Water is sick and so are we

in #nature6 years ago

I was reading a blog earlier that got me thinking. She blogged on how people have to fight for water. Even though her blog is world tourism challenge, her blog goes deeper than that. https://steemit.com/worldtourism/@x0xkasumix0x/world-tourism-challenge

When I was a child we had access to spring water right to our homes. It was nice, it was sweet and all natural. Now as a child I took everything for granted. It all seemed to work the way it was suppose to and I was just oblivious to the outside world around me.
One day the government decided on our behalf to install a water tower so that we could all have treated toxic water, filled with chlorine. It smelled funny, tasted funny. I didnt like water so much anymore. Today that tower still stands, still feeds our houses. If we want spring water we have to travel, work hard, lifting big heavy bottles of it and trail it back home. A question came to mind; if this town never wanted gross unhealthy water, why didnt anyone stand up and fight this? We were blessed with fresh true water, how can we accept this poison?

A wise being once told me, you can talk to water and ask it to heal you and it will. Its powerful. Everything is spiritual, everything is living, the earth, the trees, the grass and flowers, us and animals. So I tried it. It didnt work. Although it didnt work I still believe it to be true. Water is life. It helps us grow, it feeds us. Its everything. And I know why it didnt work. Because the water is sick. It is poisoned in every which way. How can it heal us if its already sick? We all have to realize this. With the water being sick, we feed it to our animals, we use it for our plants, we eat the plants. We feed it to our children. We have to work hard to change it, bring it back around. The proof? We are the proof, how well is your health... long term? The coral beds are dying! Even though I live up in northern Ontario, we are still affected by it. Honestly research it. Even Netflix has a documentary about the coral. Watch it to the end, its worth it.

And yet, I still drink the poisoned water that is happily offered by our loving and caring government, brainwashing us to think everything is ok.

Water is sick and so are we. Water is life.....


Thank you for mentioning this story and thank you for linking my post as well!!!

How does one link on here anyway?
I am still a noob.

Happy to meet you ^_^ and I am also a SAHM ☆ !!!

Hoping we all can work together to give the kids a better future then the one we are headed to without the unity of the people.

You are welcome. I am new as well. On my 2nd week. And sweet SAHM's should connect together. Makes for a better world when we support each other. To link.. the only way I know of is to just copy and paste the address of the blog. I dont know if there is an easier way yet. Pleased to meet you as well ^_^

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