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RE: Frame loom ornament.

in #needleworkmonday5 years ago

This is such a great post! :D Love the necklace :-) Yes, I'd buy something like that, and I believe handmade objects should have a good price as it's mostly time/labour that you pay for :-) I'm currently thinking about how to price my felted scarfs - they take 3 hours to make, and according to hourly rates in The Netherlands I should at least ask 150,- for them - but it feels a bit expensive? Or maybe not? Sometimes pricing things higher has a psychological effect too - where if something is expensive people might think 'that's because it's so unique/rare/special'.

So definitely don't go too low. What would I pay for a unique necklace like this one? Hmmm. I think if it was priced 20-30 euros I wouldn't think too long about it :-) Hope that helps.


Pricing handmade objects is difficult and often they are sold much to cheap. When I see socks at church bazaars etc. with price tags of € 20 or less I never know whether to weep or rage...

Yes. It's hard. Even with my scarfs I somehow feel that the bigger ones should be priced more than the smaller ones even though the same amount of work goes into them regardless of size :D So there's a total disconnect between the actual work I put in them and what I think I 'can' price them.

Maybe I should go the other route and totally price them for the work I put in. And teach people the value of art/handmade in the meanwhile :-) I see fellow felters ask 30 euros (sooo cheap) and 250 euros (actually what it costs in hours * European hourly loan).

Thank you @soyrosa from both of us, for your kind words and for the price estimation!
I know how hard it is to give a price on a handmade creation and I am totally incapable of doing so :)
You are doing a nice job with your scarfs, I am waiting to see more!

You're welcome! :-) How much time goes into making one? You should see if you can calculate how much you normally earn in an hour and see if the price of the necklace will still be 'reasonable' :-)

Yes, we have thought of that approach but I thought that a little opinion poll doesn't hurt :)

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