Im pissed at ned Scott for being unexperienced and acting like a dead beat dad, never being there for us, when he could do SO MUCH, without spending ANYTHING but his TIME. And yet he never creates any videos on youtube for us, why not? Ned is no leader.

in #ned6 years ago (edited)

(Disclaimer, the following is a crazy rant that comes out of a deep place of frustration from steemit inc and their broken promises, for example something as SIMPLE as an App, will be BLOWN out of proportions and unlimited excuses from people like the useless Sneak, they will reign down upon us like fiery arrows from the legions of fat lazy equivocaters, posers, fakers, and failed developers who only think they are accomplished and ALSO genius's because they got lucky investing in Bitcoin early on and just happened to find out that they were wealthy one day.... and then they take up the HOBBY of software development, which is so irresponsible, its like taking up hydrodynamic engineering and dam building as a "hobby" just because you "like the idea" and then youre falty work destroys an entire town, just like the faulty work of ned Scott and his sidekick Sneak destroyed the amazing foundation laid out by Dan Larimer, ned Got JELOUS (yes I heard this from ACTUAL insider sources how ned wanted to be this "inventor" but KNOW YOUR ROLE Ned Scoptt! Youre NOT a technical person youre a SOCIAL person whose only job is to go use your dadd's banker connections to go on Bloomberg and CNBC and PUMP steem price and nothing else!

But fighting Steemit inc is pointless... just ask @sircork .... now that I have been borg Assimilated by the democratic party and John Podesta is in full control of my brain, I would still like to make posts and give the government plausible deniability for its compartmentalized mess... I hope that Bitshares shows Steemit Inc that you dont even need to wait for Golos and EOS or ONO or YOYOW to compete with steem... it would be SO sad if some other guys came out of nowehere and totally took Steem's marketshare away all because ned refused to work for us... and just because Ned goes around talking to random public sector loosers like the NAACP (YES i was IN @mughat 's discord when ned HONESTLY name dropped his TALK with the NAACP (an affirmative action leftist racist organization) and Ned HONESTLY sounded like that was ALL he cared about, looking cool to the leftist democratic party hivemind.... its probobly ALSO why he was told to self sabaotge his VERY promising meeting with Alex Jones who now has been banned from mainstream youtube twitter facebook etc, and he NEVER prepared ANY sort of backup plan with steem and his OWN video hosting front end.... what the fuck happened? if Alex Jones and Ned Scott actually cared about Press Freedom, they would have propped up steemit inc and its own FRONT END as an ALTERNATIVE to the Mainstream which also PAYS you, and MOSt people are NOT getting paid on youtube....Youtube sees all of human kind as THEIR market, and dont see ANYONE competing with them, which is terrible and unacceptable, and people WILL stop uploading if they can get paid more money on (i was going to say Dtube or DLive but Steem is full of terrible failed projects, and dlive is just out right corruption that ned allowed himself toi be scammed from.. why WHY did Ned just ALLOW Dlive to TAKE MILLIONS in Steempower and delegation and just STEAL it and then CANCEL its connection to the steem blockchain, which was the ENTIRE POINT of its WHOLE existance, i would sue them but this is just PROOF that ned is NO judge of character, and he cant even do simple things like read resumes and find hard working loyal people with skills who believe in steem... but its hard when ned scott himself doesnt even believe in his own idea when he hasnt even begun to really even explore any of its applications.... I HONESTLY believe ned Scott has been paid or threatened to sabatoge the steem blockchain and we WILL SEE Ned LEAVE steem, sell all his steempower slowly to destroy the price, and then scrap the entire project and watch as Ned gets HIRED by some mainstream tech company like facebook or google, and Ned will be given a few million a year, and i just totally see Ned doing that to everyone...

