Huge success: Commercial ban for hunting and trading the Pangolin! (English translation)

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

Pangolins are hunted because of their meat and because their scales are desired in Asia and Africa (© Scaly Anteater/Flickr - BY Sat. CC 2. 0) Picture Source

Note: This is my english translation of an amazing article for you, with good news by

Here you can find the original german version of this article:

My own english translation of the german article for you:

We are glad very much: The member states of the world protection of endangered species conference, in german "Weltartenschutzkonferenz" (CITES) have decided the highest protection for the scale animal at the end of september in Johannesburg. The commercial trade with all eight kinds is now forbidden with it completely. The worldwide protests have contributed to it.

No mammal of the world is hunted and smuggled so often like the scale animal, also called pangolin. The world nature conservation authority IUCN, in german "Weltnaturschutzbehörde" estimates that one million animals were caught and killed during the last ten years – although the hunt on Pangolins and trading with these animals, their meat and their scales are already forbidden in many countries, or at least strongly limited.

The decision of the delegates of more than 180 CITES member states, to put all eight Pangolin kinds completely under protection, comes literally at the last minute. In Asia, where four of the eight kinds are resident, the number of the animals has shrunk already so strong, that more and more Pangolins are imported from Africa in the moment. On both continents the meat of this mammals is valid as a delicacy, the scales should have curative or power-rising effects.

The 265,000 signatures collected from the "Saving the rain forest" project, german "Rettet den Regenwald", were handed out by our ( partners of the organisation of ProWildlife in South Africa to the CITES participants.

Now the commercial ban must be moved in the practise. Therefor we collect more signatures and we prepare actions for the world-pangolin-day in february.

The world nature conservation conference takes place from the 24.9. until the 5.10.2016 in Johannesburg. In addition there will be debated about poaching and trading with ivory and rhinoceros as well as about the protection of lions, sharks, rays, grey parrots and barbary macaques.

Pangolins are hunted, although they are almost extinct in Asian
Picture Source

Don´t eat Pangolins everyone, subscribe the new petition and spread this information - Thanks!

Link to the new petition:

An adult female white bellied pangolin and her baby. Credit Joel Sartore/National Geographic Photo Ark.
👉 Picture source and nytimes article

Best regards, have a nice day/night and hear you in my next article!

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Jonas Ahrens

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Great post buddy. This awesome creature is very near to death because of us especially fucking Indonesians and chinese peoples.
petition Done but why this website isn't in english.

Poor animal...let us conserve it.

Yes, let´s share this important information, thanks!

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these animals are so cute :) hope to see them with my own eyes one day if they still exist...

Save The Animals!! <3

Yeah, Steem On! :)

Yes, good news and thanks for your comment @networkallstar!

Yes I like to see them very much too. 👍 Amazing animals!

Omg future this is fantastic news and about time, thanks for bringing this to our attention as its a step forward.

Thank you for your feedback @simonjay! 👍

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