Hello Natural Medicine I'm Alive

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

And the delegation goes to

First I'd like to proudly boast I made my first delegation after nearly 10 months on steem to @naturalmedicine. I'm in complete moral and ethical alignment with all that they represent and have always been an advocate of doing things all natch. Now, I'm not going to lie or pretend I've never fallen off track many times and wound up in some pitch blackholes of existence. The plants and fungi have always been there to guide me back though. So, with that said I can confidently say I have taken some wild rides on the medicine wheel and have much to share.

I'll save lengthy introductions for another time and place, I'm feeling a bit blah due to a mild ear, nose, throat infection which has been alleviated with some ginger, green tea, honey, turmeric, black pepper,apple cider concoctions, but alas I was still dragging ass. The combined effects of my crud and a cat in heat made a good nights rest pure fantasy.

Luckily, I live in Malaysia and there is an abundance of natural medicine widely available. I had to walk all of 300 meters to my neighbourhood shop to see the "doctor" normally auntie sells me Carlsberg beer and I'm out the door, foolishly oblivious to the wealth of knowledge and glorious offerings besides beer. I walked in and didn't go straight to the cooler, so auntie asked, "looking for something else today?" I told her my symptoms and she went straight to the beer gut and said "it's too hot for beer, your body is heaty" Take this syrup and drink lots of water..

I didn't ask questions or disagree, it's true it's too hot for beer and I'm perpetually dehydrated because I'm well, kinda an idiot at times.. We will talk about "heaty" in the future BTW, for now I'd like to get back to resting and leave you wonderful people with some links that detail the big worded ingredients.. To be honest the syrup has some long half life drowsy effects and on a nice rainy day I'm cool with that...

I look forward to delving more into the natural medicine vibes and wish to point out that the Nartrl or Natural token is not affiliated with this non tokenized tribe. Thank you @riverflows for being a beacon for all good steemians and a steward of the steem...

Himalayan frillitary lily

dried tangerine peel

grandiflorum root

snake gourd fruit

chinese licorice

fungus shroomies 🍄

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Woo hoo! Such an honour. Glad to have you on board! Ive learnt a LOT more about Asian medicine since I have been on Steemit... That cough syrup looks like it would be worth wonders. Ah, we all fall off the wagon at times huh? Like... GIMME SOME CODEINE IM DYING... but natural medicines keep us supported and nourished and less out of pocket too. Let alone supporting big pharma or other industries selling you an image of health!

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Thrilled to be here! And yes the natural path is all wins all around.. In another life I might have been a tcm healer, something about it has always called to me.. There will definitely be more eastern influence coming.. I'm working on one now in fact...

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A white guy who believes in heatiness have my respects. That shit works...

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Lol ! It does definitely work I'm not doing my usual man flu I'm dying routine.. I'm out and about doing my thing.. I am a bit loopy or light headed though but I can handle that np.. Heaty is a thing for sure!

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Until now, I still can't believe the western half of the earth does not comprehend "heaty"... lol - I guess I'm too "Asianised" - hope you're better now...

I think because many westerners have seasons heatiness just gets lumped into heat exhaustion and too much fun in the sun. Here where it's forever summer we have to be more cautious of dehydration.. Heaty foods are welcomed 8-9 months out of the year in most places.. Watch tho, if you bring a westerner here they will be flushed and sweating profusely the first few weeks, and will be more than obliged to entertain the concept of heaty..

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It can be difficult to explain 'heatiness' as one can feel cold (temperature) but have heatiness of the body at the same time. As far as I know all the Asians have this understanding of heaty - Chinese, Indians & Malays... And heaty foods as well as opposite of that is cooling foods. And it can have nothing to do with temperatures you feel... Complicated, huh...

It's an abstract concept for westerners that there is more to us and all life than meets the eye.. Qi or the knowledge of energy systems that western medicine can't explain or quantify is indeed a leap for most western indoctrinated individuals..We are as complex as we are simple. It just depends on the perception or perspective one is accustomed to.. Thousands of years of practice cannot be ignored simply because some gizmos and gadgets don't recognize there value.. It's an inside game in the end anyway..

If someone doubts heaty I challenge them to have a beer or two after eating durian 😆 follow that up with some ginger if they're still not convinced..

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Hahahaha... add some sesame oil too while you're at it! :P

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