We just got a new rabbit; meet Phil!

in #nature6 years ago

About a week ago, our newest family member arrived at our home, after a somewhat long trip to get him. We're not getting yet another dog, but this time we picked up a new rabbit to live with the one we already own. We have owned our first rabbit for a few months, but as you guys might be aware, they are highly social animals that need a friend in order to have a good life. We've been looking for a good fit for a while, and now we have finally found him.


His name is Phil, and he's already two years old. He has had two previous owners, but he was never a good fit for the other rabbits he lived with, so I'm glad that we were able to give him a home. And so far the two rabbits seem to be good friends, and the hierarchy was quickly solved since both are neutered.

At this point the two rabbits seem to be inseparable, and we always find them snuggling with each other, or just being very close to each other. Today I managed to get a few photos before I brought them to their outside cage (I put them back indoors during the night to prevent potential fox or raptor attacks).

Despite Phil being completely white, he is not an albino mutant, since his eyes are blue. Real albinos have red eyes, or rather have no eye color, but they look red since the blood vessels are reflected in their eyes.

Anyway, I'm glad I was able to get a buddy for my "old" rabbit without having to purchase a baby. I think it's much better to be able to give a good home to a rabbit that needs it, instead of supporting an out of control breeding industry.

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You might not want to get a rabbit

I just want to give a quick warning about pet rabbits while I have the chance. They are incredibly cute and lovable animals, but they are demanding pets that require a lot more effort than most pet owners are willing to give them, such as daily social interactions, daily grooming, a huge cage (they need a much bigger cage then most people assume), and a varied diet.

My point is, rabbits are demanding pets with many different needs, so don't go and get one unless you are able to take care of these needs.

DSC_0188 – Kopi.JPG

Just imagine how much effort it takes to keep his fur to an acceptable level. He also sheds more fur than either of the dogs.


glad to know that phil found new home and you have an other amazing pet at your home. Yes it's difficult to take care of rabbits. One of my cousins who lives in a farm house had many rabbits but now he has sold all of them. Actually he was fed up due to the growth rate & reproduction of rabbits.

I can totally see their fast reproduction becoming a problem. Luckily I won't have that problem since I have to males :)

Nydelege bilete av kaninene dine @Valth
Også denne gongen lærte eg noko av artikkelen din. Eg levde i den trua at dei kvite kaninene var albinoar og hadde raude auge. No har eg lært at ikkje alle kvite kaniner er albinoar og at enkelte av dei kvite kaninene, kan ha blå auge.
Eg likte ôg påminninga om både arbeid og ansvarfylgjer med dyrehald og at kaninene var ein art som krev ein del stell.

Takk for det! Det er fint at du lærte noe av innlegget også :) Det er en del fordeler med å ha en hvit kanin istedenfor albino, da det ofte er flere sykdommer som også kommer med albinomutasjonen.

Eg likte ôg påminninga om både arbeid og ansvarfylgjer med dyrehald og at kaninene var ein art som krev ein del stell.

Det er godt å høre. Det er veldig mange som tror at kaniner er dyr man kan holde i bur i hele livet, men det er ikke (etter min mening) ansvarlig dyrehold.

Awwwww, so cute rabbit. 🐰
I really loved your post @valth. Beautiful and mesmerising photography taken by you. Amazing one!!😍🤗💙

Phil is a cutie! I am sure he will have a comfortable and loving home with you and your family :) You seem to have many pets - do you have any that you haven´t posted about on Steemit yet?

Thanks! I hope he will as well :)

Hmm, I think I have posted about all my animals by now. I only have two dogs and (now) two rabbits, as well as a fish tank. And I think we're in a pretty good spot when it comes to the number of animals, and I don't have any plans to get any more for a while. Eventually we want to get a horse, but our life does not really allow us to get one right now, and from what I understand, a single horse would be a lot more work than the four pets we already take care of.

Ah, looks like I only missed the fish tank :) You must have posted about it before I started following you. I have a fish tank too :) But I should actually better call it a crayfish tank - I have always focused more on crayfish and freshwater crabs than on fish. I love crustaceans, they are amazing animals. What species do you keep?

It's not something that I post about a lot. I used to be very into the aquarium hobby at one point, and had 6 different tank up at the same time. But it's a lot of work, and pretty expensive, so I'm not able to spend so much time and money on it anymore.

A crayfish tank sounds cool! I have no experience or knowledge about that, because keeping crayfish (and most other crustaceans) are illegal in Norway.

I'm honestly not even sure what the species I keep are anymore. The tank is mostly filled with members of the Characidae family. These are commonly just known as "tetras" in Norway, but I'm not sure what the English/international lingo for it is. And I also have a few Loricariidae catfish that are doing some cleaning.

Wow, I had no idea keeping crustaceans in fishtanks is not allowed in Norway.

Here is what my fishtank (112 liter) looked like (at one point - I had to "reconstruct" the lay-out quite often because of Claude´s digging spree):


And this is Claude himself:


He is the red-claw crayfish (Cherax Quadricarinatus) but I have kept some other crustacean species too.

And yeah, we also call those fish just tetras ;) I used to have a few species of them too.

Would you mind showing me a photo of your tank? :)

That looks nice! And what a cool crayfish. I can see why you would want to keep these :) Do you typically just keep a single crayfish in a tank, or can you keep several together?

DSC_0252 – Kopi.JPG

Here's my tank. It's also a 112L tank. It's currently facing some problems with algae after my 2-year old kid began feeding them by himself!

Wow, I like that! Simple but beautiful :) I can see some very familiar fish species there too :)

As for the crayfish - I usually try to keep a pair but for some reason, there is a way more males than females in most crayfish species so I often ended up having males only. It takes a few months before you can determine the sex. Also, once the males get big enough to hurt one another, they start engaging in pretty brutal fights so it is not recommended to keep more than one male in one tank. But I love them. I have had several different species and they are all fun to watch. A few weeks ago, I posted a video footage of one of my crayfish molting on Dlive :) Crustacean molting is a very interesting thing to watch too.


Welcome, Phil to the Steem family :D I'm sure you'll have a great time here and help @valth make some more SBDs from posts documenting your cuteness ^^.

Forresten @valth, er du tilgjengelig på steem.chat eller discord noen steder?

Hehe, animals are pretty useful when it comes to make some SBD and Steem from the cuteness factor ;)

Ja, du kan nå meg på Valth #7597 på Discord. Jeg er ikke superaktiv der, men pleier å sjekke innom et par ganger om dagen.

Rabbits are loving creatures but very time consuming! We had a white rabbit that looked identical to yours! We all loved it but a lot of work went into the care of it!

Yep, they sure require a lot of time and effort! It's cool to hear that you had one that looked just like him :)

I’m gonna look for a picture of him!

Awesome, I'm looking forward to seeing it if you can find it :)


Aww, he's cute! And he looks like a real albino as well :)

wow, rabbit is very cute and pretty. When I was little, my neighbors kept the rabbits, I often played with their rabbits. I love rabbits.
Thanks for sharing us.
Have a good day @valth

They are great playmates for children, so I guess you had a lot of fun :)

Have a good day you too, @aulnyaksyabandi!

Yes my friend.

White rabbit is very cute😱

Yeah, he sure is :)

@valth welcome phil.. he is looking so cute.. take care of these lovely rabbits.

Yep, he's very cute :) And I will :)

I am happy you give your previous one a friend who will be him with sorrows and happiness.
How cute they are!

Yeah, they're definitely very cute :)

Totally cutness overloaded

Hehe that's understandable :)

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