
Yessssssssss now you got your slider. You can say the amount ! Let me know if you need more help 😉

Thank you so much @brittandjosie !

Glad to hear you got the message. I was a little afraid you had already given up, and I was too late.

Try to.make the most of it!

Thanks @simplymike ! Yes, I started using steemit much less as couldn't justify spending all the time here with little reward...
will try to make the most of it, as you say :) Thanks again!

I can understand. I'm in bit of a luxury position, since I don't have a lot of obligations during the day. I'm still recovering from surgeries I had, so I'm not allowed to do a lot yet.
So it is probably different for me than for you, but the moment I let go of the monetary rewards, and started considering SteemIt as a normal social platform, I didn't have to justify spending time here anymore. I'm just having fun and enjoying the conversations I have, and realizing I have already learned so much by being on here. The money is a nice bonus, but in the list of reasons why I'm still here, the money is probably one of the least important.
But again, that's easy to say when you have all the time in the world...

That's the main thing, everything requires time and there are only so many hours in the day...

I hope you are getting better after your surgeries, sorry to hear you are incapacitated. But as you say, this means you can spend more time on steemit - there's a silver lining everywhere, if you look for it! :)
Get well soon!

Thanks. I'm lobbying to get 72 hours in a day, but so far no luck. And even then I wouldn't be sure if I would get everything done, lol

LOL , 72 hours would be great!

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