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RE: The Sixth Mass Extinction

in #nature6 years ago

"We most certainly know what we're causing, how we're causing it and what can be done about it..."

While I strongly agree with your general thesis and statements in this post, I must point out that you yourself contradict the above quote.

"Many will have you believe it's because there's too much of us, that the planet simply cannot sustain 7 billion people without raping the earth of every resource twice as fast as it can grow them back. Don't fall for that obvious lie, please."

Clearly, we aren't in agreement regarding the cause or cure for the problem. You indicate you believe you know both. I agree with you that the Malthusian view that overpopulation is the cause is utterly false, and you provide evidence that shows it is false.

You later lament that we seem to be blind to the problem, and this prevents effective action to solve it. A lack of agreement on the existence, nature, and severity of the problem precludes it's solution, and this, IMHO, is not accidental, as forces use chaos as financial opportunities and the AGW propaganda is an excellent example of how awareness of this existential threat is being used to institute a global government those forces can immensely profit from.

Only a global government can create, administer, and use a global carbon tax, and this is the demonstrable goal of the AGW alarmist propagandists.

You may know that about 55mya CO2 was more than an order of magnitude higher than it is right now, and life was thriving on Earth at that time. Ten times the CO2 in our atmosphere is beneficial to life and ecosystems, and if CO2 declines below about ~190ppm (which it bounced off during the LGM) plants starve from lack of it, and life could be reduced back to the anaerobic bacteria that predated the O2 extinction event you refer to at the beginning of this post.

We need to reject propaganda and carefully examine actual data - not the 'corrected' numbers corrupt government agencies publish - in order to attain agreement as to the actual threat, it's vector(s), and solutions.



You're right, and I'm sorry if I came across as though I know anything about the precise causes of our current extinction phase. I certainly am very skeptic about the claim that GW is A ;-) Like you said: there have been periods with much higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere. But these concentrations were built in much larger timescales; it's the speed at which we extract CO2 from sediments that normally would take ages to be released. But I believe we affect the environment in many more ways than just that. And I strongly believe that a lot of those reasons, as well as the fact that we still burn fossil fuels, are rooted in our wasteful economic model and the "forces", as you call them, behind that model.

We fully agree on the propaganda to btw ;-)

Thanks so much for this very true and valuable addition @valued-customer :-)

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