#2 The Gaia Letters Project

in #nature7 years ago (edited)


After releasing the request for The Gaia Letters, we had a reply from a pioneering visionary Dr Michael J Cohen, an Ecopsychologist, a man that devotes every moment of his life to educating people to heal their lost connection with Earth, a man that clearly sees what most people are unable to see.


Dear Gaia Letters

Earth and we are at risk because the strongest education, counselling, healing and spiritual practices we use today were designed for less knowledgeable times, sometimes thousands of years before scientific thinking was established and far too often for the self-interests of powerful, misguided authorities.

The Earth Overshoot state of the world today, described below, demonstrates that we think we do not know how to deal with the destructive and unbalanced “side effects” of advanced science and technology on our personal social and environmental relationships.

Did you see this information at www.SaneEarth.com?

August 19, was Earth Overshoot Day for the year 2014 A.D.
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date each year when humanity exhausts Nature’s life-supporting resources on Planet Earth. This deficiency injuriously stresses the life of the Planet and its web of life, including humanity. All things are affected by this form of insanity. It produces runaway environmental, social and personal disorders that we suffer.
Since December 30 1975, each year Earth Overshoot Day has come earlier in the year. In 2014, on August 19, we were globally 150 percent in deficit and counting.

Today we need another planet one-half the size of Earth to hook up with Earth to make up the present deficit. Nobody has the slightest idea as to how to make this happen. Included in our madness is that the experts who study its effects say the source of Earth Overshoot is unknown and that also unknown is an applicable remedy for it. However, Project NatureConnect has proven beyond reasonable doubt that these statements are not true. We warranty that the Albert Einstein Unified Field Equation for Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) identifies the point source of Earth Overshoot and it is also a practical antidote for it.

Today’s situation suggests that until the experts demonstrate otherwise, they are affected by and are part of our Overshoot insanity. To make their point they must first learn about and correctly apply the ECHN Equation and then show it to be ineffective, if that proves to be the case. The experts are presently in denial of this observation and they must be powerfully confronted.

What the experts and Project NatureConnect agree upon is that we are experiencing climate change, shrinking forests, species loss, fisheries collapse, higher commodity prices, reduced social and environmental justice, increased stress and mental illness and greater civil unrest. We concur that these are overshoot misery factors that we increasingly endure and that the environmental, social and economic crisis we are experiencing is the forerunner of a looming catastrophe.

Earth Overshoot steadily increases because we can’t disturb our Planet without becoming more disturbed as part of it, and vice versa. We desperately need trained individuals who know how to teach others how to use the ECHN tool. It helps us remedy the disturbance of our body, mind and spirit that is the source of our dilemmas.

Humanity is uncomfortably out of balance, as is Earth, no coincidence. As we demand the satisfactions for it that relieve it, we gain them, short term, by using artificial resources to create greater immediate stability for ourselves. This motivates to use more resources than those our living planet can safely provide. We unbalance it because when we want, there is never enough. This is a human psychological problem. It demands psychological treatment and it is not receiving it.

For us to honor our lives and all of life, we must continually honor the Einstein Unified Field Equation for Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) by applying its balancing organics and reversing Earth Overshoot.


We are, today, in real life, in far worse shape than were the subjects of the astonishing Milgram studies of 1961 In them a supervisor committed the subjects to administer increasingly painful electrical shocks to people who answered meaningless questions incorrectly. The subjects could hear the recipients in another room; they were individuals they had met but now could not see. However, they could hear them cry out in increasing pain and anguish as the experiment progressed and the voltage increased.

What the subjects did not know was the alleged recipients did not actually receive the shocks, their cries were recordings.

What was not predicted was that although some subjects cringed, most would not stop hurting the shock recipients as the voltage and responding cries increased and the supervisor urged them to continue. The instead responded to the authorities.

This experiment was recently repeated and the results were the same.
We are in much greater trouble today than were the Milgram subjects and participants fifty-five years ago. This is because today the authority phenomenon is not a study, it is real and true to life. The life that our authorities have us shocking and hurting is in and around us, it is authentic. We know this full well and we see and feel the disastrous effects.

We are painfully aware that we are all subject to profit driven, nature-exploiting directives and advertisements that unbalance us. They include all the misguided information that induces, pay, applauds or addicts us to excessively use products that secretly administer lethal shocks to the life of our Planet and Nature, around and in us.
As part of Nature we suffer the pain we are goaded into inflicting on Nature while, be we administrator or client, we say we can’t find a major way to stop doing this.

