To The River And To The Forest I Go, To Watch Myself Grow


Today I got to go to the river again, I got to walk across with my daughter on my back and allow the water to lap against my feet and wash away the worries ,of my previous days. Having these opportunities to be in the wilderness really has carried me these last few weeks. Taking the time for myself to connect with my inner wild self and really breathe. Oh how I can breathe in the wilderness.

Where all I can see is the mountains and the water and all I can hear is the dogs barking in the distance and my daughter excitedly pointing out all her amazing discoveries along the way. Once we got to the other side I took her off my back and allowed her to wet her feet. The current is still quite strong so I did not want her walking all the way across with me.

Ah but that simple joy of walking through the river, the sensation of the water cleansing me and freeing me up. Such a simple joy, such a simple thing to do and oh the healing it brings.

From there we climbed over rocks to find our way into the eucalyptus forest, what I assumed would be easy, actually turned out to be not so easy. So after some walking around and getting my feet wet some more, I found an opening that did not involve me after to scramble over some tree trunks with my daughter. The relief I felt once I entered the forest, the coolness that the shade provided us with and the silence that enclosed us both. The earth was turned over from the workings of some wild boar and we got to feel the cool soil beneath our feet. Here we stopped for a while to sit amongst these beautiful trees and listen to the sound they make in the breeze. To ponder on the beauty that surrounds us, to feel blessed that such places exist and that I can access them with my daughters and that we can enjoy them alone or with others, enjoy and be re energized.


This was my first time in this little forest and I had visions of gathering here in the future with other women and children and sharing our intentions and weaving them into existence. I have been taking my time in organizing the women's Co -Op, the women's supportive circle as all things that are sacred, are not to be rushed. I need to surrender and have faith that all will come to me as I need it. Already the steemit community has reached out to me and allowed me some breathing space in which to sit with my intentions and become very sure about what it is I wish to create. Whether or not I wish the circles to be opened or closed. How many can become involved, so that each person benefits equally. How much commitment do I need from each women, all of these things need to be clear before I move forward.

And Oh how I want to move forward, I am so excited at the potential that such a space can provide. I will initally hold the space on the land that I live on , but I have also had the offer of a beautiful space further along the river. I have been involved in other women's circles and the magic that is created, the trust, the healing, the potential for transformation is huge and so powerful. But my body is telling me to slow down, to build strong foundations, to have clear intentions and solid support beneath us, whilst we weave our magic.

So many signs have come my way, signs that show me that I am on the right path, shooting stars, amazing people wanting to get involved and support the project. Today I met with an amazing women from the community that has in the past been very supportive to me, when I told her about the project I wish to create she became very excited, as it is something that she wanted to do, but it never felt like the right time. She is an elder and her child has grown up, but having her input and support has lifted me further and re affirmed the fact that this is part of my path, this is what I am here to create.

These last few months have been so intense and emotional and exhausting. To be honest my energy is still low, but I can feel it rising, I can see clearer now and the way ahead is now light up with all these amazing souls that have graced me with their support and wise words. Some of you are here on Steemit and others are within my external community. But girl does it feel good to be held by you all.

Many Thanks and many Blessings xxxx

I will be writing soon about the project, but for now I sit with myself so that I can come up with the right name and the right intentions, so that the wheel, that is already moving, can gather up speed and create something powerful, something that nourishes and nurtures, something that empowers and unites.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



What a wonderful day spent in this beautiful nature.
I would love to spend the whole day like this.
Wish you all the best with the project @trucklife-family. It seems like everything will turn out perfect and everything is moving forward.

thank you @joalvarez for your kind words and support. I hope all is well with you xx

This is such a beautiful post and I feel a different energy coming from you. I am so glad you can breathe and that you took the time to share this experience. I have so much admiration for you, a women's circle and co-op, I think that would be perfect. I only wish we lived closer because I would love to have the chance to feel that magic.

thank you beautiful friend, I sure would love to share sacred space with you, maybe one day we never know what is awaiting us xxx

I am happy you can take the time to find out how you wnat to build your project, sending you many blessing and love!!

thank you beautiful Niina xxx

Healing nature, spirits everywhere. Love this post! Enjoy the woods. 😍

It is great that you giving you some soace abd enjoying .

Take the time to heal with your girls in the wilderness and in the water. The water is so healing. I feel your energy returning! You are a strong person. You will do this!

thank you @cecicastor, yes time is my friend now, I so wanted to push ahead and get things really moving but taking this time now is so important for my strength and healing xxx

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