NeedleworkMonday: Steempeak, 1 1/2 finished projects and why I love the Zauberball yarn [Ger/Eng]

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

More about the socks further down

Steempeak's peaks: Bookmarks

You know the situation: you read a post (perhaps a really great tutorial with a #needleworkmonday tag?) and think "I should bookmark that!". Well, of course our browser does that. And if you're good you even have a folder labeled "Steem". But if your Steem-folder there is like mine... well, good luck finding anything again ;)Ihr kennt das: Man liest einen Post (ein gutes Tutorial oder so) und denkt euch "Das sollte ich in meine Lesezeichen packen!". Das kann man mit dem Browser machen. Und wenn ihr ordentlich arbeite habt ihr auch einen Steemit-Ordner in den Lesezeichen dort. Aber wenn euer Ordner so aussieht wie meiner - viel Spaß beim Suchen!
Enter Steempeak. There you can bookmark posts with just a click on a little icon at the top of the page - it will change its colour from gray to blue.Hier kommt Steempeak ins Spiel. Lesezeichen können mit einem kurzen Klick auf ein kleines Symbol rechts im Titelbereich des Posts gesetzt werden - das Symbol verändert dann die Farbe von grau auf blau.
To see these bookmarks you go to a drop-down menu at the upper right corner and you get a list of all of them in chronological order. I love that you can see the avatar pictures there (if @kimmac had one). There you find another icon you click on to tag the bookmark. Afterwards the icon changes from gray to blue and hovering above it will show the tags.Um die Lesezeichen anzuschauen nutzt man das Dropdown-Menü oben rechts und bekommt sie in chronologischer Reihenfolge gezeigt. Schön finde ich dass sie Avatare (so der Steemian das hat) gezeigt werden - oft hat man ja den "Täterkreis" des gesuchten Posts schon eingegrenzt ;)

Rechts ist das Icon zum Vergeben von tags - einfach klicken und eingeben (mit Leertaste "aktivieren"). Wurden tags eingegeben ändert sich auch die Farbe dieses Symbols von grau zu blau und mit Schweben des Mauszeigers werden sie angezeigt.
tag 1.jpgtag 2.jpg
Here's a part of the list of tags - you see how many are tagged this way and with clicking on it the posts are shown in list form.Hier ein Aussschnitt der tag-Liste - man sieht wieviele Posts mit einem tag versehen sind und kann auf einen Begriff klicken um sich die Posts auflisten zu lassen.

The poll sock

One week - one finished sock. The other one has to wait a bit because yesterday evening I had an idea for a "small project" that I want to do first. You know how that is ;) I will tell you more about it tomorrow!

Eine Woche - ein Socken. Der zweite Socken muss ein wenig warten - ich hatte gestern abend die Idee für ein anderes Projekt das unbedingt vorgezogen werden muß. Ihr kennt das vielleicht ;) Mehr darüber gibt's morgen!

Live long and prosper

My Spock-mitts are finished! The buttonhole on the right one is a bit difficult to see. I made it because I wanted to be able to use the smart phone without having to remove the mitts. It's a bit big and a bit low on the finger - it should sit right at the first joint of the index finger.

Meine Spock-Handschuhe sind fertig! Leider sieht man das Knopfloch am rechten etwas schwer. Ich habe das eingearbeitet weil ich zum Bedienen meines Handys nicht immer die Handschuhe ausziehen wollte. Es ist ein wenig zu groß und vor allem etwas zu niedrig - es sollte direkt am ersten Fingergelenk sitzen.


Zauberball (=magical ball) yarn skeins are special because they are unique. They consist of two different threads that are twisted into one. The threads have the same colour but in different sequences and lengths. So every skein is different. They come in different colourways with colour combinations often seem strange at first sight. But they work and produce stunning results. Zauberball yarn is durable yet soft. Well, and kind of expensive :(
Zauberbälle haben etwas Besonderes: jedes Knäuel ist einzigartig, es besteht aus zwei Fäden die miteinander verdreht werden. Diese beiden Fäden haben zwar identische Farben - aber in anderen Abfolgen und Längen. Zauberbälle gibt es in vielen interessanten Farbkombinationen die auf den ersten Blick oft seltsam wirklen. Aber sie ergeben stets beeindruckende Strickstücke. Das Garn ist weich aber haltbar - und das hat natürlich seinen Preis :(

More Zauberball yarn

10% of this post's rewards automatically go to @t-r-f, the SteemFest 2018 Travel Reimbursement Fund.
10% der Einnahmen dieses Posts gehen automatisch an @t-r-f, einem Reisekostenunterstützungsfond für das SteemFest.

I need to watch some tutorials on knitting socks. Your socks are beautiful.

Socks: beautiful
Mittens: also, beautiful
Steempeak: a mystery
I am still so old school and using the normal steem interface. I tell myself daily I should change... but than I am back again. Nevertheless you are helping with all your tips <3
And with the phonehole, perhaps you shortly thought you are preparing for a vulcan mind meld which needs more fingers outside the mitten 😜

Shoppel wolle is so beautiful. They really have such extraordinary colour combinations. But you are right, not cheap...

Re Steempeak: I started using it early in my Steemit life, after perhaps seven weeks. So I didn't really get used to another frontend.

I love zauberball too!
Socks and mitts turned out wonderful!
(yeah, I guess I should get an avatar picture) 😌
I also love the bilingual posts! Helps augment my high school German!

If you like to color: a "Get to Know Germany" coloring book

Thank you for the help on how to bookmark, @muscara... I normally do open searches but it's hard to find things so I will investigate steempeak...

I've seen other steemians use this two column system, is there a site
where I can learn about that ?

OK. Columns in Steemit-posts...

Two different ways:

  • use tables with markdown code (that's what I did for the Steempeak explanation). It's quite simple and you can theoretically have any numbers of columns, using only | or - tutorial
  • use html - I copied the empty code for it into each of my templates at Steempeak because as long as they are empty they don't show in the post. It's a bit more complicated but in the end works quite well with copy/paste. Tutorial but take care: you can't put links or images in these columns in the usual markdown way but have to use html. Not really more difficult, just different.

The sock colors are great fun! I love the gloves, so pretty and warm looking. The phone hole is a nice addition and very useful!

The sock looks lovely @muscara and I really love those colors in the yarn! I said this before but I really love that foot really shows the beauty of the sock.

Thanks for teaching us about Steampeak. I normally just go to a persons blog to search for what I want to see but that does take ages. I’ll have to look into this too.

Those zauberballs are fascinating, Is that what you are using for your socks? I keep wavering between steempeak and steemit (sometimes I feel I should try busy). For some reason, steempeak doesn't appear on the tablet, I have to be using the laptop. Somethings I find are easier on steemit and others are easier on steempeak - the bookmarks, scheduling posts etc. are very good features.

I do nearly everything with Steempeak, even on my mobile phone. I only go to Steemit for the keys and (when on the mobile) to claim rewards. Together with Steemworld Steempeak is everything I need.

You really know how to have fun with your projects.
Thanks for the tutorial on steempeak.

Beautiful sock! I like the colorway...@ muscara

Posted using Partiko Android

Two things I discovered in one day #needleworkmonday and steempeak thank you so much for sharing love the sock, new to knitting and hope to accomplish similar one day.

Just take it one stitch at a time ;)

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