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RE: TwinForge-Day 2 loggers entry

in #newbiegames6 years ago

1 [travel] .5S C1-C2 Heading to get my income (Assumed starting location is C1)
2 [action] 0S collect stipend (+7 Marks) from Steve
3 [travel] .5S C2-C1 Return to General Store
4 [action] 0S buy Stone Axe (-2 Marks)
5 [travel] 1S C1-B2 Head out to chop some wood
6 [action] 6S Cut down a tree (Do you need to chop a tree down to then chop logs from it? )
7 [action] 4S Chop 1 log
8 [action] 4S Chop 1 log
9 [action] 4S Chop 1 log
10 [travel] 2S B2-C2 Take the 3 logs to the logging camp
11 [action] Deliver 3 logs to Steve
12 [travel] .5S C2-C1Return to camp
13 [action] 0S Buy jerky and beans (-1 Mark)
14 [action] 5S Eat jerky and beans
15 [action] 10S Sleep in the open

Spent 22.5S, Recovered 15S
Gained 7 Marks, Spent 3 Marks
Cut down 1 tree and too 3 logs from it


you did all the stamina usage right however the stuff that doesn't require stamina can be grouped together in the same action number that you arrive there like
line 2 would have been on line 1
line 4 on line 3
line 11 can be put on line 10
line 13 on 12
as far as cutting a tree down before cutting logs yes that is the right thing after its cut down you have 20 logs you can cut from the fallen tree.
the only other thing you need to fix is the lines where you recover stamina should have [recover] not [action]
also you are turning in the logs to steve but c2 is the lumberyard(which is where you are supposed to turn it in) also the lumber mill is in c2
and where you sleep is the logging camp(also the general store is there)
here is your updated profile
tomorrow you will start with those stats/supplies and work from there.
be sure to also stop by steve at some point and pick up your daily stipend as well
also remember that your fallen tree is in b2 and has 17 logs left to cut from it

Ah, thanks for the info about 0S actions. will adjust in future to put them on the same line.

Re: C2 name - my bad. I thought the whole square was the logging camp with it being shared by the lumberyard and lumber mill. I thought C1 was the general store and campsite. But I can see how I got confused now. At least I travelled to the right locations, even if I didn't name them properly in the words.

logging camp and geenral store is c1 and lumberyard and lumber mill is c2 then a1,a2,b1,b2 is the forests and a3,b3,c3 is a river

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