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RE: Fermented Beets for a Healthy Poop! [@Naturalmedicine food challenge]

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago

I've enjoyed the power of purple poop before 😂, but I've never had fermented beets. I love kimchi, but I've had something called SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) for the past 4 years and fermented foods have been on the naughty list 😔

I'm experimenting with reintroducing them at the moment so I'll give these a try 👍

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Oh they are wonderful. I highly suggest getting to it when you can.

I am fairly certain I’ve been dealing with SIBO myself and have been combating it with strong home fermented probiotics. I need to go on another elimination diet, like the GAPS or Elemental diets, but I haven’t made time for myself much this summer.

Definitely let me know what you think when you get to the beets!

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