Check out our new pet...

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

My stepson has an understandable fascination with all things reptile or amphibian. I will be honest I probably helped instill this as I too have a fascination with reptiles and amphibians. Before I came along I am not so sure this fascination existed for him... So, perhaps I am to blame. :)

Either way...

When we stopped at the Salt River Canyon on our way home last weekend we came across one of the harder amphibians to catch, at least in my experience. 

The American Bullfrog...

I have seen literally hundreds of these in my lifetime but only ever managed to catch one, until last weekend. When my stepson spotted it, the chase was on!

Luckily for us, the frog's first bounce was towards land instead of further in the river, after a couple seconds of wild hopping about, we were able to corral him. 

Take a look at our new pet, at least for a little while. :)

Isn't he pretty? 

He's just a little guy right now, but they grow rather large. Full grown adults can measure 8 inches or more...

They are pretty easy to take care of as far as amphibians are concerned as they eat just about anything. 

We have quite the assortment of reptiles and amphibians living at our house now, for this one to stay it means another one will likely have to be let go... but that is a story for another time.

Live well my friends!

*Image source is myself

Follow: @jrcornel


That is one cool looking little dude, will be great when he grows up to his real size. Quite handy that they eat just about anything, i didn't know that!

Yea they have been known to eat just about any kind of bug, fish, baby ducks, even small mammals like mice. One was even found with bat wings sticking out of it's mouth... lol

I didn't know that they could eat mammals!! I wonder if it is the same for large toads? We get loads of them and also lots of field mice. It would be great if they preyed on them!

How big are these toads? I do know of some toads that eat small rodents... basically toads and frogs will eat anything they can fit in their mouths.

They can get to be between 6 and 8 inches so i reckon they could easily get the mice. Fantastic!

More reason to bring in the toads! ;)

Nesting limit:

Yeah, I love a natural solution!!

It's the better option... although if you bring in too many toads you will have to bring in a snake to control the toads... and then if the snakes get too plentiful you will have to bring in some falcons to control the snakes... etc... and etc... lol ;)

Nesting limit: hahaha!! Yes, i can see where that's going. I would end up with elephants!!

Thank you! Frogs are just neat :)

Great! I love frogs, when I lived on mountain usually I found some big frogs in front of my door , so I took them on my hands (touching the frogs is a strange experience ^^) and I helped them to come back in the forest ^^

Haha so you are a frog rescuer! That is very noble of you! :)

Not noble, just useful: if I didn't take the frogs away from my door, I couldn't go in my home :D

Haha! Oh so it was for your benefit?! Silly me! :)

yep, for my benefit and for the benefit of the frogs too ;)

Croak, croak!

Ribbit, ribbit!


I'm glad to see you in here. I would ask you a favor--it's about @nonameslefttouse. He said he was taking the weekend off...three weeks ago. I'm concerned, since he and I chatted pretty much every day. Anyway, I put up a post and I'm asking that everyone comment to let him know he's missed and important to this place. So if you have a moment, that would be awesome :)

I love frogs! I had an aquarium when I was young, and my favorite thing about it was the tiny water frogs :)

On another note, I put up a post today for @nonameslefttouse. He said he was taking the weekend off...three weeks ago. I'm a little worried, he and I chatted pretty much every day, so I've noticed his absence keenly. Anyway, I've asked people to put their comments in, letting him know he's missed, would appreciate it :)

Yes frogs are pretty neat! I have only had a couple in my life... had many toads, but only a couple frogs. They are rather elusive!

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