Colorchallenge; Monday Red

in #nature7 years ago

Strolling around the lake park yesterday afternoon. Enjoying the abundance of beautiful nature and overcast weather which provided continual shade. Capturing the photograph of nature that intrigued my attention.

Photograph captured with HTC 10




Hi - I just checked out your website - I am really impressed with your work. "Billy Johnson is an artist who intuitively creates fine art with a automatism approach, and the outcome is always surprising. " I have the same approach - but mine is totally different of course, but I have never seen another artist who says they use that approach. I looked through many of your paintings - they remind me of "tribal tattoos" from the 90s sort of - I also really liked how the woodgrain would float behind the drawing - I am also impressed by your slow progression - ie you have not abandoned your strategy over the years - I also have been working in this way for a long while but I do get totally bored with a "way" and then have to find another way to express the intuitive process - but I prefer this to the other "coming up with an idea" - because my "ideas" are boring and the intuitive way is so much MORE amazing... but I just love your work - thank you for sharing it with us...

Thank you very much. I checked your art work in your steemit profile and I like your style as well. Do you have a website? Your style It's similar to my friend Marl Rod @

I never came across any one else who uses this approach as well. Have you gotten messages/insight of any kind from your automatism art works?

@billyjohnsonart My website is - YES I have developed my psychic ability from doing this kind of artwork and now I can read my artwork and other people's "aura's" by scrying the lines with it using drawings I do, while I think about them or pray for answers about them - it's really bizarre, because without the drawing, I am not psychic - the drawing itself is psychic - ???

I was drawing these people and images in 2011 that I did not know and finally I asked - who are you? and answered with writing with my left hand and I got this whole download of information - from then on it developed to where now I am doing it live... You will see it on my website.

I have literally never heard of another person who does this so it is great to meet you !!! Please tell me if you are also getting any "messages" or "insight" as well... I would love to hear about it. I can identify with Marl Rod - she is also psychic through her artwork???

I get dreams, insights, intuitions. The off streets light at night turn on every time I get about 1000ft to 500ft circumference distance from them (slider).cI know people intentions and more. My art seems to have complex messages that for most art I yet to decipher. Perhaps someone with knowledge will know the symbols and translate.

Left hand is controlled by right brain. Right brain
is feminine side, psychic, intuitive, subconscious, nurturing, artistic. That's why it's suppressed starting ages ago.

I think you are psychic but need to work out the left side of body (Right side of brain). I don't know if Marl Rod psychic. But I do know is that throughout my entire I always come across psychic people of one attribute or another.

@billyjohnsonart thanks for telling me this - I am still working it all out. I am blocked in certain ways but my art continues to lead me through the blocks. I started doing "sigils" about 6 months ago. That is helping. I also use my drawings for my own growth. I don't know what you mean about the left side of my body - it's been the right side lately - I woke up with a huge leg cramp this morning in myright leg - so not sure... but I am sure you are on to something- I will ask what that's about...I think artists are shamans which is why "they" had to occult the knowledge - separate art from spirit and also make sure we use our right hand - i was left handed and became right handed as a child due to teachers making me - I try to use my left hand regularly to communicate with me. Regarding your art- it REALLY reminds me of tribal tattoos - so you could look into those to discover the origins of the symbols - africa, eskimo, inuet, easter island, etc

What I mean is that you said that your only psychic when drawing and say probably you are psychic normally. You also said a story of 2011 about people who you didn't know and asked who are you and the answer came about throught drawing from left hand.

I say for you to work on your left hand/body more to perhaps awaken more the abilities.

Throughout history there have been a psychic suppression in many form. One is shaming it by calling people with abilities witches and devils. Another by killing. Another by removing knowledge from culture and replacing it throughout generations l until forgotten. Another is by programming from birth to only use your right hand. Most thing are to be used with right hand. Thought not to use left hand. Saying left handed people are from the devil. Associating left with wrong, dark, bad, feminine, negative. Negative itself is not bad, it's one part of a polarity that is necessary to create a charge. So people associate negative with bad, it's incorrect.

That's why women were suppressed as well because left is associated with feminine. Right is masculine, logical, correct, good. In the Bible the right side of the power (God) is mention which is Jesus (masculine) but the left side of the power is not even mentioned at all which I believe must be femine to be balanced and at that the being probably would be Lucifer tbe most beautiful and highest of all angels. The woman in the holy trinity was replaced with holy spirit and so on and so forth. This Universe is polarity for creation. Positive and Negative, Electrons and Proton, Feminine and Masculine, Sender and Receiver all for creation. The balance. Dark and Light.

thank you @billyjohnsonart for your indepth explanation - sorry I was in the mountains for the last 5 days without service so could not respond promptly - YES - it's true - it does seem only when I am drawing that I am psychic - although I do get accurate intuitive messages constantly when I need to take care of situations - recently I was doodling while listening to 2 friends talk and I got a huge message for one of them- and the drawing said it all - but I was not "intending" to do a drawing for her at that moment - I was just doodling... with another person in mind (you in fact)- but later after I had talked to her about the message I got - I think it really was for her - the weird thing is though that I draw with my right hand. If I feel blocked I use my left or sometimes I write about it with my left. I ask the drawings what they are trying to tell me and answer with my left hand in writing... My abilities seem to be getting stronger recently I have been noticing. I have been doing them actively FOR people and it seems to be getting much stronger now - that I am using it for others health - doing sigils for them etc...

I thought that you might not liked the Bible Lucifer interpretation stuff. What was your doodling?

That's such an interesting and beautiful flower lovely shades of red

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