Our helplessness and its outrageous Earth Overshoot effects occur because our Society pays authorities to fire or admonish us for not doing their nature-disconnected biddings. In addition, these “bosses” encourage us not to believe what our 54 natural senses convey to us. Our misguided authorities say we must listen to their misguided messages as well as spend over 95 percent of our time and felt-sense thinking and relating out of tune with how Nature works.
Due to our excessive disconnection from Nature we can’t hear, feel, or make sense of the pain and disorders we inflict on Nature in and around us. Instead, unhappily, we endure them or try to pass laws that forbid their continuance.
We become so attuned to being dependent on, or subjects or cultural objects of, our authorities that part of our mentality subconsciously takes on their role. We not only can’t stop listening to real administrators, when they are absent, we listen to their fixed images and instructions that we don’t realize that we hold in our mind. Meanwhile our 54 natural senses scream, “Stop your shocking behavior.” This is because on some 54 sense connection levels our inner nature is always aware of what is happening to the whole of nature. We seldom enjoy complete satisfactions when our relationships are not honorable.

Even the best of researchers are not immune to this phenomenon. They can discover a truth and at the same time act as if it was not true. If you don’t believe this craziness is addictive, just try and stop it.

The process of the Albert Einstein Unified Field Equation for Educating, Counseling and Healing With Nature (ECHN) helps us remedy our shocking madness when our intelligence chooses to use it. ECHN empowers us to safely plug our 54 natural attraction senses into nature’s immediate and powerful, Unified Field, backyard or backcountry. It is not imaginary. It is the field that Albert Einstein scientifically predicted in 1935 and that the Higgs Boson verified in 2012.
Our connection of our 54 senses to their natural sensory attraction origins in the Unified Field reasonably revives, restores and energizes our senses as well as frees them from their destructive attachments. We become more sensible, healthy and open to change. Drug use, conflict, crime, stress and illness subside as a result.


Making Unified Field sensory connections in a natural area enables our genetics and psyche to recycle and regenerate our injured or depleted 54 senses and sensibilities. As we experience and become self-evident aware of nature’s attractive callings, we increasingly help our 54 senses, in congress, compost and transform the pollution, pain and excessiveness of our psyche, into reasonable constructive and attractive, personal, social and environmental relationships. That helps reverse Earth Overshoot.

ECHN guarantees that it attracts the authentic unifying balance and beauty of the natural world to help us beneficially transform our faulty education and relationships. It lets nature itself teach us how to increase our well-being by increasing the health of the Web-of-Life. Only then can our advanced science and technologies make our life better in a balanced way, rather than destructively. They make it possible for us, by distant or on-site learning, to be paid to help interested people everywhere learn, teach and benefit from ECHN, while reducing Earth Overshoot.

While you are reading links of interest above, sign up for our online Orientation Course. It helps your sense of reason experience first hand the self-evident truths in this article and honor your soul.

The following are also linked in the text, above.

  1. Albert Einstein’s unified field equation. Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 2. Retrieved from http://www.ecopsych.com/journalaliveness.html
  2. Cohen, M. J. (1993) The training ground of a nature-connected expert. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.ecopsych.com/mjcohen.html
  3. Cohen, M. J. (1995). Thinking and Learning on All Nine Legs, 1. (4). Retrieved from http://www.ecopsych.com/nineleg.html
  4. Cohen, M. J. (2008). Educating, counseling, and healing with nature. Illumina. Retreived from http://www.ecopsych.com/ksanity.html
  5. Cohen, M. J. (2013). Nature as higher power. Amazon. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ecopsych.com/insight53senses.html
  6. Cohen, M. J. (2015) With Justice For All: A Remedy for the Key Omission in Higher Education Retrieved from http://www.ecopsych.com/grandjury.html
    7.The hidden organic remedy: Nature Journal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ecopsych.com/nhpbook.html
  7. The impossible dream: We ask you to be a part ofJournal of Organic Psychology and Natural Attraction Ecology, 1. Retrieved fromhttp://www.ecopsych.com/journalwarranty.html
  8. The state of planet earth and us. (2001). Retrieved fromhttp://www.ecopsych.com/zombie2.html
  9. Nature Connected health and wellness research (2014). Retrieved from from http://www.ecopsych.com/2014ecoheal.html
    Educating Counseling and Healing With Nature
    • Master sensory methods and materials that help us strengthen the dance of nature’s peace and sanity, in and around us.
    • Establish a socially and environmentally responsible relationship-building and stress-reduction livelihood or hobby.
    • Benefit from grant funded, online, Ph.D., M.S., and B.A. degrees/courses/training.
    Project NatureConnect, P. O. Box 1605, Friday Harbor, WA, 98250 360-378-6313

Contact Dr. Mike Cohan at [email protected]

Earth needs your care and love more than ever, Ignoring her means that you are complicit to her negligence in this anthropogenic (man-made) Silent Ecocide. Please step outside of your own world for a minute to spare a thought for Planet Earth, after all if it wasn’t for her, you would not exist. Please do not ignore your sick grandmother, she needs your help to restore the Planet, to restore balance in humanity and human society, to restore our lost connection with Nature.

If you want to take part in The Gaia Letters project and have your piece published in a collective writings book you can email me at [email protected] or add your letter, poem, song or piece in the comments below or ask me to publish it in following Gaia Letters here on my blog as well as in the future book.

Carlita Shaw, author of The Silent Ecocide available in Paperback
or Kindle

The Gaia Letters Project


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