Entry for Papa-Pepper Contest 5--Combination Photo of Raccoon and Daisy Fleabane

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

Most people who know me know that the property my animal rescue and sanctuary sits on is overrun with wildlife. Some of them have become so tolerant of human activity that they behave like domestic pets. This would be a disaster in most cases, but I do have some background as a rehabber and enough knowledge to keep them safe. In my state, Virginia, no options are available west of Wytheville for relocation or rehabilitation. If we call the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for assistance, their only option is euthanasia.

This particular raccoon is a two-year-old female we call "Glory." She has bonded with the dogs she knows are safe, and bonded with me. She is notorious for removing window screens and letting herself into the house.

In these photos, she's sitting beside a wildflower called daisy fleabane. Both lavender and white varieties of this common plant are visible behind her, as well as several broad leaves of butter dock. Butter dock is edible and I cook it often. Being from the south, I think greens and cornbread make a complete meal. LOL I find both butter and curly dock to be milder in taste than spinach, collards, or turnip greens as long as it's properly prepared. I usually mix in dandelion leaves as well.

One of my recent posts featured a photo of purple fleabane. The plant in that picture is located near the creek on my property, but the lavenders on the mountain behind my house are much lighter in color. White fleabane is plentiful, too. I thought the one in the photo with Glory was shaped like a conifer. It stood straight until she wallowed all over it this afternoon during her photo shoot. Now it leans like the Tower of Pisa.

Fleabane is not a true bane. It gets its name from an old belief that dried leaves scattered around a home would repel fleas. The leaves are actually edible, and may have some benefit for neurological health.

My name is hard to see on the note in the proof pic, so here is that part of the image magnified with the contrast tweaked.


This entry has a very good chance of winning! I wish you luck!

Well, win or not, I'm just so glad to be among the kind of friends who enjoy pics of the same kinds of things I do, like interesting animals. When @bex-dk told me about this contest, I was like. . .man. Now there's one for me. :-)

Bex is brilliant at finding contests and encouraging people to enter AND helping the novices with her free editorial services. #GottaLoveBex!!

I like how you think! Stay positive: D

I loved reading this and seeing Glory! You should win this.

Thank you. :-) No idea if I'll win or not, but I love this contest. It's right up my alley.

Your first picture is great. Glory almost looks like she posed for you... She looks like a princess. :-)

YES, she looks like a born model! I was about to ask if Scott took the pictures when I realized he couldn't have - Rhonda, not Scott, is entering the contest. My gosh, you may not have Scott's grand photo equipment, but you have an eye for a gorgeous shot, Rhonda (Now to get Rhonda more cameras and computer software...)

She does pose, the little stinker. Sat behind me on windowsill the whole time I was getting this post together and watched.

Glory knows that international acclaim is key to getting the Autonomous Raccoon Colony plan implemented and getting rid of those mangy mutts, especially the ones who refuse the 10 percent kibble tithe...


I can't wait to read Paige's side of the story ("Glory is the devil")

She is such a cutie.

"She is notorious for removing window screens and letting herself into the house." -- ohhhh, man, that, I'd love to see, if you ever catch her on video.

I don't have the video of her actually doing it, but I have the aftermath. LOLOL

Glory looks like she's so much fun! I have heard that raccoons are super mischievous. Thank you for sharing the photos and the information!

Hi, @sunravelme! Glory is a sweetheart and a devil all at once. LOL Saying raccons are "mischievous" is like saying the sun is hot. LOLOL! But they can be very loving when they want to be.

lol! Well now I want to cuddle her!

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