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RE: Untalented newcomers competition - Prize 1sbd -steemit frustrations!

in #newbiegames6 years ago (edited)

I would love to move up from rep 39, where I have been stuck since Noah fell off the ark! My plan of action is to post my own stuff more, hopefully this is the way to go? I'm working on it, just need two more hours in each day.
Also desperate to increase my voting power, so will enlist the help of one of the angels in newbieresteem to help me move stuff in my wallet to the right place. At the same time will ask for an explanation as to why my upvote means $0 one minute, and the next gives $0.01?


Regarding rep, just keep writing :) I had some big jumps from having @curie upvote me, though if you can plough enough money through something like @buildawhale, you can raise your reputation quite quickly. That's not what I've done - not enough spare cash (or indeed any spare cash, lol). But I have seen some people get to a rep of 65 in about a six weeks by spending about 200 SBD per day. In this case, that's the only way they would ever get that far, as they post the most appalling and self-indulgent tosh.

The dollar value of your vote fluctuates depending on the US Dollar value of Steem. When Steem is high, your vote is worth more. Same thing happens with pending post payouts due to movements in the price of Steem Dollars. I once watched my post payout drop by $20 over a week as the cryptocurrency had a 'correction'.

Thanks for the advice @samueldouglas. Unfortunately I don't have spare cash either, will jack up my writing. I'm just strapped for time like most of us I think. Appreciate the explanation!

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