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RE: NeedleWorkMonday - Crochet on the Go!

Let me answer this very short: NEVER! 😄😄😄 As I already told @marblely, I get so ill in cars or busses, there is no chance for me to knit or crochet. I cannot look down or I have to 🤮
Going by train is a bit better, but the trains here are mostly overbooked, so it is hard to assemble yarn and suitcases somewhere.
Your hat is great, the colours are fresh and snowy, they remind me of old films were poeple are skying an celebrating on an alm :-D This is a beautiful gift for your granddad.
I am still on my headband-gift-making spree and after I gifted the first one to my mother, she was inspired to pick up knitting again (she has stopped to do this many years ago) I hope she has fun with knitting again and I am a bit proud that I motivated her to start again... She is now also making a headband :-D

I hope your visit was a nice and relaxing one <3 <3 and I cross my fingers for your van (our washing mashine broke today 😱😱😱 I hope we can repair it alone...)


We sure don’t want your dinner to end up on your knitted work...😨

Thank you!!! Haa it does have an old time feel to it. Perhaps it’s the matte finish I put on the photo.

Oh wow that’s so great that you have inspired your mom to knit again. I hope she enjoys herself as well. Did I miss the headband? You haven’t shown them yet have you? I’d love to see your mom’s too!

It was so nice and relaxing. Thanks, it looks like we might have to get another’s the engine. 😰 I hope you can repair your washing machine too.

Nooo you missed nothing, I thought I make a million some more headbands before posting :-D I did not take good/helpful process photos.
And with your car this does not sound too good, sorry to hear. Our car broke down last month, but we were so fortunate to get Romans parents old car, so no real cost for us (buying a car would have been a desaster) I am super grateful that they helped us. I hope you also get some support!!!!

The washing mashine was not the culprit, it was the plumping (we noticed after fumbling several hours around on the washing mashine 😆😆). The house we live in is very old (and beautiful) but not renovated and so we often have such problems. The landlord sadly does next to nothing. As I already told @muscara we (and our friends in the flat above) have regular water damage.... but they always repair it superficial, so the next problem is inevitable.

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