Filet Crochet Curtain - Finished!

in #needleworkmonday6 years ago

Yay! I finally finished my pantry curtain. This is how it looked before washing and blocking.


Not too first I washed it in some mild dishwashing liquid and water.


I was surprised at how dirty the water was!
After washing and rinsing well, I rolled the curtain n a towel and squeezed it until most of the water came out.


This is what I like to use for blocking.


These interlocking foam mats are available at most discount stores. First I marked a line for the correct length. The width of the foam was perfect!

The curtain was pinned to the mats and put aside to dry. It took about 2 days in a warm room.


Here it is ...Finished!


I really want to thank everyone who encouraged me along the way! You really kept me motivated and able to get it finished in a timely fashion. It only took 2 months of working on it about an hour each day.
A special thanks to @croshielle for thinking to start #needleworkmonday and give us the opportunity to share our craft with the world!

Now on to the next project! ❤️😀🌷


The difference before and after the blocking is amazing! What a truly gorgeous work of art! Do you have a matching crocheted accent above the pantry, too?

Thank you! There is a small opened cubby above the pantry where I have hung a large doily. I am making a matching curtain to put there as my next project! You are very observant 😀

it's so amazing... 👌👍

WooHoo!! Congrats on finishing it!! Wow it is gorgeous, I am so impressed with your work...

It must feel really nice to be finished, and if you are like me, a little lost not knowing what to do next. I usually end up doing many little projects after a big one while I regroup.

Yes, I usually do an easy one after finishing a big one too. In this case my next project is a continuation of this one as there is a small cubby right above the pantry that I am making a matching curtain for. So this decisions! 😀

Oh, and thank you very much !

Yay! This is stunning @anise! You really did a great job with this!

Thank you kindly!

Well congratulations to you, @anise! You stuck with it and now the payoff--a gorgeous closet curtain that is stunning and handmade. I love it!! Happy #NeedleworkMonday to you, my dear!

Thanks and thanks again! 😀

Yay!!!! You did it!!!! It looks Fantastic!!!! I love your blocking method, it really worked out well!!! Pat yourself on the back and then give yourself one from me LOL!! 😄

Thank you so much for including us in on your project journey from start to finish! You should be very proud you stuck with it so well! You are truly welcome! I am enjoying seeing all of these beautiful projects across the Steemit board!! So many posts full of inspiration!!! 😆

Thanks for your kind words! 😀

You bet! 😉

Just beautiful! It's amazing the difference blocking makes. I also use interlocking mats like you have. they are great because you can change them around to accommodate different shapes. happy crocheting!

Thank you! Yes, the mats are so handy. I only wish they had blocking lines and/or circles on them!

Applause!!! This is perfect and very professional. I very seldom block my works, but yours looks neater afterwards. I tried it one time with a crochet cardigan and completely destroyed it - it grew totally irregular.
Your curtain is really lovely.

The nice thing about isn't permanent! Next time I may pull it a wee bit wider. Thank you for your kind words! You know, I was sitting on my sofa looking at it when I noticed a mistake I made! Now I can see it in the picture I posted too. I wonder if anyone will ever notice.

Oh no a mistake??? I cannot see it, perhaps it is the one little thing which makes this curtain truly unique :-D

Bravo!!!! Bravo!!!! I congratulate you, anise !!!! it turned out great! now it's very cozy with you. I first see the mat to dry. I did not know that they existed

Many thanks!

Hi @, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Fiber Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Mondays for Coffee Hour at 3pm EDT in the Steemit Fiberartists on Discord.

Wow! Much appreciated! 😀

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