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RE: Why NeedleWorkMonday should rule the world

Yes, the migraines are not so funny... I still hope...and every well-wishing help :-D
You said you liked one of the sweaters, but I am not sure which sweater you mean? The yellow one I am holding in my hands? Or one of the baby sweaters?
And your situation really seems to be very similar. Yarn/wool is also super expensive here and I very often buy it on eBay.
Speaking of beautiful cities, I imagine Israel is full of them with such a vast history. But sadly, a little bit too far away for me.


Yes, I wrote about the sweater that you hold in your hands. Israel is very original as the whole East - some people like it here and some do not. We like it because we love archeology, especially the biblical. it's very interesting to go and see the places you read about in the Bible. my girlfriend now travels to France and sends us photos and videos. you have fabulous shops and beautiful cities!

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