See there is no excuse as to why Alex Jones didnt have his own SMT and own community by now. What the fuck has Ned been doing? I wanna see proof of all the work hes actually acomplished, and he has no contributions on the steemit github... he REALLY DOESNT contribute! hes a fraud! Its 2018 and there are probobly hundred thousand people more qualified than ned Scott to be our CEO so why doesnt he step down and allow someone ELSE to run a company thats just too much for him? he has NO experience in this thing and there ARE PLENTY of pre blockchain social media organizations that involve finance that would be a great start for finding potential CEO with a matching experience that we need... Just because ned is in the office everyday that doesnt mean hes doing "work"... and the marxist labor theory where work is just someone going into an office and spending time, sorry that doesnt count... Ned Scott created a hostile space for @dan Larimer the ACTuAL creator of Steem AND bitshares AND EOS... and what has Ned done since then? Pretty much nothing! So he basically kicked dan out of his own project, maybe to hide the fact that he bought steemit inc from dan?

I have no idea but there is nothing wrong with that and honestly if I were Dan and I saw the type of people Ned has attracted to steem, id want to leave as well.... but whatever man Ned is a terrible CEO he needs to step down and use professional fixers and head hunters to actually HIRE his own replacement for the GOOD of his OWN steem fortune... because it makes NO SENSE to pilot a ship just out of PRIDE.. he can still OWN the ship but Ship Owners arent ALWAYS the fucking captains... sometimes you need to step down and let someone run your business when you have a conflict of interest this great.... why do we need the majority owner to ALSO be the CEO? Why is there no board of directors made up of whales? Why is there no ATTEMPT to mix the traditional IPO Initial Public Offering with ICO Initial Coin Offering and make steem the actual pinnacle of financial technology and LEAD a crypto currency bull run? Its like ned and MANY of the people on steem are trapped in this failure mindset and they REALLY need to go see Tony Robbins... Its so crucial that someone metaphorically slaps Ned out of his Dead Beat Dad funk.... I was blessed with a great father but I REALLY see a problem in this world with men who just never had a dad or if they did he was absent due to work or ALCOHOL or drugs or whatever, and its NOT cool to me when i find out that a man is ditching his children for work and not actually keeping his family together... and Ned is SUPPOSED to act as a FATHER for the ENTIRE steem blockchain and it would be SO EASY for him to dedicate fucking 2 hours of his weekend to going through comments and posts and really putting his name all over the top posts to give people a REASON to actually come up with ideas to be supported.... but if Ned refuses to actually use his capital it will just die... hes already stunted our growth and he REFUSED to compete during the great 2017 cryptocurrency bull run, which MAY havew been a ONCE in a LIFETIME opportunity, in fact thats a VERY rational way to see it.... and he WASTED that for us... it was up to HIM not me, not you but NED to actually LEAD and make VIDEOS and WORK HIS ASS off to BRING THE STEEM PRICE UP, and what does he do? He makes people believe that he is powerless to affect the price of his own fucking company... yeah as if Good CEOs dont routinely help their companies stock prices... steem crypto currency is no different... If ned would stop this bullshit of trying to actually get INDIVIDUAL investors to throw in a few hundred thousand here and there, and actually focused on the BIG PiCTURE, then we could already be well over $100 per steem by now but noooooooo we cant have nice things

Ned acts like he doesnt even care about the hundreds of millions of Potential dollars he has, which he DOES NOT really have to spend... its just like facebook and zuckerberg, you cant actually flip that, the second you start taking the money out the whole thing just collapses in price, and then youre never getting close to withdrawing a FRACTION of that Facebook fortune, same with @ned who can never really cash out more than a small amount of his fortune, and like Mark Zuccerberg and Facebook running his GIANT Stock Market LEGAL ponzi scheme, why should everyone else just sit around and loose money while he hypothetically takes all HIS money out? See honestly when you realize that mass media is used for hyping up Facebook Stock, and Ned refuses to play that game.... ned REFUSES to see that MOST PEOPLE ASSUME STEEM IS a ponzi scheme ALREADY! and you CANT CHANGE that just be acting like its crazy to think that SORRY but you DO HAVE to actually FIGHT those claims! And the ONLY WAY to actually prove that the steem money on our screen is real and backed up, is to actually USE it! You cant just keep it all locked up and do this calculator predictions where you act like 150 million Steempower could make you a billionaire if you can JUST lock it up for long enough NO that money must be USED and recycled and it must FLOW through the economy and NO ONE is even trying to set up infrastructure for steem except people in Developing Countries where @yensesa has allowed Ghanians and Nigerians to cash out their steem for fiat instantly, over text message, without needing to wait 3-5 days like coinbase makes people in the US wait.... so maybe Steem is destined to be for developing nations to catch up with.... but thats sad to not support them then, because you see if you dont get that crucial investment from the West the developing nations people who have just a little steem saved up will never get to that next step... you cant just ignore the US market, steem IS mostly US investors and its like Ned is refusing to get involved in Hip Hop, which is PERFECT for steem, Ned could be paying @christheglove to do all sorts of amazing steem related videos, like how Complex does, how other youtubers like Casey Neistat, one ,man operations, are able to do... but WE cant have our leader actually organize ANY sort of fun entertainment focused projects while we wait for the "new ui to on-board the normies into crypto" like Ned claims is coming... well we waited over a year for Hard fork 20 and it didnt change anything but limit new user accounts and you now have to use a fucking COMMAND LINE to create new accounts...

