New wheels

in #new7 years ago (edited)

After contemplating the high cost of repairing the old bike in preparation to the upcoming adventures I decided I'm better off buying a new one.

So, after doing quite a bit of research, visiting a few bike shops and calculating how much I'm willing to spend, here I am:

click on the image to see it in full resolution

This is my new "partner in crime" when it comes to exploring the countryside and mountain roads.

Yesterday, even if it was very cold and I wasn't fully recovered after my cold, I had to take her out for a spin and it was glorious: better brakes, smoother gear changes and much better riding position. Because the frame fits my size better ( the last bike was a bit small for me) I had much better strength cycling uphill.

Even though this week the weather is going full winter again I hope I'll get an opportunity to have some fun with my new toy :)

And of course, I have to do my signature remix reserved for when I get new stuff, this time with the lyrics: "I've got new wheels" :))

Have a great week everybody!

imageedit_1_4312027681 - Copy.png

My name is Adrian a.k.a "The nearsighted traveler". I'm a running enthusiast who loves to spend time enjoying nature. I write mostly about running, the places I explore and the interesting stuff I learn here on steemit.
If you are new to this platform you might want to check out these posts:

5 Easy Rules for Navigating The Steem Ecosystem
The 6th Easy Rule for Navigating the Steem Ecosystem

And if you want a good laugh you can visit my other account @cmmemes where I fail at being funny but persevere anyway :)


Sa o folosesti cu placere !

:)))) Multumesc Ana, cand mai scrii un post mai lung? am vazut ca te-ai axat pe poze :)

hahaha, tu erai singurul care le citea ...
Nu prea am avut chef de Steemit in ultima perioada dar imi revin eu. Oricum scopul meu este sa public numai fotografii, las povestile pentru cei ce se pricep la asta.

@ananuaremere deci nu sunt singura care trece printr-o perioada mai nefasta
o fi astentie de iarna :))

Mie imi spui? alergatul imi e pe nicaieri, nici nu ma gandesc sa bag bicicleta noua prin zapada si noroi deci stau si ma uit la ea cum vegeteaza in casa, cand merg la lucru trebuie sa am grija sa nu-mi rup gatul pe gheata....e un sezon de vis :))

Iarna asta se cam întrece serios cu gluma! :)))

O alegere buna, sa o stapanesti sanatos, Adrian!

Bicicletele sunt totdeauna o alegere buna, cu conditia sa te feresti de masini :) mersi de gandurile bune.

Sa o stapanesti sanatos!

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