Daily Nature Fix: An Iconic Sunset at The Grand Canyon. (Original Photos)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

   Good afternoon fellow nature fanatics and beloved followers!  Today's Daily Nature Fix holds a special place in my heart.  It is the most amazing sunset that both Kylene and I ever saw.  It occurred in August about two years ago at the far eastern portion of Grand Canyon National Park.  I mean, any sunset would be pretty amazing at a location like that, I'm sure, but this one seemed extraordinary with it's colors and cloud patterns.  We were in the right place at the right time.  Now I'm going to kind of Hitchcock my presentation here and present these photos in a reverse chronological order.  They are all photos of the same sunset, but the latest-in-the-day photos were the most spectacular (in my opinion) and here is my favorite:

^^^^  The array of colors that stretched for miles and miles was incredible.  Naturally, the photos don't even do it justice.  Now, one thing you probably noticed is that there is no sign of the whole Grand Canyon thing.  BUT, it will make itself visible as we progress here, like so:

^^^^Now this photos is why I used the word "iconic" in the title of this post.  You see, it was this photo that I used for my "Follow Me" icon at the bottom of all my DNF blogs!  Some of my longer term followers may have even recognized it.  Though less colorful than the last photo, this part of the sunset was amazing as well.  The gold sun rays shot out, and around, all of the various peaks of the canyon.

^^^As we continue backwards in time, this was the time that the sunset was just starting to get good.  The light show in the sky wasn't the main attraction yet and shared the spot light with the sheer beauty of the canyon.  The colors of the rock may not be all that vibrant, but the cool patterns are clearly visible. 

^^^Lastly, we this shot from right as dusk approached.  With the partial cloudy sky, the sunlight poked through random holes in the overcast and highlighted only a few different spots across the landscape.  Some of the red sandstone and green vegetation popped out nicely in the lighting.  You can even see the lay Colorado River in the distance.

      I hope you liked this sunset as much as I did. The Grand Canyon is definitely a place that everyone should see at some point in their life.  I was expecting it to be amazing, but seeing it really exceeded our expectations.  It's a life changing experience to some degree.  Looking out across that kind of vastness of space and time put our own time on this earth into a different perspective, for me.  Life's short and time marches on as it has for millions of year.  Live it up while you can.

ANNOUNCEMENT:  I may miss a few day's of posting the DNF blog starting tomorrow as Kylene and I are heading to Ireland and Northern Ireland for 8 days.  I'll try to make posts if I have any down time, but no promises.  We're going to be out exploring a lot! Thanks for understanding.  :)

      Thank you for reading and following the Daily Nature Fix blog over the past few months.  Hang in there for me while I'm gone and look forward to some DNF posts about the natural wonders of Ireland in the very near future!  Don't miss it, makes sure you follow me @customnature!

***Daily Nature Fix is a daily blog showcasing the natural world.  It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels.***


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This is awesome! I am going to follow you for sure. A daily nature fix is definitely something I need :)

Thanks! I hope I meet all of your expectations!

Fantastic! Have a great trip too!

Thank you, kindly!

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