TwinForge-Day 2 loggers entry

in #newbiegames6 years ago (edited)

our 1st day is done and now for a little assessment and adjustment to how day 1 went down
first of all i realized a bit to late that i did not give the best instructions for entering your daily logs and due to that i found myself going over the entries multiple times in order to make sure everything was correct for stamina and actions taken so
because of that i would like to introduce 3 statements to each numbered action you input so that it is easier for the both of us to check our results.
so from now on we will have a format to creating an action.
it will still be labeled 1-15
but the 1st things on each action will be 1 of 3 statements

[travel] which means any movement within the map
[recover] which is any action taken that gives a positive stamina be it food or sleep
[action] which is any action that uses stamina thats not travel based

after choosing 1 of these 3 actions i want you to put the amount of stamina that has changed before writing about which it is.
for example
1 [action] .5S

then add whatever action was taken for the stamina change and lastly if theres something else you wanted to add to the action that doesnt require any stamina like collecting Marks or building a fire then you add that last.
also for travel please add the locations from and to after the stamina input

final examples
1 [action] .5S cutting a log
2 [travel] .5S B1-C1
3 [recover] 10S sleep

information resources

guide to basics here
You must buy an axe before you can cut down any trees in the forest in order to buy an axe be sure to gather your 1st daily stipend at the logger boss office
sleeping without a sleeping bag or cabin = +10Stamina
Here is the map of the camp
logging camp with blocks.png
you can see information about the camp and general store here C1
and information about the lumberyard and mill here C2
and information about crafting recipes here
20 logs per tree can be cut
Each of the 4 forest areas(a1,a2,b1,b2) are able to be logged for trees however we do not wish to destroy these forests therefore no more than 20%(13 trees total) of each block may be logged at any 1 time
The forest naturally grows back 5%(about 3 trees) every week

Forest assessment

A1 64/64 trees 13 more trees can be cut from this then it will become locked for logging until it recovers to +90%
A2 64/64 trees 13 more trees can be cut from this then it will become locked for logging until it recovers to +90%
B1 58/64 trees 7 more trees can be cut from this then it will become locked for logging until it recovers to +90%
B2 63/64 trees 12 more trees can be cut from this then it will become locked for logging until it recovers to +90%

the log quota for the month is 1280 logs turned in by everyone
Q-bits you will earn 1 Q-bit for every 10 logs turned into steve at the lumber yard in C2
you can immediately sell the Q-bit to the general store in C1 for 10Marks or you can wait 3 days and turn it back into Steve for 20Marks

there is 1 more thing you can do with Q-bits if you give up a Q-bit to Steve he will allow you to put up any group of game items you wish to sell for Steem
this does not require any stamina or being in the lumberyard
you simply at the end of your daily entry offer a Q-bit to steve and place a price on any items you wish to sell that you have on you to anyone for any amount of steem .01 up to 100 steem that Q-bit is worth keeping your items for sale for a single day so while several of you could do that today i would advise against it as what you have gathered is probably to you not worth losing out on 20 Marks in the future for upgrades and benefits im just letting you know the option is there now.

onto the story

Day 2 meetup

Steve visits everyone at camp this morning and doesnt look so happy.
well it seems more than half of the people on the roster decided to sleep on day 1 and hung around the camp doing nothing.
just note you dont get your daily stipend for doing so and you lost a days worth of progress because of it.
those that did show up to work good job we were able to exceed individual daily quotas
you all turned in a combined 42 logs on day 1 which ironically is just 1 shy of the total quota needed per day by everyone
that being said i hope with the new day ahead of us we will achieve even better results.
and to help with that i want to introduce the


madeyearcher 6 logs
muscara 6 logs
willsaldeno 6 logs
enjar 6 logs
fmbs25 6 logs
allcapsonezero 6 logs
yeninsfer 6 logs

as you can see everyone yesterday that participated tied for 1st place. however i believe some of you may have pushed yourself a bit to far and you may find yourself wishing you had paced your stamina a little more.
that being said i will be updating this leaderboard each day and the top 3 people every week will earn a little bonus
and the top 10 people at the end of the month will earn a bigger bonus

so lets get out there and make this day even better alright?
1238 logs to go
be sure to check your profiles that were updated on day 1 and dont forget to drop by for your daily stipend from me in the lumberyard sometime today.
if you reach 0 stamina by doing to many actions before recovering you pass out for the day and wake up where you passed out with 10 stamina so lets try not to do that.