Ned couldnt even get someone to create a simple vessel like program to handle that... no steemit inc official app, nothing... no one to host shows about steem while we wait, nothing professional... just a bunch of amateurs like eww hots n shots which is just mediocrity that is shoved in our face, were all supposed to clap for jonny and his boring show... it sucks that his show is going to be seen as like our "big" show as if everyone supports it because he buys upvotes from bid bots, so why even watch it? Why not just pay to have your shit seen on TV? I mean hey it IS a good deal when you get your money back from those bid bots, and im not complaining about it its a great new system, but is it if its not really being used by new people? When the same boring people use it over and over, it SUCKS! It makes me never want to look at trending when theres no Whales with integrity, or sorry not integrity but just GOOD TASTE its GOOD TASTE that keeps reddit users coming back to certain subreddits.... I mean i know a lot of instagram stuff is fake but its FUN TO LOOK AT! No one Argues that instagram isnt entertaining.... its full of amazing content so why cant people post higher quality shit? I guess some people CHOOSE to not be talented when all you have to do is actually TRY... its really alcohol that is the big problem here...

if every alcoholic on steem was actually doing Heroine instead of alcohol, youd hear all these nagging voices talk about how that heroine addiction is the cause of all the problems but when we bring up how alcohol is THE problem for all the steemians with nasty moods, they just talk shit and cling to their alcohol... alcohol sucks because of alcoholics. Its great when its used in moderation but America is full of those 90 day fiance losers like h3h3 makes fun of, and im sick of alcoholics getting this free ride from society. Fuck you if youre an alcoholic, opiates are MUCh safer for your body... alcohol literaly destroys the insides of your body while opiates dont hurt any part of your body.... anyway this has gone off topic but whatever man, fucking alcoholics and NED they PISS me off... OH back to the point, Low quality content breeds MORE low quality content and it SUCKS! Why cant we have higher quality people posting on steem and then upvoted by NEd? He doesnt CARE about JUMP starting or PRIMING our social media network.. it is a network and it has to start bouncing off itself like an echo chamber but it wont when no one is there

Why cant anyone from steem be actually GOOD like on Youtube...(Oh thats right because there is no ORGANIC userbase like on reddit, and also everything is a facade and created by hobbyists at home with extra time, Pretending to be professional) its because Ned has prevented users form signing up because he wants to "protect the name space" THATS WHAT HE FUCKING SAID thats NEDS words, he thinks hes PROTECTING the name space? NO hes just making up an EXCUSE as to why he left us all SCREWED after he psychologically kicked out dan larimer by making him feel unwelcome, and then he has the nerve to claim that you cant make a new account without BUYING it or waiting two weeks, because he wants to PROTECT THE NAME SPACE? so people cant TAKE all the good names? Oh so were keeping "The Real Obama's Seat warm for him right? ned is pathetic and i hate what steem has become... we are so far from the original vision of dam larimer... were just so mediocre and no one even uses steem anymore because WITHOUt ever increasing steem or SBD prices, no one has any reason to "blog" because there is NO ORGANIC audience for steem, except MAYBE when it comes to information about crypto currency.... but in a bear market no one cares! It all makes people feel like theyve been scammed.... fleeced like sheep.... and SOME people are still fucked from investing in steem at $3 to $4 when it CAME OUT TWO YEARS AGO and where are we now? 80 cents?

