Today is the World Water Day

in #nature7 years ago

Water is the most important resource we got on our planet, and we would literally die very fast we we did not have access to it. Despite the fact that water is of such important, many people don't have good access to it, and today is the annual day where the UN is trying to raise awareness of the issue with the World Water Day.

Image by Bob Peterson, posted with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

What the World Water Day is

The World Water day is officially marked on March 22nd each year, and the aim of the project is to highlight the importance of freshwater, as well as advocating the sustainable management of freshwater sources. The first time the event was held was back in 1993, and has since been marked all around the world on this day.

During this day the UN and other organizations attempt to spread awareness of the issues related to freshwater, and even try to inspire people to take local actions to make the world a better place.

Nature for Water

This year's theme for the World Water Day is Nature for Water, where the focus is on nature-based solutions for solving the water challenges we are facing in the 21st century. Currently 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services, and 1.8 billion of these people are believed to have a drinking water supply that is not even protected against contamination from human feces!

Almost 2 billion people live in areas with a potentially severely water-scarcity, and projections show us that as many as 3 billion people could live in such areas by 2050.

More and more places are getting dried due to the climate changes. Image posted as Public Domain.

We humans are also experts at destroying good freshwater ecosystems, and at least 64 % of all natural wetlands have already been destroyed by human activities. Soil erosion from croplands also alters a lot of ecosystems, and poses a huge threat to local water supplies. Over 65 % of forested land is currently in a degraded state, which again reduces its possibility to store water.

Nature-based solutions

This year's theme wants us to be thinking about how nature can help us solve the issues, instead of relying on engineering and other non-natural methods. The best way to achieve this in my opinion is to stop destroying forest, wetlands, natural freshwater sources, and trying to regrow some of the ones we have already destroyed.

Restoring wetlands is very good for the local species in the area, but it does so much more than this. A wetland provides us with extremely important ecosystem services, such as flood- and hurricane prevention. When a hurricane hits shore, a wetland will create friction for the hurricane, and reduce the high winds. Some hurricanes such as Hurricane Katrina could potentially do a lot less damage if more wetlands had been conserved prior to the hurricane.

Image by Bernard DUPONT, posted with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

A wetland will also help purify the local water, and can recharge the groundwater resources in the area.

There are of course other nature-based solutions besides just protecting and restoring wetlands, but I would rather that we have a good discussion about it in the comments than just me listing them all here. So, what nature-based solutions do you think could help solve the current issues with freshwater?

Thanks for reading

All the numbers used in this post is from the World Water Day fact sheet, which you can check out by following the link. If you want to learn more about the World Water Day, then head over to their website, or see the Wikipedia article.

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This hits home for me as we just bought a home that gets its water from a well. Clean ground water is very important for us.

I’ve always been an advocate for keeping water clean and pure. Grew up on Lake St. Clair and it always pained me to see the pollution dumped into the lake.

We eat/sleep/breathe is what we are made of! Keep it clean!

Clean ground water is very important for us.

Luckily it's pretty difficult to contaminate the ground water, as long as there are no factories or industrial sites close by.

Grew up on Lake St. Clair and it always pained me to see the pollution dumped into the lake.

I feel your pain. There's nothing as bad as when huge amount of pollution is just thrown away into a lake or river. It really destroys so much both for the organisms living there, as well as the people who depend on that water for their daily lives.

I just had a water supply engg test today. You wouldn't believe how much water we waste.
Even the small things that we think probably don't matter add up and result in huge amounts of water wastage

That's a good point! I can only imagine how much water is wasted from flushing the toilet or stuff like that..

Indeed sir. We waste water alot unnecessarily and it is a major concern. I study public health, specialising in environmental health sciences here in Africa, and alot of the concerns our attention is brought to has to do with water.
Thanks for putting this together!
from @yowanetwork.

Please you can take a look at my piece for the world water day
Thanks for what you do

Oh, it's really cool to see that someone here actually works with these issues! I'll check out your post in a little while, @yowanetwork :)

O thanks! Okay sir, glad to connect with you!

Sadly we don't care about things till they're gone but this is not something that'll give us a second chance

You really don't think anyone care? I think that having days such as this one is a proof of the opposite.

I'm not saying none of us care..
I'm just saying very few of us do

Hmm, maybe you are right, but I hope not. Water is so important, and we should all really do our best to make sure everyone has access to it around the world!

We have to save water for our coming generations because as we are wasting this precious gift from the nature is so so disappointing. In my opinion in the near future the water would also be on the sale as the Petrol is if we dont stop to waste Water, Hope we all understand...

We have to save water for our coming generations because as we are wasting this precious gift from the nature is so so disappointing

Yes, absolutely. We should really focus on making sure that the water we use is made renewable, so that it can be used "forever" as long as its being cleaned.

In my opinion in the near future the water would also be on the sale as the Petrol is if we dont stop to waste Water

Yes, it might even come to that. I hope we don't get to the point where water is sold by the barrel, but you never know anymore..

Thanks for stopping by, @faizii!

Hope for the best....
My pleasure @valth :)

It's amazing that wetlands can prevent hurricanes!

If we would all just plant some trees, the results would be stunning. There are two friends in China, one is blind and second is armless, but together they have managed to reforest huge areas throughout the years.

Yeah, it's pretty cool that wetlands has this ability!

There are two friends in China, one is blind and second is armless, but together they have managed to reforest huge areas throughout the years.

Wow, really? That sounds amazing.

It is very important to recognize water day. To understand that we need to understand how water plays a vital role in our daily lives. This day is about appreciating how important this natural resource in our life.

Yeah, absolutely agree. It's too easy to forget about how important water is when you have good access to it!

Because of unhygienic water,water borne diseases arouse,so it is bad and even cause disease.I hope that by celebrating world water day some of awareness should be arouse in public to drink pure fresh water and authorities should also take action...

Yep, there are lots of places in the world where drinking the water can make your seriously sick due to microorganisms that cause disease.

I hope that by celebrating world water day some of awareness should be arouse in public to drink pure fresh water and authorities should also take action...

I hope so as well! :)

we need safe water..

Yeah, absolutely.

true water is the main source to support a healthy life not only for humans but for the life of all living things both animals and plants ... a very useful post

Yeah, nothing could really life without a steady supply of water!

really .. keeping the water conservation is our duty together .. I thank you for your vote friend

Nice post. Well water is most valuable natural resource. Our life is not possible without water. Its high time that we start saving fresh water otherwise that day is not too far when we will be left with no fresh water to drink

Thanks. Yeah, it's really important that we start to think more carefully about how we use this resource.

A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man!!!!


That's an interesting saying, but a single drop of water is not going to do much good by itself :P Hehe

with all due respect

Little Drops of Water Make the Mighty Ocean


Hehe, that's a good point ;)

it was a sentence... where did u see the point lol

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