in #nature7 years ago (edited)

The Green Party, Greenpeace & other green organisations have armies of staff, contributors, advisers, activists & fundraisers, yet seem unable to unravel the ramifications of Agenda 21 & geo-engineering without destroying their Climate Change modus operandi.
Additionally, they are unable to see that they are blaming the whole human race for the sins of a very few criminal minded globalist predators.
In a way, this illustrates their growing niavetè & ineffectiveness in a rapidly developing corporatocracy which is grabbing power from a world blinded by confusion & deliberate deceit.
I am saddened that, because of the glaring omissions in their research & their evident effort to avoid these controversial matters, they will go the way of all institutions that refuse to face reality, ie., into oblivion, replaced by wiser, stronger opposition.
There was a time when I felt all of these organisations were radical. Now I know they are weakened by their fear of the truth & by their desire to be acceptable to & funded by a wider support network
Oddly, that has cost them the support of those that seek radical change through truth & right now, the truth needs to be faced by all of us as soon as possible, so that we can eradicate cognitive dissonance & get on with building something infinitely better.
I hope they don't make green a dirty colour by continuing to refuse to debate & consider the subjects that concern so many activists but are noticeably absent from their agendas.


Of course! You plebs really need to know what us Toffs are doing, otherwise you will forever be useless eaters! What!
Read this fascinating account of how the Crown created Green Fascism & don't forget to doff your caps, chaps!

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