end of story now a word from our sponcers Twin forge the game

do you find yourself low on stamina and looking for enough Marks for your next meal? well i have a solution for you introducing steem powered subscription plans

This game is free to play for anyone that is part of the testing and also once the game becomes available to all that wish to play however there are subscription plans available that can give you certain benefits to help you along especially if you wish to play this game with as little steem/sbd spent these will push your ability to achieve things at a faster pace than without.

Tier 1/1 month subscription costs $1 usd equivalency in steem/sbd
Benefits include 10 mark daily stipends(+3 from original) and 5x hog mount vouchers(15 mark value)

Tier 2/1 month subscription costs $2 usd equivalency in steem/sbd
Benefits include 14 mark daily stipends(+7 from original) and 10x hog mount vouchers(30 mark value)

Tier 3/1 month subscription costs $3 usd equivalency in steem/sbd
Benefits include 21 mark daily stipends(+14 from original)and 15x hog mount vouchers(45 mark value)

if those arent enough bang for your buck you can become a lifetime subscriber to TwinForge and get the same benifits as the monthly subscriptions while paying a flat 1 time fee for the life of the game

Tier 1 LIFETIME subscription costs $10 usd equivalency in steem/sbd
Benefits include 10 mark daily stipends(+3 from original) and 5x hog mount vouchers(15 mark value)every month

Tier 2 LIFETIME subscription costs $20 usd equivalency in steem/sbd
Benefits include 14 mark daily stipends(+7 from original) and 10x hog mount vouchers(30 mark value)every month

Tier 3 LIFETIME subscription costs $30 usd equivalency in steem/sbd
Benefits include 21 mark daily stipends(+14 from original)and 15x hog mount vouchers(45 mark value) every month

In the future there will be more things you can buy(like land building blueprints and exclusive limited edition items) with steem/sbd directly from this account however for the time being these are the benefits available.


Day 2 of entry

1 - [Recover] 10S eat 2 meals j & b
2 - [Travel] 0.5S C1 to B1
3 - [Action] 3S cut 1 record
4 - [Action] 3S cut 1 register
5 - [Action] 3S cut 1 register
6 - [ Trip] 4S B1 to C2 between 3 registrations and 7 steve marks
7 - [Trip] .5S C2 t0 C1 buy 1 sleeping bag (5M) and 2 meals j & b (2M)
8 - [Trip] .5S C1 to B1
9 - [Recover] 10S eat 2 meals j & b
10 - [Action] 3S cut 1 record
11 - [Action] 3S cut 1 record
12 - [Action] 3S cut 1 record
13 - [Journeys] 4S B1 to C2 Rotate in 3 registers get 1 Q-bit
14 - [Trip] .5S C2 to C1
15 - [Recover] 15S sleeping in a sleeping bag

I'm reading from the game to understand and learn a little more every day. Thank you.

