Changing temperatures in Antarctica could lead to population loss of over 70 % for the King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), putting them at serious risk for the future

in #nature7 years ago

The king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) is the second largest species of penguins alive, and is able to grow to be a meter tall. They live on subantarctic islands on the northern reaches of Antarctica, South Georgia and a few other places in this region, but only on islands that are located between 45 and 55 degrees south. These areas have a mild temperature, and have a very rich nutrient upwelling known as the Antarctic Polar Front. You might think that they are living in complete snow cover, but the area is much more temperate than this, and it is in fact mostly not snow in these islands, with average temperatures around 10 degrees Celsius.

A pair of king penguins. Image by Wikimedia Commons user SeanMack, posted with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

The mild climate as well as the Antarctic Polar Front makes these island perfect for the king penguin, and for a very long time they have thrived here. Estimations put their current population number at just over 3 million penguins, and the IUCN Red List does not consider them to be of concern, so they won't go extinct anytime soon.

Despite the healthy population at the moment, the future for the king penguins might not be as bright as it seems. A recent paper published in Nature Climate Change has some grim news to report, but before we get there, we should take a closer look at the breeding and raising offspring behavior of the penguins for it to make sense.

Image by Andrew Shiva, posted with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

How the penguin penguins raises their offspring

The king penguins are mostly monogamous, and both parents do chores such as keeping the egg warm, collecting food, and looking after the young penguin. When they are collecting food for the baby, one parent leave on a long foraging trip where it can travel over a 650 kilometer roundtrip that lasts for over a week. After this time they return to the waiting family members, and then change roles with the other parent who then leave for a foraging trip.

Image by MMessina1245, posted with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

When one parent leave for this foraging trip, they essentially travel to the Antarctic Polar Front to stock up on small fish and squid, and even krill. The guarding-foraging phase last for 30-40 days in total, and during this time one parent is always leaving for several days to gather food for the chick. Luckily the chicks are able to be more independent after this time, and form a crèche: a type of penguin kindergarten where a few penguins look after many juveniles.

Why the king penguins will have problems when the climate affects the Antarctic Polar Front

When the climate changes in Antarctica, the Antarctic Polar Front is beginning to move more south. As this happens, the penguins have to travel further away from their home island to search for food, meaning that the mate and chick will have to wait even longer before they get food.

This will not really be a problem for the next few years, but the research team who published the paper we’re talking about used climatological models to find out how the scenario would look like in 2100, over 80 years from now.

At this point the penguins are in a lot of trouble. The big populations on Prince Edward and Crozet Islands are way too far away from being able to feed from the Antarctic Polar Front, and the mate and offspring will most likely die from starvation while the other parent is on a foraging trip.

Image by Liam Quinn, posted with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Other colonies are also facing problems, and this current model predicts that as much as 70 % of the populations we have today will go extinct due to loss of their food source.

The best strategy for the king penguins to survive this would be to relocate to other islands that are closer to the Antarctic Polar Front which is now a bit farther south. Moving entire colonies might seem like a big problem, and it surely is dangerous, but the researchers also believe that the penguins might be capable of doing this once they need to.

Even if they are able to relocate, survival is far from guaranteed, because there are few islands in this region that can support king penguins due to their size and numbers. Some of these islands are also home to other species of penguins, which could cause conflict between the two species.

So the future for the king penguins does not seem to bright at the moment, but hopefully the relocation process is easier than we anticipate it to be for them.

Thanks for reading

Thanks for reding this grim news about the king penguins. I hope you found the post interesting despite the bad news, but of course a lot of things can happen between now and 2100, so let’s not give up just yet. If we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions soon, we might still be able to prevent this scenario from ever taking place!

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My husband, who is a physicist, said that in the world of science, global warming is controversial topic, and that, there is no global warming; it's just a cycle. This global warming has been experienced periodically. Moreover, global warming is a hot topic, and scientists get funding to research on it; that's why it is always discussed.

