Treating Me And My Girls Naturally - Using Magic From The Bees

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

We all make decisions about how we wish to live our lives, how we wish to look after ourselves and our family. I have always steered away from using pharmaceuticals to treat any dis ease in my body, unless there is no other option. When I became a mother I knew that I wanted my children to develop their immune systems naturally. All children get sick, it is only natural as their bodies adapt to the environment that they live in.

There is nothing worst than seeing your child suffer or be uncomfortable and we naturally want to be able to ease their suffering. Yet if we interfere too quickly (I am not talking about severe cases here ), then we do not give their bodies the opportunity to learn how to deal with certain aliments. Their immunity grows only when it is exposed to illness and when it is allowed to fight whatever the body has been exposed too.

Our bodies are amazing and when we look after them, respect and honour them, they are then more able to deal with any unbalance that may occur. So when I am treating myself or my children I always wait a little to see how the body reacts. If treatment is needed I will turn to herbs or homoeopathy first.

When my oldest was 3 she got impetigo. Impetigo is a bacterial skin infection, she came in contact with a friend who had it and as it is highly contagious she then caught it. She had a cut on her face and that is where it started and from there it spread, until she had about 6 of 7 spots, all on her face.

Lots of people use Topical antibiotics to treat it, but I had heard of cases where it came back, when some people did. The thing is the cream deals with the surface infection, but does not draw it all out, meaning it can resurface again. I really did not want to use the cream anyway, so as always I tried a natural remedy first.

So what did I use, well I made a Turmeric paste with Propolis which I applied to my daughters face at least 2 of 3 times a day, making sure that the spots were covered, so that she did not pass it on. I also added bee pollen to her diet to give her immune system a little boost. I generally don't use bee products, but I will for medicinal purposes.


I have a friend who keeps bees and I can get some probolis from him when I need too. I have such a lot of respect and love for Bees, for all the work that they do providing us all with food and clothing. Indeed we would not be here if they were not around to pollinate our trees, plants and flowers. When I receive any product that they have made I always make sure to give them my thanks.

Propolis comes from the trees, the bees harvest the sap and resin and then they add enzymes through their body processing it , along with beeswax and plant matter. You then end up with this amazing product that's antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant. That is one one powerful healer right there.

It was the first thing that I thought of when my daughter became infected. But propolis is very sticky so I needed something natural to add to it, that would make more of a paste.


One of the best things to use when making a healing paste is turmeric. Turmeric has so many health benefits. This is mainly due to the antioxidant compound called curcumin.

Curcumin gives turmeric its bright color, as well as its potent wellness potential. Internally, turmeric is good for digestion and it may be particularly beneficial for cognitive health. It also supports cardiovascular and joint health, and it’s good for your skin when taken internally or applied externally.

To make my paste I just added 1 tablespoon of turmeric to 4 or 5 drops of Propolis and mixed them together. This was enough to last the day. After a couple of days, the spots started to look better and it didnot spread to any other part of her body.

I got a lot of grief from some people for not using the cream, but nobody caught it from her and in the end this paste got rid of it. That was almost 4 years ago and she has not caught it again even though there have been more cases of it around. Unfortunately it did return again for those that used the cream.

This is my entry into the @naturalmedicine Wisdom Challenge. Be sure to check out all the other entries which you will find under the naturalmedicine tag.

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I remember impetigo particularly moving through traveller communities. That's awesome... turmeric and honey was my remedy too so remarkable that the same paste, of course with addition of propolis, could be SUCH an important remedy for you... do you know you are the third person, including me, to write about a honey remedy?? Yay for bees. Xxx 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

yeah indeed for the bee's, I need to go check your's our now, I am a little behind with all that. Yeah propolis it is a wonderful all round healer and I am so lucky to have my friend who can give it to me from the bees he keeps xx

This is great. I love Turmeric!! Whenever we get out of sorts around here, we started adding it to some meals. I also make golden milk. It helps with all of my inflammation. Great write up! Be well.

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