Bonobos Share Meat Like Chimpanzees

in #nature5 years ago

Image: Monica Wakefield

Bonobos are closely related to common chimpanzees, forming the genus 'Pan' together. Bonobos were previously referred to as 'pygmy chimpanzees' and are generally regarded as much more peaceful than their cousins. While chimps normally respond to outsiders with violence, bonobos tend to avoid violent such confrontations unless necessary and have been stereotyped as the 'make love, not war' apes due to the frequency of sexual contact made with outsiders. Another marked difference between chimpanzees and bonobos is their social structure. Chimps live in male-dominated societies, while female bonobos run theirs. Despite being physically weaker than the average male bonobo, females commonly group up and are able to overpower a male that steps out of line.

The research team decided to study the feeding habits of bonobos in order to compare the level of consumption of meat with that of chimpanzees as well as determine how the meat is shared amongst the group as a whole. The team found that not only did bonobos consume meat at the same level as their chimp counterparts but that the meat was usually divided up by the female bonobos and kept away from the adult males. In the area the team studied, the local bonobos' prey of choice as Weyn’s duikers, a small antelope that could be easily carried up trees.

Read more: University of Oregon

#Science #RibbitingScience



Good to know..

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