
Once I passed through Oregon (Burns, Bend, Eugene) and the scenery just blew me away. It has a different sort of rugged feel to it. And the wind... I can't describe how humbling it was.

Why did you come through? When?? I went to Burns last year to get away from Fireworks with my dog for Independence Day. What an area. Hahah It was awful, so many locusts... My poor car...

Oooo-kay... The year was 2001 and I was on an adventure: a hitchhiking trip from Tucson, AZ to... somewhere North where it ain't so hot. After spending a week or so in and around the Grand Canyon we caught a ride from Knab, UT straight to Eugene, via the City of Rocks climbing paradise in Idaho. Eventually we went up all the way to Ashcroft, BC, then headed back South again (where it wasn't so cold). Wow... just typing this brought back memories. Now I feel like writing a post about it! Lol Too bad that was all before social networks or even digital photos.

You should! Better have pics!!

Well, you know, young whipper-snapper, back in the day we couldn't just take pictures willy-nilly of everything and anything. A film in the camera had only 32 exposures. Lots of times we just had to look at something very carefully, close our eyes, and let the image imprint itself in our brain. That's how we would create unforgettable memories...

Sorry if my grandpa impressions comes over as patronizing. (Actually I'm not that old, but enjoy getting there, hehehe.) In fact I have stacks of paper photos, stashed away some box in my mom's attic in New Zealand. In the Grand Canyon I just couldn't control myself (same goes for Cougar Hot Springs outside Eugene). I don't think I have one picture of Burns or Bend though. Only imprinted in my brain.

You know what, the fact that you said 2001, didn't even register! I get it! Heck, I am old enough to remember! Hahah. But don't think I wouldn't give you a shoulder punch in person. ;)

I'm so glad to hear. Goes to show my weird humor is still understandable.

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