#needleworkmonday - Fractal Scarf

For my first needlework monday, since I am between knitting/crochet/weaving projects, I thought I'd share an older project, a fractal scarf. I'm currently spinning another fractal on stream, so it seemed appropriate.

I started with a gorgeous dyed fiber top, created by Roe of Purls, a local artist who has, sadly, ceased to sell her work. Hopefully I'll have a chance to run into her at PlyAway this year.


To spin a fractal, the top is divided down the middle, length-wise. One half is spun directly, without any changes. The second half is further divided into smaller sections and spun end to end. Finally, the two yarns are plied together.


By dividing the color like this, the yarn develops an interesting striping pattern which repeats colors throughout and balances the overall color, even if the original top is not balanced.

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I chose a simple pattern to really show off the colors - the easy mistake stitch scarf. This scarf relies on an uneven number of stitches to create the unique ribbing.


No two stripes in the scarf are exactly alike, and yet they create a balanced and appealing overall appearance. You will never find a yarn quite like this in the big box store. Fractals are a great and easy way to handle color in yarn design and are a great starting place to making a truly one-of-a-kind item.


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All photos and text property of @luthvarian


Amazing! I can't even imagine how you do this. I did't know you could re-spin yarn to combine th colours like this. Thank you for sharing.

Beautiful wool. I love selfgradient wool!

Oh my goodness I cannot believe it! You spin your own yarn?!? I am SO impressed! And that yarn is absolutely gorgeous!!! The scar turned out fantastic and I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like it. Good job! Happy #NeedlworkMonday @luvarian. So glad you are here!

Thank you! I'm super excited to join you!

Oh my this yarn is absolutely beautiful!!!! The colors are so gorgeous and blend so well together. Thank you so much for bringing a whole new aspect of crafting to #NeedleWorkMonday! You just might make me want to learn how to spin yarn one day! Thanks so much for sharing your lovely scarf with us and welcome aboard :)

I'm so happy I stumbled across the tag! Glad to join the community! And I'm sure you'll be tempted to spinning soon enough. ;-)

I’m so glad you did too! It’s really good to have you here! Lol oh I’m sure I will too :D

If you get a moment, please check out the #NeedleworkMonday update for this week. Sorry I am a little late with it. Thanks! https://steemit.com/needleworkmonday/@crystalize/happy-needleworkmonday

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