1 [recover] 10S eat 2 jerky and beans meals
2 [travel] .5S C1 to B1
3 [action] 3S cut 1 log
4 [action] 3S cut 1 log
5 [action] 3S cut 1 log
6 [travel] 4S B1 to C2 turn in 3 logs get 7Marks from steve
7 [travel] .5S C2 t0 C1 buy sleeping bag(5M) and 2 j&b meals(2M)
8 [travel] .5S C1 to B1
9 [recover] 10S eat 2 jerky and beans meals
10 [action] 3S cut 1 log
11 [action] 3S cut 1 log
12 [action] 3S cut 1 log
13 [travel] 4S B1 to C2 turn in 3 logs get 1 Q-bit
14 [travel] .5S C2 to C1
15 [recover] 15S sleep with sleeping bag

yay my 1st Q-bit and a sleeping bag and still managed 6 logs

Entry log day 2
1 [Travel] .5S C1 to B1
2 [Action] 3.5S Cut 1 log
3 [Action] 3.5S Cut 1 log
4 [Action] 3.5S Cut 1 log
5 [Travel] 4S B1 to C2 turn in 3 logs and acquire 7 Marks
6 [Travel] .5S C2 to C1 buy 3 Pork Jerky 3M
7 [Recover] 15S eat 3 Pork Jerky
8 [Travel] .5s C1 to B1
9 [Action] 3.5S Cut 1 log
10 [Action] 3.5S Cut 1 log
11 [Action] 3.5S Cut 1 log
12 [Travel] 4S B1 to C1 Turn in 3 get 1 Q-Bit
13 [Travel] C2 to C1 buy 1 sleeping bag
14 [Recover] 15S sleeping
15 No action.

16.5 Stamina, 132.5 Bronze axe, 0 Marks , 1 Q-bits (holding), 2 logs at C2. 6 Moss, 6 Twigs

1 [Recover] 10S eat my 2 jerky bean meals
2 [Travel] .5S C1 to B1
3 [Action] 3S cut 1 log
4 [Action] 3S cut 1 log
5 [Action] 3S cut 1 log
6 [Travel] 4S B1 to C2 get my 3 logs in to steve, get 7M
7 [Travel] .5S C2 to C1 buy sleeping bag for 5M and 2 jerky/beans for 2M
8 [Travel] .5S C1 to B1
9 [Recover] 10S eat 2 jerky and beans meals
10 [Action] 3S cut 1 log
11 [Action] 3S cut 1 log
12 [Action] 3S cut 1 log
13 [Travel] 4S B1 to C2 turn in 3 logs get 1 Q-bit
14 [Travel] .5S C2 to C1
15 [Recover] 15S sleep with sleeping bag

1 [travel] .5S C1-C2 Heading to get my income (Assumed starting location is C1)
2 [action] 0S collect stipend (+7 Marks) from Steve
3 [travel] .5S C2-C1 Return to General Store
4 [action] 0S buy Stone Axe (-2 Marks)
5 [travel] 1S C1-B2 Head out to chop some wood
6 [action] 6S Cut down a tree (Do you need to chop a tree down to then chop logs from it? )
7 [action] 4S Chop 1 log
8 [action] 4S Chop 1 log
9 [action] 4S Chop 1 log
10 [travel] 2S B2-C2 Take the 3 logs to the logging camp
11 [action] Deliver 3 logs to Steve
12 [travel] .5S C2-C1Return to camp
13 [action] 0S Buy jerky and beans (-1 Mark)
14 [action] 5S Eat jerky and beans
15 [action] 10S Sleep in the open

Spent 22.5S, Recovered 15S
Gained 7 Marks, Spent 3 Marks
Cut down 1 tree and too 3 logs from it

you did all the stamina usage right however the stuff that doesn't require stamina can be grouped together in the same action number that you arrive there like
line 2 would have been on line 1
line 4 on line 3
line 11 can be put on line 10
line 13 on 12
as far as cutting a tree down before cutting logs yes that is the right thing after its cut down you have 20 logs you can cut from the fallen tree.
the only other thing you need to fix is the lines where you recover stamina should have [recover] not [action]
also you are turning in the logs to steve but c2 is the lumberyard(which is where you are supposed to turn it in) also the lumber mill is in c2
and where you sleep is the logging camp(also the general store is there)
here is your updated profile
tomorrow you will start with those stats/supplies and work from there.
be sure to also stop by steve at some point and pick up your daily stipend as well
also remember that your fallen tree is in b2 and has 17 logs left to cut from it

Ah, thanks for the info about 0S actions. will adjust in future to put them on the same line.

