Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog!

in #nature7 years ago (edited)

Yes! It's in my head and now it can be in yours too!

Yeah, you can thank me later...

Every time I see and hear the 50+ Bullfrogs who serenade @knarly327 and I nightly from their end of our backyard I can't help but sing this song to myself.


(This was published on YouTube by: eltoero4me on August 10th, 2007.)

The song was originally released by the band: Three Dog Night in 1970. The name of the song is "Joy to the World".

It's an oldie but a goodie and I hope it brings a little "Joy to Your World" in whatever corner of it, you may happen to find yourself in today.

I think we all need a little more joy and just maybe... more cow-bell while I'm at it. LOL!

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan


Thank you for the upbeat post. I needed that today. I remember that song well. Maybe you thought that I was married to Pat for many years. Actually it is about the same as you and Dan. 26 years.
I was unmarried for many years. From late 1977 to 1991. Yes, I was a goofball in those days. I am not proud of those days. But, Pat settled me down. Ha
When we get older, we are expected to be wiser. Hmmmm
But, your song selection brings back memories.


It brings back memories for me too and it's the first thing I think of when I see and hear these bullfrogs.
Dan and I married in Oct. 1991. (This is not a trick question, lol)...what month did you and Pat get married in? :)


"off topic below"

Drum roll here. Would you believe it? October 12, 1991.
Pat grew up on a farm, as I did. We had went to the same high school.
We met again after many years, at a scheduled meeting I had with a builder.
Her brother-in-law."

"back on topic"
The bullfrog song was among the songs that took us from old style music to the new.
Which I like. I just don't like most country music. Even though I grew up in the country. Ha
Thank you for your upvote.


Isn't that wild!! Dan and I got married the weekend right after you and Pat which makes our anniversary on the 19th.

Both of us are not fans of country music either and we both grew up in the country too. (Dan on a farm and I in a small "beach" town that has 12,000 year round residents. Dan's parents eventually moved into town and this is where we met.)
No need to thank me, it's the least I can do and I'm happy that I can. LOL!

That is so cool. People doing things around the world in sync. Love it.
"off topic"
I have a problem. A password problem. I tried to log in for a "witness vote" and my password was rejected.
I tried to sign in to my regular page, which I have saved password entry to my bog. And that just messed it up too. Ugh I have the original password.. I have it saved in two places. Doesn't matter.. It just doesn't work. I have worked on this for three hours now. Too much.
Luckily I had my blog saved on two different browsers. One works. I don't dare mess it up.
I just don't know what happened. I was reading of a swap into an exchange, then into another new account.
Do you know who could help me? I went to chat, but that is a mad house. Ha
Sadly, I never saved it in my computer browser other than sign in. But, I have the password. Just doesn't work. Rejected every time.


Hmmm? This is puzzling. So I can tell you that originally you are issued 2 pass-keys. One key will let you post and vote but it will not let you do anything with your wallet or voting for witnesses.
For that, you must use the other pass-key which will let you do everything, including transfer funds and vote for witnesses.
This is a built in safety feature that Steemit offers to give anything to do with tranferring currency an extra level of protection.
Here's something to try:
go to your wallet page. Across the top, you will see "Balances" "Permissions" and "Password".
Choose "Permissions" This will show you all your pass-keys. The first is your posting key, the next one is your active key (Transfers currency and witness voting) and then there's a Master key which lets you change the 1st two pass-keys. Lastly, there is a memo key and this is the one that you want to use if you want to send a memo along with a currency transfer. This is very important because you never want to use your active key to send a memo because people can see your key and you can be hacked.

Now, this piece is also confusing: Once you start looking at your pass-keys you will see that you must "click" on the "show private key" box or the "login to show"box to reveal "your actual" active key.
If you copied the posting key without clicking on "show private key" you'll be trying to use a generic key that isn't yours. I think it just holds space as an example, but it's confusing.
Do you think this is what you have done?

Short message. The first didn't work.


"off topic"
It worked. Thank you, thank you.
I tried several times. The keys/passwords are a little confusing to me at least.
I signed out on the Microsoft browser and didn't have any trouble logging back in.
At least not this time.
Then, the posting key is different. And apparently the "witness voting is different?"
Anyway, I am back on line. Thanks to you. Today you are my hero. Tomorrow? Ha
Just kidding.

Oh, I don't touch the google browser login. I don't change anything. I may need it to log on someday for Steemit.
I saved both, and I don't have to add the password every time I log in.......

Haven't heard that song for aaaaaages, I enjoyed listening to it again, thanks! I feel more joyous than I did before ;-)

Very good! It is one of those songs that just stays with you for a bit. ;)

Hehe! I'll think of this song next time they go in full force here! The rainy season just started. Once it will rain more often frog sounds will take over again!

Hahaha! So, you know the magnitude of the serenading that more than a handful of frogs can accomplish. Especially, as one tries to "out croak" the other.
Sometimes it's hard to get a word in edgewise when you are enjoying sitting outside. I wish you well when the rain comes full force in your area again and now you'll have this song planted in your head. :)

Yep, they can be loud... even when you are in the house with the windows closed they managed to overpower everything hehe! But love their sound....

Me too! Often start a night with the windows open but sometimes we have to close them...just to get a word in edgewise. :D

It was a popular song when you were conceived so perhaps it is part of your genetic MOM

Haha nice....

I had a similar experience yesterday with a song on the radio....

Turns out it was dang ol "Steely Dan" Reeling in the Years.

Been singing it for days now lol....

Upvoted, and followed.

Steem Trust Meme.jpg

Thanks so much for commenting and sharing your experience @piercetheevil!
Steely Dan is one of my favourites too!
I have followed you as well. ;)

Indeed! Thank You. :P

I used a quote from this song in my high school yearbook profile back in 1985 :-), one of my long time favs

It's so funny what memories this song dredges up. I can remember doing calisthenics to this song beside my school desk in the 70's when there was a push on from the ministry of education to make sure we all started our day with cardio exercises. We had to do 20 minutes of it, everyday right after the national anthem, the Lord's prayer and the daily announcements. This song was part of the programming and it takes me right back to jumping jacks. :)

that was certainly a different time wasn't it! fun to hear your memory!

btw, I listed you as a blogger to take a look at ... you are an excellent storyteller and deserve a lot more attention, I hope you get it

Thank you so much @natureofbeing, this means a lot to me personally and I am humbled.
Did you post or comment this somewhere? I haven't seen the article and I'd like to read it.
Thanks again. :)

@cryptogee wrote a post a few days ago about several of her favorite bloggers here on steemit and asked for suggestions. I wrote your handle in the comments, I hope it brings you some new support! here's the post:
in case you aren't familar with her blog, she's a very interesting thinker and a good writer...worth reading for sure

Thank you. I checked out the article and have now supported it. :)

It's remarkable how a sight or a sound is intrinsically tied to memory. I find this part of the human condition to be absolutely fascinating.

Hahaha! Thank you @rizatr! :D

I agree to the fact that we all really do need more joy. Thanks for sharing

lol nice song =D

This is very old song at least older than me :P

Yes. It is even slightly older than me, too. :D

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