"Oh its just cheap to allow bigger investors to get in cheap"yeah right man, steem is struggling and its all Neds fault for stunting our growth.... why cant he step down and just admit he is NOT EXPERIENCED or SKILLED for this sort of thing and he is NOT a fast learner he is NOT talented in any way we can see, his daddy just handed him some money and with it he was TOLD to buy out Dan Larimer, for a few million dollars, and dan larimer was able to then work on his next project EOS... but Dan PLANNED on keeping Steem as the social media outlet for eos... thats a given... why wouldnt it? But then Ned fucked everything up with his unnecessary flagging for aggrandizement, showing his utter failure to actually deal with greatness.... what teh fuck has Ned ever created to stand ANYWHERE as high as Dan Larimer?AND DONT SAY STEEMIT INC, that was NOT created by Ned, DAN LARIMER created it, Ned just used his family money, loosing a lot of it, and hes been struggling ever since!

REMEMBER, NED is under MIND control of his rich banker daddy just like all those Gen X cynics are! And in the eyes of their parents they will NEVER be good enough! So JUST remember, Ned Scott has daddy issues and that is the ENTIRE reason we are all here, because Ned is envious and coveting of Dans talent, and so Ned SQAUTTS on his world, like a typical leftist collectivist who cannot create so they just SQUATT on someone elses creation and then complain to the creator like ned did..

Seriously Ned wont EVER read this because he is not on steem he doesnt care, and steem is SO SMALL it barely has 80k active users probably way less now with the lower price... and this sort of system does NOT function without leaders, INDIVIDUALISTIC SELF interested LEADERS who create GOOD EXAMPLES of working hard and producing content that actually INSPIRES others and ADDS VALUE and USEFULNESS into their lives....

But instead of the dream we were promised we have Ned Scott risking all of his hundred million or so dollar fortune to end up being nothing more than numbers on a screen not backed by any sort of free market liquidity, because no one will want steem because no one KNOWS about it.... WHY is Ned REFUSING to spend the 5 million on marketing that he PROMISED insider whales (it leaked sorry i found out) ? Well he Refused to spend that 5 million in steem marketing I believe because SOMEONE probably SNEAK, told Ned to STOP and that steem wasnt READY yet, and Sneak did this sort of shit to guarantee himself a job going further, because he has no real experience or talent and was all confidence, tried to act like that fat nerd who knows his shit , a "security" expert ... Why would sneak need to extend the lifespan of his job? Well because of ANOTHER leaked TRUTH that DAN's Steemit Inc was ONLY supposed to last 2 YEARS and then steem blockchain was supposed to be running itself just like Bitcoin does, and I found out about from being on telegrams, private convos on telegram with whales and but if you bring this up now i am sure youll be met with all sorts of bullshit about how Steemit Inc ALWAYS has to be there.... well its now in the way and impeding growth.... WHy should steemians all just work for some monster who is going to just strut around with $2000 flagging privalages, at ANY moment they can censor whatever they want, and thatd be fine if they actually used their upvotes but they or actually HE, NED< never does except for RARE times of emotion, like flagging Dan for his "flagged for agrandizement" and it doesnt matter if he reversed it after the "community" was in an uproar, we need to accept thats the sort of person ned is, and he refuses to grow and experience life with other steemians

ned wants to act like hes some illuminati bohemian grove ruling class "too busy" to ever touch a commoner, I mean what the fuck, if Ned is such a leftist who is in love with impressing NAACP then fine why doesnt he RUn with that and actually build some wings at colleges, in developing countries, or in USA, and get inner cities to use steem for turning in homework, could you IMAGINE the NEWS articles showing Straight A students finally getting PAID via $1000 Steem posts, upvoted by ned scott? hed be a HERO a fucking HERO godamn it! and Where is he? WHy isnt ned using his steempower for surgical media strikes, at inner city schools, at developing country orphanages, to get poor school kids to turn in homework over steemit, and then interview them after they get massive $100 to $1000 upvotes which steemit inc could afford to give out once a month without denting the reward pool... its SO EASY they could be having FUN but they fuck everything up by remaining inactive like autistic robots too afraid of social interactions or risking anything... wtf ned start putting on media events for steem, see how FAST i was able to Think up a few like INSTANTLY? ON THE FLY? Its THAT easy... its actually FUIN work... its NOT HARD WORK its NOT its FUN and if you THINK its hard you are in the WRONG business!