Re: C2 name - my bad. I thought the whole square was the logging camp with it being shared by the lumberyard and lumber mill. I thought C1 was the general store and campsite. But I can see how I got confused now. At least I travelled to the right locations, even if I didn't name them properly in the words.

logging camp and geenral store is c1 and lumberyard and lumber mill is c2 then a1,a2,b1,b2 is the forests and a3,b3,c3 is a river

1 visited the loggers boss office and received my 7 Marks -.5 stamina C1 to C2
2 visited the general store bought 1 rusty axe(4M and 3 pork jerky and beans meals(3M) -.5 stamina C2 to C1
3 walked to the nearest forest block -.5 stamina C1 to B1
4 chopped down a tree -5 stamina
5 cut 1 log -3 stamina
6 cut 1 log -3 stamina
7 cut 1 log -3 stamina 17 logs left
8 visit the loggers boss office and turn in 3 logs -4 stamina B1 to C2
9 eat 1 j&b meal +5 stamina
10 walk back to my cut tree -1 stamina C2 to B1
11 cut 1 log -3 stamina
12 cut 1 log -3 stamina
13 cut 1 log -3 stamina 14 logs left
14 visit the loggers boss office and turn in 3 logs -4 stamina B1 to C2
15 go back to camp and sleep the day is over -.5 +10 stamina C2 to C1

Entry day 2

1 - [Recover] 10S eat 2 j&b meals
2 - [Travel] 0.5S C1 to B1
3 - [Action] 3S cut 1 log
4 - [Action] 3S cut 1 log
5 - [Action] 3S cut 1 log
6 - [Travel] 4S B1 to C2 turn in 3 logs get 7 Marks from steve
7 - [Travel] .5S C2 t0 C1 buy 1 sleeping bag(5M) and 2 j&b meals(2M)
8 - [Travel] .5S C1 to B1
9 - [Recover] 10S eat 2 j&b meals
10 - [Action] 3S cut 1 log
11 - [Action] 3S cut 1 log
12 - [Action] 3S cut 1 log
13 - [Travel] 4S B1 to C2 turn in 3 logs get 1 Q-bit
14 - [Travel] .5S C2 to C1
15 - [Recover] 15S sleep in sleeping bag

Day 2Entry logStamina 23/30Marks 0Q-Bits 0
1[travel](C1 to B2) -> Off into the woods-1 = 2200
2[action]Cut 1 log (13 logs left)- 4 = 1800
3[action]Cut 1 log (12 logs left)- 4 = 1400
4[action]Cut 1 log (11 logs left)- 4 = 1000
5[travel](B2 to C2) -> Took 3 logs to Steve + got my 7 Marks and 1 Q-Bit-2 = 871
6[recover]Lunchtime: -1 Pork Jerky + Beans+5 = 1371
7[travel](C2 to B2) -> Back into the woods- 0.5 = 12.571
8[action]Cut 1 log (10 logs left)- 4 = 8.571
9[action]Cut 1 log (9 logs left)- 4 = 4.571
10[travel](B2 to C2) -> Took 2 logs to Steve-1.5 = 371
11[travel](C2 to C1) -> Back to Camp. General Store: bought 1 sleeping bag + 2 Pork Jerky+Beans.- 0.5 = 2.5-7 = 01
12[recover]Ate 2 Pork Jerky+Beans. Sleep+ 10 + 15 = 27.501


  • 1 Stone Axe (Stamina: 90 - 5 x 4 (cut log) = 70 S left)
  • 1 Pork Jerky + Beans

Edit: Q-Bit aquired in Action 5, adjusted the table for Q-Bits

Profile updated
only thing you forgot was on action 5 to mention you got your 1st q-bit everything else was good.

I'll edit it :)

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