Hi, I'm an environmental microbiologist who works with climate change scientists. Global warming is not controversial, in fact scientists love to argue and split hairs, but we're somehow over 97% agreed that global climate change is occurring, is man-made, and is not a good thing. While the Earth does experience periodic climate shifts, the scale and velocity the current change cannot be explained by purely natural causes - only models which incorporate human behavior work. There are tons of cool things to research and which get funding. I have never met a climate scientist who was in it for the money, and even if there are some who are, they can't have a successful career running some sort of science 'hoax'. The lovely thing about science is that it is self-correcting and you can't get away with stuff like that for long and remain respectable in the profession; if that were possible people could still be researching cold fusion, for example.

save the penguins :(

Yeah, we should do our best to try to save them :)

The effects of global warming are frightening for our planet and future generations. Denying the human impact on the climate is irresponsible if not criminal.
We only have one planet. A drop of paradise in the cosmic ocean.
What will future generations think about us if we chose to ignore the problem in spite of all the evidence?

Denying the human impact on the climate is irresponsible if not criminal.

It's crazy that there are still so many people who deny it. I guess denial is a type of coping mechanism or something, because I see way too many people that for some reason don't trust all the data we have to back up the claim that we humans are responsible for it.

What will future generations think about us if we chose to ignore the problem in spite of all the evidence?

That's a good question. I hope the narrative turns into something like "we almost destroyed the earth with fossil fuels, but changed to clean energy just before it was too late", but I'm getting more pessimistic by the way. At least China and India are beginning to take responsibility by building a lot of renewable energy sources such as solar panel farms.

Anyway, I'm on a rant now! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, @irelandscape!

yeah @valth i read out the article about King penguins 2 days ago
on a very serious note, it is just because of the effect of global warming.
Global warming is a worth serious issue and we do nothing :(. These species are so important we have to do somthing.
According to NewYork time
Rising temperatures and overfishing in the pristine waters around the Antarctic could see king penguin populations pushed to the brink of extinction by the end of the century.
“If no actions aiming at halting or controlling global warming, and the pace of the current human-induced changes – climate change, overfishing – stay the same, the species may disappear in the near future.”

Yep, it's time to step up and change our behavior to stop the changing climate. If we keep stalling, then it might be too late before we get there.

I love penguins. Aww, both parents are very cooperative in sense of foraging and nourishing their offspring. Interesting! like humans go on a business trip, they also spent week on foraging while their mates and offspring waits for them ;) I hope best for their future!

Haha, yeah, I guess you can compare the foraging trip with a business trip for us humans. But I even think the penguins are more equal than humans, because I would say that it is much more likely for men to go on business trips while the woman stays home with the children, than the other way around.

Only one thing to say......
Human race has ruined the whole environment, and no matter how many sustainable program they run to make earth green its getting worse only. All these are harming the innocents only. Temperature is increasing every year and now going out in full sun is becoming hard.

Yeah, we have made a pretty big mess already..

Hi ! I'm so glad I found you blog, as a nature lover @valth !

Thank you for drawing attention to the precarious situation of the King penguins . 🐧

xx @elenahornfilm

I'm glad to have you here, @elenahornfilm! Thanks for leaving a comment :)

They are so beautiful and cute :*
i love them :*
But as you have told their life is at risk :(
It is a bit worry situation :(

Thanks for such a beautiful information.

Yeah, they are really cute! It's very unfortunate that they are at risk of such a huge decline, but that's just the consequences of our actions as humans. I guess this is what we get for our use of fossil fuels over the century.

:( Industries are ruined everything :(

wahaw its really nice to see and know about the Changing temperatures in Antarctica.
and yes the most good part i love is to know about the penguins that how they give birth to their offspring.. <3
thanks for sharing @valth

You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the post :)

as always <3

Aww!! This is sooo cute penguins :* I felt love to see pictures of these penguins really beautiful. They are closer to the Antarctic Polar, its amazing history of lovely creatures....!!

Yeah, they are really cute animals :)

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