
Alan Watts has been my Icon for all of my life,
Thanks to his knowledge and wisdom I am doing what I'm doing today & every day in my life

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”

Namasté & lots of love
Nama & Robin

Thanks for commenting
i'm becoming a big fan of Alan's work there's so much truth and wisdom in what he talks about.
I am trying to live in the now but find it a bit of a challenge.
I really enjoyed watching your vlog-guide to Capetown part 1.
The views look awesome and paragliding I would love to do.
You are a great inspiration to many people including myself.
Thanks for sharing.✌️

Then we are on the same path my friend!
I make my videos with the purpose to inspire people to reach for their dreams.
& while doing so I myself live life fully in the moment :)

here let me share you a link to my last episode where I make you fly around Mount Bouquet where I now stay & learn how to fly:

(I speak in french but put English subtitles in my videos)

Very excited to meet you on this growing platform my friend!
Namasté & Lots of Love
Nama & Robin

A very young Alan. Resteemed because I was discussing depression with someone in my feed who also adores Watts.

I appreciate the resteem thanks.
I have only recently cum across Alan's great work,I love listening to him talk, such a wise and knowledgeable man.

I guess that's me :)
Staying at my man's place as we are having a vacation, my son is at his father's and I must wait for the telephone guy to come as I a "ran" out of Internet connection. Steemed just a little but not much.
Did you read my last article? I thought of you while writing it.

Yes, that was you!

And yes, I saw the reference as I browsed your article!
I wondered a lot about who you see as your target audience afterwards. The same wonderment, needless to say, applies to myself.

I am at a loss as to explain how also that post was 90% mind (very warm and personable though it was; but that's never a contradictio in terminis....). It says more about me that I even read it that way! I think I'd be a proper journalist if I could write like you with my head screwed on properly.

May the power soon be back with you. May this refer to the internet, but only partially.

my audience is those people who actually read what is written there. To whom it may have given something.

Yes, 90 % was indeed mind; only the first paragraphs I worked through my heart. If you can still not identify the difference it's probably because of how you read it and how I failed to transport it. Maybe the intention counts more than the performance.

Internet will be back tomorrow, the other powers ... who knows. Right now it's too lovely outside.

Interesting, if it is not a snubbed answer that puts it flippantly, like saying a writer writes, you mean to say you write for yourself and then wait to see who reads you?

Too lovely outside? Where's the discipline! (joke). I know exactly what you mean, it's a massive challenge sticking at it, right now!

Listen, this head/heart thing will take more deep metaphysical language for us to see eye to eye on. I know you are able to see what I am saying and I will wait till you want to. In the meantime, show me a writer who writes from the heart - unambivalently - according to you. I don't know it that is the right way to classify writing (not accurate enough, spiritually scientifically speaking). But it's something you pulled up to examine first!

What can we call #trucklife-family, #thenamadicway, #elementm, #tyger-tyger? (To begin with some very discrepant Steemians). Are they more purely themselves than you or me ever can be here (we seem much more on the fence and defensive; maybe with our treasured minds to lose)?. Don't forget, I never said writing from the heart was the be all and end all! Personally, I am not sure the heart belongs here on Steemit as much as you may think it does.....

You are often challenging me and I take the stick. In a good way, I mean. When you told me I should make no mistake as I talk nine out of ten times from my mind I was examining this and found that it's probably true. It's not easy though to transport talking from the heart as it takes a speaker and a listener and is not a one-way street. One day I published a poem and a user answered: I actually do not understand exactly what you've expressed but somehow I feel I do. ... Something like that...

Writing and publishing sometimes create surprising answers/interpretations. My man often says that a piece of art can produce a feeling in the viewer which the artist himself was not intending or haven't thought of at all. Though artists also leave it open what people might interpret what is shown. There is much going on in the background.

I imagine a huge area floating above the writer and making him write what he writes. He is forced to channel what is going on in him and if he succeeds in bringing a breath of the big picture through this channel to the other end, something seems to succeed. And then it is what is not mentioned and not said that reaches the recipient or makes him puzzled, ... the pauses between the sentences. As with the drum music, which first transports the rhythm through the breaks (this is what Alan Watts once said). I think you're good at picking up what isn't said and spinning yourself along this thread. And yet something only becomes true if the parties involved feel it be true. I acknowledged your evaluation. Now I am irritated as if I haven't understood what you meant. ...

The comparison you suggest may make it more clear, I don't know yet as I haven't looked at the other accounts.

I am in the same boat as I haven't said either that writing from the heart is superior to what the mind suggests. I think a combination of both is doing well ... and then, it depends where I am at the moment... there are no definitive answers, aren't there?

We swing together and then we lose the rhythm and then come back again to harmony. Much of it is a habit as well. We need disharmony as much as harmony to make the difference.

I actually prefer not to care so much if the heart belongs here on Steemit as I may think. Already I had connections which touched me ever so often ... on other days it seems trivial and then again important. It becomes totally irrelevant when there is nobody out of Steemit with whom I can exchange my experiences here. If there is no connection than this realm gets surreal.

As I used to come here regularly in the morning this can be compared to a ritual - now, as I wasn't able to do that (missing Internet) I thought that I could get used to something else. Well ... as long as the possibilities play into my hand and you and some other people are around I will be around, too.

@conformity: sorry to use your thread ... I hope you don't mind.

It will form a big hole in my routine too, when I leave.
I shall go as I came, gravely misunderstood, with nobody to share my esoteric insight with. It teaches me why what is occult must stay occult. Now only hoping it will help me on my journey out then!

To care or not to care, I suppose that is what it is all about. But I can't think in such terms clearly anymore. I am not a sweet and gentle person. I am a very very frutstated woman sick and tired of the lies we tell ourselves. It makes me very insensitive to stepping on toes.

I can (still) sense that my probing is considered belligerent and makes you defensive. I crush your ego with mine. It is a stupid gladiator fight!

But wouldn't it be so much more arrogant of me to say: where you are is fine. It is all good. Peace be with you.

Peace is with you anyway. You are old enough and loved enough and have enough status in society (real life) to be ten times more peaceful than me.

It is all NOT good, though, when more than one are gathered here and there is still nothing TRULY moved but hot air. Steemit leaves me sick every single night. It leeches energy. I was merely wondering if you might have seen that too and could name where to.

Why do we do it? I have to read self-deception after self-deception and make-believe and self-promotion: it's not healthy! It's mad that we keep coming back for more. Yet we do. Is it love?

Like you I wish we could connect to the people here on something that needs no nonsense words. For me, my only hope is high academic excellence. If I hear anymore new age or psychobabbel drivel I'll drill a hole in my forehead.

Conformity is fine. He's conforming the stream with Watts and more that costs him no effort to post. Give him another vote and he'll never mind. He better not: why do we allow people to use other people's work exclusively to earn votes? I'm not going to stop him. At least its'a quality post.


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