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RE: The unexcited knitting progress post

I think the pieces you haven't finished are beautiful. Besides, weaving is fun, I also have a lot of unfinished projects, I know I will complete them, I just don't think I have enough time for all the projects I want to create.

Play that you have fun, if you don't get chosen, it doesn't matter, the important thing is the fun.

Finally, changing the strategy for the elaboration of a piece is part of learning and improving practices. I'm sure it'll look great on you.


Thank you for the complement!!! But weaving is fun? Really ....? I have to admit with sewing on buttons weaving in the ends is my most unloved part of knitting/crocheting :-DDD Perhaps I can send you my all my half finished projects and you weave in the yarnends :-D (i am joking)
And with the exhibition you are right, it should be fun to enter such a competition, but it is also financially important, so the fun is no longer so big.

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