How's Your Steemit Journey So Far? Tips For Newbies! Happy Birthday @steemit

in #new7 years ago (edited)

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Hello my fellow #plankton, #newbies and #minnows and other larger ocean dwellers!

This is now my 3rd month on #steemit and I must say it's been an interesting and very insightful platform of discovery, full of mainly, great quality content and frankly, lovely, creative and helpful people.

So here's a massive thanks to all the ones that have supported me and my music, tolerated my hyperactive ramblings and quirky ways!


(Let's get the negatives out the way first)
Apologies for repeating what has already been said a thousand times regarding this subject but, I'd like to have a little rant to get it off my chest.
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There are however, the #plagiarist types among us that think, a simple #copyandpaste with a crappy photo is still an acceptable way of making some #money on #steemit, but thanks to @cheetah bot and the respected users among us, they will be continuously unearthed I'm sure, as well as being flagged by us all that are completely against this 'anti-creative' and frankly, irritating shennaigans.
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It's such a simple task to credit the great resources that #google have to offer, by simply adding [Source] Followed by the url to your post inside brackets ()

Thanks to @LLFarms for helping me with this!

Now, I may be wrong with my understanding of this but, think I'm kind of right? so please bare with me.
There are of course, the other account holders, which seem to have invested huge sums of money in Steem (I wish) that then post 1 picture with a 4 lined paragraph about 'How nice the view is out of the window' and somehow, get loads of up-votes and a healthy SBD payday to boot!

The last few weeks have been tough for me. I was really flagging with all the late nights spent on here and #discord, trying to battle with my own Mental health issues and ridiculous paranoia, working full time in my tutor job with special needs children, and trying to get them through their mock exams, being a father, networking, researching and creating music content for my blog, in the hope that someone with a big influence here could give me a much needed boost and take me under their whale fin.



I'm pleased to say, it did happen, and why did it? for ease, to help me out? why should they? they must of started out as a tiny plankton in this huge ocean that is Steemit when it all started in 2016. Is it that I write decent songs? Or is it because, I take the time to comment on my posts comments left by others? dip in and out of discord chats? speak to like minded people here? because after all, it is a social portal and social means to COMMUNICATE with others and COMMUNITY. The sharing of ideas and involving yourself to create some worth is of such importance on Steemit.


Then, on Sunday 11th March I was directed to a web page that I thought was Steemit. In fact, it was a mirror image of Steemit called Steewit

Please do not use your master password to login anywhere because, IT'S A BLOODY NIGHTMARE TRYING TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK.

I wrote a blog all about this on my @darrenclaxton page the day my new account was set up my my good friend @meno

Thanks to my #helpie family here on Steemit for getting me back to where I was with my old @mrbloom account.
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I've gone from 25 rep to 56 rep in just 14 days which is no mean feat! It's such a positive reminder for me, and other new users, how posting genuine time spent content is of such importance. My music has obviously created some connections and emotive feelings in others, for them to be so generous and helpful in supporting my journey here.

My latest track

Isn't life weird? I mean, let's compare and contrast here for a moment? Your bank account is hacked, they have your login details, they change them so you are unable to access your hard earned cash. This happens whilst you're asleep so have only idea how much has been transferred to some random account on the other side of the planet. So the question remains, would a total stranger set up a new bank account for you and deposit 50 quid (slang for GBP pounds) in there? just to 'Get you back on your feet'
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Would they continue to support you emotionally and keep you feeling positive etc? The answer is a big fat NO! And that is why, my friends, I absolutely love this place! I'd like to think there are other brilliant people out there like our #helpienaut family that would support their fellow #steemians if this awful hacking business ever happened to one of their fellow users.
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Then I see this tree the other day whilst out walking with my family. It had forced it's way through the slats of that bench, and I thought to myself, 'the struggle is real, life is tough, you must remain resilient in an ever changing world which is full of twists, turns and struggles...this tree endeavoured to grow, to push through no matter what and just kept trying to succeed and survive! and that is now how I think of Steemit, a challenge, some crazy social experiment, a game and frankly, something to look forward to each day.

Thanks for reading my post!
I wanted to just say that, you're not alone on your steemit journey and that I have total empathy for you if you're only getting minimal comments, votes and payouts. Those few cents or bucks for our hard earned efforts will pay off in the end...I'm hopeful, and so should you be.

Use the bots on if you want to increase your post visibility, some frown upon this but I really don't see a problem if used appropriately for good content.

Points to remember:

Take your time to post good quality content
Credit others when using Google resources
Be kind, considerate and helpful
Remember why you signed up
Stay motivated and focussed
Avoid plagarism at every opportunity
Sign up to Discord
And most importantly of all, HAVE FUN and make friends, not enemies.
Thanks again and please feel free to leave me a comment, vote or re-steem if you enjoyed this post.

#steemthat #steemthatshare


Thanks for the encouraging words. Glad to see you fully restored after the hack. #phoenix

Thanks @ulqu3 it's been a journey so far here on steemit! Loving it though! These things are sent to try us.

You Have done so well considering what happened to your account. Keep up the awesome work Darren you are very talented. Although it was horrible what happened these things make us stronger and you will get through this... good on you for not giving up. You are awesome and you deserve to do well on this platform :)

Hey @melissakellie you are a very kind, supportive and have such a wise head upon those young shoulders! I'm glad I stuck around! My dream is to make this my day job!
Cheers again for being a legend!

What a basterds taking away what you worked hard for!!
A saw the steewit clone site a few weeks ago, I clicked on the link, but I noticed it right away luckily.
Hope you didn't lose to much money?
Have a nice day!!

Yes they sure were! I'm over that now! And thanks to the massive support of my fellow #helpienauts I'm flying once more like the Phoenix that I am.

I must say my journey so far on steemit hasn't been a smooth one, but I can gladly say I've learnt alot from my experience here which is helping me greatly in my life generally.
Thank you @darrenclaxton for this great post, it has given me more confidence.

You're welcome my friend! Just keeping posting your good content and doors will open!

Well done for recovering from all that and pushing through!! I'm new to all this and frankly it gets quite disheartning know, investing a lot of time and personal experience into something and then getting little response. But hey, if my posts inspire just a few, i'll be a happy girl. Good luck to you too my friend!!!

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