RE: Alan watts - why we're so depressed
I don't know. To feel misunderstood is just a snapshot, I think. Were there no moments when you could feel an understanding through the encounters here? Although I do realize that not much of this remains permanent. From my point of view, there is no fixed point where this happens and from then on it may always be so. Just yesterday I had exactly this topic with someone else and he answered me:
Perhaps because a person can only see/understand, depending on where they are at. It may not be possible to grasp what is many levels beyond us.
And perhaps it's not a matter meant to be conveyed. I mean, what's the ultimate point of trying to "show" anyone...? Versus, perhaps at the higher levels, the responsibility becomes to use the power at those levels in service - more adapting to where others are at, weaving the spells that act as an invitation for them to level up a step or two...
Is it that your texts are a kind of spiritual food and are at times more suspected than understood and the answers don't really need to come back to you in the form that it feeds you?
Do you not see yourself more as a servant of a divine food than an eater and you in turn feed on those who before you offer you all kinds of food through the books and texts that you have grown dear for yourself and your advancement on your path?
You told me that people should be respected for what they are able to express/recognize and stop preaching. Don't you owe that respect to yourself? What people believe themselves about their psychobabble, in the end, does not fall on fertile earth anyway, it is probably rather a childlike desire to be confirmed by others at first. Anyone who lies in each other's pockets will soon find out and if not, it's not up to you or me.
I think it's a matter of deciding whether you think only hot air is being moved here or something of value is being created. As long as it takes. Looking back at my blog from over ten years ago, I can say in the retrospective that I learned a lot there. It was valuable to me - that'll do it. I no longer have any contact with anyone who left me comments at the time. That's all right. People are moving away, but I stay with myself and should watch to be in my own company and not fall too much on the nerves of the others around me. There are more than enough people on the road to do this job brilliantly and peddle me their suffering and steal everyone's time. In fact, one must help them not to neglect their own spiritual greatness and encourage them to show their best instead of their worst; IF they want that support. This is one of the hardest things to do, because no one has taught you to encourage a person who only sees black and therefore does not despise or avoid him. People seek and find each other and some never manage to encourage each other in such a way that their environment suddenly pulls them into their confidence and expects them to grow beyond themselves.
If you burn out here and do your last, so be it. It is a great experience and your channel does not offer trivialities, but you offer yourself with all your energy and creative power. You will be paid later.
All that time you spent here, how would you have filled it? Would you have thought there were people out there who would go that deep with you? When was the last time you had a pen pal?
Still, I don't think you appreciate it as little as you give the impression. What it takes in strength and effort to write to such an extent cannot be done without finding some kind of satisfaction in it.
You may not be nice, but you're not unfriendly.
I think it's normal that our two egos collide and why not? In any case, I am not yet an awakened person and therefore have an ego, which here and there comes up and is offended. But I can get over it at a pace that surprises and makes me happy. I hardly would let anyone else tell me as much as I let you tell me. It usually takes me longer to accept so much from a human being. I just wish you'd accept this gift better.
If you're tired of us lying to ourselves, it should be more than enough, if you'll stop doing it for your part.
The esoteric insights that you think no one would share with you: are you sure that this is not the case?
What is occult must remain occult: so that is probably the case. Otherwise, it would be something else and could be scientifically investigated. It seems to me more like you're making the choice of being and wanting to stay alone. It's not for me to judge. At the most, I'm gonna miss you a lot here, my sister.
It can be scientifically (Anthroposophy=spiritual science) investigated. It's what I did every day when I wasn't working on this experiment. It is something I am continuously trying to manipulate you to see without providing any specific method or language (there are many)....
One tiny step farther away from the ego and you can see it too.
You know that the beautiful things you say arrive and resound. I know you know.
The questions you ask are not relevant, and I know you can know that so easily, too.
The statements you make are all true and right and very full of heart.
I will miss you too. But I must stay close to the Heart. Here there is nothing that can add to it. This is not to judge anyone as not good enough! There are some amazing souls here I wish I had as friends in real life. It is just that I have work to do and what I find here is distracting.
I see.
I am not quite sure if it's distracting all the time. Sometimes it's attracting and I can take it out of here into my real life. I must not let it dominate my daily life, though.
Yes, I really would like to have a tea party with all the wonderful women and men here. I know it doesn't work that way. :)