Done, took a about an hour to cut the shirt with my shaking hands (had to tie a bunch of parts I ripped) and another hour for the ball filled with expired rice :D
These lines are terrible :s
All tightened and turned into a ball.
Small hacky sack :) and a lot of leftover material.
Thank's for the awesome idea and can't wait to see new ones :D
😍 that looks awesome @ivan-g, great job !!! And no worries because the (not-so-straight) lines don't show once crocheted... 😍
I was just wondering how you joined the bits that got cut off... I have used this method but I still lneed to work on making it neater...
Done, took a about an hour to cut the shirt with my shaking hands (had to tie a bunch of parts I ripped) and another hour for the ball filled with expired rice :D
These lines are terrible :s
All tightened and turned into a ball.
Small hacky sack :) and a lot of leftover material.
Thank's for the awesome idea and can't wait to see new ones :D
😍 that looks awesome @ivan-g, great job !!! And no worries because the (not-so-straight) lines don't show once crocheted... 😍
I was just wondering how you joined the bits that got cut off... I have used this method but I still lneed to work on making it neater...
thanks ^^ this is how I tie knots, I used to use this for connecting fishing lines as a kid, very sturdy.
oh yes... I guess it depends on the thickness of the yarn... I'm not a very strong person so my knots tend to come undone easily 😆
That's the magic of this knot, if done right the more you pull on the ends the stronger it gets :D
Thanks for the tip @ivan-g :)