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RE: Introduce Yourself: Secret Gardener

in #newbie7 years ago

Welcome aboard!

Well, you've got me on dogs (I'm a pet-sitter), gardening ('ragtag style'), and strokes (had one a year ago).

I'm thinking there's some room for chatting in there somewhere... ;~D


Sounds like we have tons in common! Thanks for the welcome... and hope life post-stroke is treating you kindly. Big hugs x

Yes, thanks, I'm doing well. It only zapped my speech and that's much better now. I was back to work within two weeks. I was very lucky.

Sounds like your recovery is going well. So pleased you landed here and I think you'll find lots of new friends.

I was also back to work after 2 weeks.... and although it didn't initially damage my voice, it's come back for that a few years later... I recently started speech therapy as my voice is beginning to weaken and distort. But we'll get there. Otherwise - doing great! xx

Wow, that's got to be a frustrating development. I'm glad they found the root cause of the problem and fixed it. (They checked me for that condition, too. No hole. Yay!) I hope the therapy helps you keep your voice a good long time.

My issue is actually forming the words and speaking smoothly. If I try to hurry or say too much at once - it's like gridlock. A deep breath and re-grouping my thoughts helps me get back on track.

Gridlock sounds grim! I'm Irish - so used to talking fast - but for a time after my stroke entire sentences did seem to come out as short incomprehensible 'bleeps'... found I was really prone to swearing too! Most unlike me :)

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