :)

Thanks for the post. There is surely something way too weird about the moon, acting like no other object in our solar system. Much theory and discussion is needed on this.

exactly!! no matter what your take on this particular conspiracy is the facts are disconcerting enough that we should really be looking into the moon more - strange that no one is..

The moon is the ISS of the past.

They where smarter they made a sphere instead of a long thing with stuff hanging off of it.

Like Buckminster Fuller discovered
A sphere is stronger.
A sphere uses less resources.

Look at the moon, it collected a lot of dust, and had a fair share of impacts.
It's just space junk from a far past.

If we would have been smarter We had done the same instead of littering space with small dangerous projectiles called sattelites.

ahh yes, that it definitely could be - I need to look into this rabbit hole more! thanks for reading and giving me some more dirt to kick around, my friend :)

Maybe it's even different.

I'll do a post about that, once my bandwidth is a bit recovered.
Yesterday I Posted @hagoodman's video's that HE deleted to save his bandwidth as replies in his thread, to see if this helps him a bit.

And since my bandwidth was as good as gone when I started posting today it seems that it has worked for him. Not sure if my experiments are a form of Steemit selfdestruction for my account.
I started an hour ago, and this is my second post. If I manage to get it posted. :-)

lets see what happens..

damn bandwidth! thats a conspiracy right there! lol ;-)

hehe you bet it is, all hidden in plain sight behind a wall of crypto bankers tech.

But tomorrow conspiracy to crab money out of peoples pockets is an much older one.

Paganism saints re-spinned to get people spending money, to make the rich richer, and to let the poor buy useless crap. To 'show the love'.
You can't buy love, yet an entire society is running wild to try it.

I'm just so negative. And not even with good intentions, just hard facts.

My bandwidth is not even as bad as i suspected it would be.
All the good that I do, and nothing to show for it hehe.
No Steem for this whistleblower. All powered on my own lungs.

The beetles had a perfect anti-tomorrow song.
You can't buy me love. :-D

it's hard not to be negative with all the crazy shit going on in this world.. for those of us awake enough to actually notice, that is.. happy to hear your bandwidth is better today!

"I may not have a lot to give but what I've got I'll give to you. I don't care too much for money - Money can't buy me love" how true!

People are soo messed up. Everyone is 'thinking positive' all the time.. That shows how crappy their lives really are.
I think as negative as possible and find all the flaws in society that way.
And as a result tiny positive things now stand out as a beautiful flower on a pile of BULLSHIT. Now i need to get m camera out and get into the field to find a picture to go with this LOL... wish me luck, this may take a lifetime to shoot.

Lennon and his 'bugs' where clever. Not my type of music, but i can appreciate their brainwaves non the less.

Today I have Winning on the brain. What is it with winning?
Why do people want to win anything, where does that come from, and how is it used against us.

lol who knows! I never understood winning and competition in general lol probably why I don't care about sports or any of that!
I stay thinking positive :) lol only because if I focused on all the negatives in my life (let alone the world) I'd drown myself in a river probably LOL

May i ask you a wallet question?

Could you have a look in my wallet and give me some financial advice?

This steem-everything is still not making sense to me.
The other day I converted onething into another and that should have given me more power, yet i feel no change.

maybe you see what i don't? O HELL, and just this post runs me out of bandwidth again LOL

The Bandwidth Conspiracy. Net Neutrality??? Come on steemit, this can't be right...

take 2, 3, 4... AAAAAAAGH. Social credit.... Gamified control, Social cooling... And already have an article ready that also needs to be posted. sigh

I already read your reply, and the article i'm trying to post will give you more insight in the neuron warfare that rages in my little brain. It looks like you are reading my mind..
don't be surprised when you read my article how close your brainwaves are to what I wrote this morning (many hours ago)

According to my bandwidth is slowly recovering...
16hr's it says ... yesterday it recovered a little faster
i'm now half a day waiting to get there 165hr's it said 12 hrs ago... So there is hope that i can post this before midnight.
I can't check to often because that also uses bandwidth....
Freedom of expression is only allowed to bitcoin bankers?

Hope not, I need to see proof of that. As a fresh born steemian don't have much to express here. People with a hyperactive grey area are doomed.

I have 4 posts in the pipeline and not even the bandwidth to do thisone. :-) I need some kind of magical soul-lution to get me out of this mess.

I wish I had a magic bandwidth wand ! You'd be my first wave! :-[ super aggravating ! I want to check these posts out!!
As far as the wallet question goes.. I actually have never paid much attention to it. lol I've been on here for over year but I just recently started trying to learn the logistics lol I used to just post and vote. I know it's rather complicated to understand because I've tried to research about it and my eyes glaze over 2 mins in and I'm lost lol I'm sorry, wish I could be of more help !

What a fun read! Love the story about the moon being made of cheese and space mice. Good luck on the contest. I like this conspiracy theory.

How do you find the time to write?!

LOL thanks @beeyou :) I had quite the imagination as a kid ;-) I don't know.. I spend time I probably should be doing other things writing.. also I plan my posts in my head during the day while I'm preoccupied so when I do have that 20 minute chunk or whatever I can get right down to it.. lol

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