Needlework Musings : Tangled

in #needlework5 years ago

I am currently working on a new project. Actually I have a lot of projects lined up but you know how it feels when you have so much to do and you don't know which ones to prioritize you end up not doing anything? That's what happened to me last week.

I didn't even look at my needlework kit. Sometimes we need a break even from our hobbies. Last night I decided to start with one project. I am trying to make a curcular sling bag like the one my sister asked from me last Christmas. I thought it looked really cool and chic.


While I was working on some rounds of my colorful bag, I noticed my yarns getting tangled up with each other. At first I didn't mind it at all (I am still feeling a bit lazy) but as I was progressing with the project, the tangles became worse and worse.

Work with one color at a time

I was working with several colors, one color per round. Whenever I change colors, I just add the new color and start working with my hdc's right away without cutting the yarn I used for the previous round. It was not bothersome on the first two or three rounds but when I was already at the fifth to sixth round, it became a troublesome. The yarns I used for the first rounds started to entangle themselves with each other and with the current color I am working on.

I guess this is what happens to us in real life. We have so much to do, we want to complete everything, we want to do it all, we end up getting things tangles up with each other. While it is true that we have to make sure everything gets done, we also need to make sure we don't get caught in strings of complications trying to rush into things.

I should've cut the yarns first before I continued with the new yarns. This way, I could have already closed one round and then that's that. The tangles shpuld have been avoided. So before woking on something else, make sure the other thing you're working on is already done or at least ready to be set aside.


It's alright not to multitask

Nowadays, multitasking is almost always an expectation. When I was in the corporate world, we were expected to finish tons and tons of reports before the day ends. And I couldn't have done well if I didn't multitask. A lot. But now that I think of it, I didn't technically work on several reports all at the same time.

Thanks to the automations and templates our team worked hard for, we were able to make things easier for us. So while one automated report is running in the background, I worked on another report. And so on and so forth.

If you'll come to think of it, I drop one thing and leave it to work by itself while I go do other tasks. Just like now that I'm a stay at home mom, I clean the house while the clothes are in the washer while the rice is cooking. If the washer wasn't automatic, I wouldn't have been able to multitask.

My point really is that it is not really a necessity to multitask so it's really alright if you work on one thing at a time. That way, you are still able to accomplish one thing after another. In my opinion, it is better to finish doing one thing properly and almost flawlessly rather than start doing several things and end up with several poorly done tasks.

Fix Tangles right away to save time

Another thing I realized while I was trying to untangle the yarns, It is much easier to fix and untangle stuff while it's not yet that complicated. Sure the sense of accomplishment is higher when you were able to fix a really terrible complication but it would have saved a lot of time if there were no tangles from the beginning.

There really is no good in rushing into things. It's alright to stop every now and then to make sure there are no strings that tangle with each other. While it is true that you won't get to where you want to go if you keep stopping at every dog that barks at you (I hope I got that saying correct), it will not hurt if you do get caught in some minor tangles. But when you start to notice that the situation is getting worse, it is completely fine if you stop so you can go ahead and fix it.

That's a lot better.😅

It's amazing how the brain works when one is contemplating about things. I realized I had a lot of these needlework musings while working on a project. Maybe this is why crocheting became one of my hobbies.


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Oh, I know what you're talking about. I often work with two or more yarns in one project and keeping the skeins "free" is a major task :) Mostly I try to keep the skeins apart: one to my left, the other to my right. Fortunately I don't work with fuzzy yarn so I can untangle the yarns.
With doing this crochet in the round, couldn't you crochet around the end of the yarn you just cut? Like you do in tapestry crochet with the yarn you're not working with?

Oh wow! That solves my problem! Glad to know this tapestry crochet. Thanks!

I haven't tried it myself but a friend of mine crochets beautiful things in this technique.

Posted using Partiko Android

😍😍😍 I have got to try this. I will post about it once I've learned it. 😊

It seems that you are manipulating colors freely.
Multicolored wool is beautiful!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I guess I am. Haha. I just add whatever color I can see in my yarn leftover box.

Thanks! 😊

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