IM FUCKIN PISSED MAN... ima go smoke some fresh weed because i cant even wait to dry it im so angry at ned

Thanks to @desmond41 for this GIF i asked for... thats really what these tokens are.... the elite love cryptocurency and how it forces people to play the game of money like a game with clear rules... and it preserves the quadrillions in derivatives for them which were bound to collapse one day... now we can avoid all future economic collapse using the TOY known as crypto currency

Youre all just little characters in a big video game to the elite, and just keep saving up that steempower, it will be a symbol of youre intelligence.... but powering down and spending it all to "pay bills" makes as much sense as selling bitcoin at $1 to buy some food... why cant you get a job and use that money to buy your food and pay rent... keep your steempower because you aint ever having another easy time to get this much SP, it was basically private welfare with all the free money flowing around this place.... why not hold onto it for when its REALLy valuable? And no its not going to $0 , someone is gonna fork steem and make a much better system we just have to wait for Ned to do another hard fork.. smt and communities are all done in github i dont doubt that, remember, what im mad about is the lack of any sort of work to promote steem in the mean time... and if you want to know exactly what to do, well i aint giving that info out anymore for free, fucking pay me and ill do the extra work that someone ELSE was supposed to do... but Ive had enough of the way ned steals ideas like SMts from mughat and stealing ideas from nate pikokernel before he left steemit inc, Ned just is so afraid of being found out as someone who never really made anything and so he feels self conscious and wants STEEM to be HIS big success when sorry, DAN created steem, and ned just happens to own the largest chunk of steempower, he doesnt really do anything else... its roadscape and others who do all the work on github, and i have a feeling the work of steem is being done by VOLUNTEERS who arent even PAID? And what does timcliff even do but organize random posts and like whatever man, im mad and i get to write whatever I want... no one even reads these anyway who cares... everyone knows i have been waiting and waiting and that all my friends great ideas like @dlux-io and @yensesa just get looked over by ned who has the power to totally hype up steem in the VR world and get deals going with occulus and facebook but NOPE nothing from ned on the AMAZING and when @yensesa could totally change Ghana establishing steem as a sort of economic foundation, giving us SO much positive press, but nope ned isnt there to give any support, and all he has to do is leave a comment, im not even asking for an upvote... all he has to do is TALK about all the great projects on HIS bloickchain but he Ignores them and refuses to show us any attention WHICH WOULD get picked up by OTHER cryptopcurrency media outlets and groups, and people could be like 'Hey look Steemit CEO is showing off all these great projects his own users are just coming up with and funding on their own! and they use the website wallet itself to recieve investment even before SMts they just use bitshares!"But NOPE we dont see anyone saying that because Ned is AWOL, no one knows what he really is doing everyday... its like, I wanna give him another chance but after a "pilot" is caught to never have completed flight training school and then he crashes two planes, do you keep giving him another chance? Not everyone should be given multiple chances... theres too many other people with way more talent and experience waiting for this sort of job, oh and theres another thing, Ned really ISNT the CEO because CEO means there is pay, and steemit inc doesnt make any money they just have Ned who owns a lot of steem, the whole thing is deceptive, theres no salary, so ned should STEP DOWN and PAY SOMEONE ELSE to do what HE CANNOT do! NOTHING WRONG with that! I am not a doctor so i dont try and fill in the space of a doctor.... if youre not a pilot would you try to fly a plane? ANyway ned is not a social media CEO, he is just a large stake holder, thats it... people are nice to him so he doesnt flag them, thats it.... he used to give out delegation but for some reason, he thinks that will take away too much from the reward pool, as if thats not his to begin with? its not a public reward pool damnit

Im seething with anger anyway i smoked some weed and i calmed down man, whatever, shit pisses me off, im turning into @sircork this is not good i must uplift these lost souls all of them...

anyway i need to replace ned with myself in images, and then it will happen in real life because meme magic

Anyway ill just


I think the 'steemit doesn't exist' is a reality we have to create. Keep doing you COO :)


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WOW I get you bro, but all I can say is WOW and stay real, stay you, be honest and true. BE WELL

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