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RE: Exploring the jungle of Costa Rica: pathway into the unknown

in #nature6 years ago

Great photo, @phortun. I get what you mean; anything could potentially lie around the next corner from this bridge. It must have been quite the experience to explore the jungle of Costa Rica!


Honestly, Costa Rica has been the most exciting travel adventure for me so far. I am sure that you, a dedicated nature lover like me, would fall in love with this country too. The beauty of the nature and the variety of the wildlife is just unbeatable and - most importantly - the locals do realize what treasure they have been given and they really care about and protect their nature and their wildlife, which is another thing that makes Costa Rica different. I hope you will see for yourself one day, my friend :)

That sounds great! I have never been to any countries in South or Middle America, but it is a dream of mine to go there and explore the vastly different nature at one point. I'm glad to hear that they are taking care of and protecting the nature in Costa Rica!

I am sure you will find your way to this fascinating country one day. Just imagine - more than 25% of the area of the entire country is covered with national parks with very strict regulations designed to protect their amazing fauna and flora. Frankly, if Costa Rica was not so expensive (compared to other countries in Central and South America), I would probably move there.

I hope I do! It's certainly taking its responsibility for the ecosystems seriously, and it's a great inspiration for other countries. I didn't know that it was that expensive though.

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