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RE: Making a difference, no matter how small it may be, can light up the darkest day! You have the power inside! 💙💚💜

in #nature7 years ago

It was wonderful to move back to Boulder from where my complex has composting recycling and trash. Every trip to the compost bin makes me smile. Here they charge for plastic bags at the store and styrofoam isn't used hardly at all. I still cringe in both states when I see water bottles handed out at meetings and such. I tried to talk my old work into just having mugs for as all. They might still think I'm an alien from another planet.
Unfortunately dealing with trash at the scale needed to prevent what you are suffering from takes committed and organized public action. Air and water are public goods and good governance is needed everywhere to protect this valuable resources. Good luck!


Awww yes, honestly at times I have thought about moving to CO to have those luxuries available. But every place comes with its ups and downs... cold is one of those downs for me so I know I have to choose my battles. I just wish we wouldn't be so cruel to the world we live in and that we weren't even having to have this conversation. I have family in Utah and the smog there is incredulous as well. There are days where you're not even supposed to go outside...

I know it'll take some determination and more effort than I can imagine but obviously something needs to be done and I am hoping I can help at least get the ball rolling! I very much doubt the government here is going to intervene so as you said, public action is going to be necessary!

Hopefully with enough love in the heart, something can be done! <3 Thanks for the encouragement! Keep on being an inspiration to your fellow workers, water bottles are such a ridiculous waste... I know I started bringing my water bottle around when I saw someone else do it. Leading by example is always effective <3 I wish you the best of luck!

Waking up to that smoke would be horrible everyday. I do hope it gets better.

Thank you! I hope so too, I am working my mind into finding some ways to deal with it. I know education is going to be a huge part of it. It's more heartbreaking than anything to see it covering the beautiful landscape.. awww.. but it's a call for action on my part and I hope I can do something about it to change things <3

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