I might actually get some vegetables, fruits and berries this year!

in #nature6 years ago

After a very long winter here in Norway, we had spring for about one week before the heat got crazy high, and we got temperatures that are highly unusual for early summer. This did however provide a good starting point for some gardening, and this year has actually been more successful than last year when all the plants died during a weekend getaway.

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The strawberries are finally becoming ready to be picked, and as you can see, some of them are already ripe and edible. Nothing beat being able to pick a few strawberries every time I am outside to let the dogs play or go to the toilet. I even have one of thee vertical set-ups where the snails cannot reach it! (I learned the importance of this the hard way!)

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Most of the vegetables have been moved to the two pallet collars I have in my garden, which is great since the soil in my garden is pretty bad due to a high amount of clay. The do however seem to do fine in these garden beds, and hopefully I will be able to harvest cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, chili, and bell pepper soon enough.

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The apples still have a few weeks before they are ripe, but so far it is looking like we will get a good amount of apples this year. I'm seriously considering making apple cider from these, which would be a fun project to do in the fall. I have no experience at all with brewing alcohol, but from what I understand I really just need to add water, yeast, and sugar to get going.

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We also have a huge amount of raspberry bushes in our garden, in an area that is pretty unsuitable to anything else. It's almost completely shaded all day long due to some pine trees, but the raspberry bushes still seem to thrive there.

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As with the apples, the raspberries still need a few weeks before they are ready to be harvested, but once they are ready we will get a lot more raspberries than we can even eat. I should probably make jam or something else to conserve these as well, because it's such a waste to see so much of it decay.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my gardening post!


You should be able to freeze the Rasberries. Do they have Cheerios in your country for breakfast? Frozen Raspberries or blueberries go good with cheerios. You just have to let them unthaw like 10 or 20 minutes.
It cool how raspberries give me like double the harvest every year. On the downside they are very invasive.

That's a good point. I think we have Cheerios, or at least some variation of it. That sounds like a great breakfast :D

And it's great that they double each year, until the point where it's just an insane amount. At least they are useful, in contrast to most other invasive pants.

The generic brands are not as good for some reason. Some countries don't eat cereal for breakfast.
I'd upvote your reply but my solo upvotes get zeroed out.

Yeah, that makes sense. We surely don't have the real deal here, at least not in regular stores. Cereal is not really common for breakfast in Norway, but it's not frowned upon either.

What do you normally eat for breakfast? Might make a good blog post. lol

A normal Norwegian breakfast is pieces of bread with various topping on them, such as cheese, ham, jelly etc. It looks like this.

Wow that's kind of disappointing. lol I've had toast for breakfast before and sometimes bread with peanut butter. Jelly is good on toast. I also like toast with scrambled or sunny side up eggs. Now I might have to buy some eggs. At least your bread is probably better than ours. It's very hard to buy sugar free bread in America. I don't think bread should have sugar added to it.

Hehe, sorry to disappoint you. But our breakfast is not that exciting! At least we tend to use whole-wheat flour for bread, and bread made from only white flour is kind of considered a treat. And I'm glad that it's so common to find bread without sugar here, because that kind of ruins it for me as well.

Imponerande fin hage med mange ulike, bær, grønsaker og frukt @Valth
I hagen min har eg ikkje så mykje grønsaker. Men eg har solbær, rips, stikkelsbær pluss plommer og epler.
Bærbuskar og frukttre må skjærast om våren, og utanom litt tynning av plommene, klarar dei seg fint fram til tidspunktet dei skal haustast.
Den einaste grønsaken eg har er rabrbra, og den klarar seg fint utan mykje stell. Dei klarar seg fint i lengre periodar utan stell. Ein av grunnane til at eg har lite grønsaker er at eg om plar ta ein tur på om lag tre veker til Nord-Noreg kvart år. Då passar det ikkje å kunna passa på grønsakene.
Vonar at me vert heldige med avlingane våre i år. Eg synest det ser lovande ut, no etter at me fekk regn etter ein fin varmeperiode med ei drivande utvikling av alle planter.

Med vennleg helsing

Takk for det. Det er jo kjekt å ha ting som er enkle å stelle med ja, spesielt når du drar på en såpass lang tur hver år. Jeg tror du måtte hatt ganske flaks for å ha grønnsaksplanter som overlever tre uker uten noen som passer på dem.

I don't know if the strawberry plants has got flowers yet here in Northern Norway :) Its a big differens from southern Norway this year. Løvetann is still blooming here.

Oh yes, I guess it's still a little while before they are ready up north. We don't really typically get them this early in Southern-Norway as well, but it has been much hotter than usual this year, so everything is ready a few weeks early :)

Those strawberries look awesome! We ha some that were growing in a railway sleeper raised bed with some raspberries (I think). One of those two survived XD

We have a fair bit of clay as well, which made planting our fruit trees an interesting exercise (2hrs+ to dig one hole!)

Your pallet beds are looking pretty healthy :)


Thanks, they taste awesome as well ;) And I'm sorry to hear that you got soil that has a lot of clay in it as well; it really sucks for growing stuff compared to regular brown earth. The biggest issues I have with it is that it don't really retain any water at all, so I have to water it daily if I want stuff to grow in it.

Awesome! The strawberries look delicious :) We just had the cherry harvest, one my favorite benefits of the Czech summer :)


Looks like we will also have a lot of apples, plums and apricots this year. Greetings to your beautiful Norwegian garden, @valth! :)

That looks delicious. I didn't know that cherries were ready for harvest so early in the summer. This photo makes me want to plant a small cherry tree ;)

Oh man I love cherries :) You should plant one too, seriously :) There are several cultivars of cherries grown in my country with some of them being ripe and ready to eat as early as in mid May.

Ah, that's nice. I would love to, but I'm most likely going to be moving in the next two years, so I have decided to wait with planting any tress until after I have moved.

Glad to read that you are enjoying the fruit of your garden. It gives you excitement to eat fruit of your hardwork. Keep sharing your motivational post. It will motivate your followers to follow your footsteps. keep sharing @valth

I'm glad to hear that you are motivated by reading my posts ;) Thanks for stopping by once again!

Wow.. what a cool garden! You don´t even need to go to the supermarket;) Everything is super fresh, tasty and unnecessary chemistry! Just sun kissed harvest :) T.

Thank you. Hehe, no, maybe I won't need that for a while once they are all ready :)

It's been 3 days I have not commented on your post. I hope you are always in good health.
There are so many plants in your garden.
Apparently, the plants that exist in your garden, these plants can grow in my area that is tropical.
I have eaten these fruits except raspberries.
I like your post.
Have a good day @valth

Yeah, many of these plants are originally from the tropics, but have since been imported to grow even as far North as where I live. Thanks for stopping by! Have a good day yourself :)

I think, plants that grow in the tropics can not live in other areas. But in fact I was wrong, it turns out that tropical plants can live in other areas.
Thanks @valth

Yes, some of them can live in other places, but need a lot more care. For example, most plants from the tropics in my garden would die by themselves here in Norway if I didn't water them every day.

Yes, I know. because the temperature in your area is too cold for tropical plants. So you need extra care for the plants.

Yes, that's exactly right :)

excellent work friend are beautiful plants I also do work with trees I love nature congratulations.

Wow! Beautiful photography @valth.
Stupendous post.
Gardening is my passion. 💚
I love nature.
I appreciate your work.
Wish you all the best.

Thanks for sharing this post.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the post :)

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