Itchy Skin Tonic

Welcome back to the Druid's apothecary, Steem fam! Today I'm going to tell you about my itchy skin tonic.


You can either apply this directly to your skin, or you can put 1/4-1/2 cup in a bath and soak. However I do have to note, do not put this on open skin: it's based in vinegar, so that will burn. Do not put it in your eyes, or your orifices, either.

vinegar + open wound = ow town

All you do is tincture red clover and calendula (marigold) in apple cider vinegar for a few months (cover the herbs with vinegar, shake it as close to every day as you can, keep it out of sunlight), strain the herbs out, et voilà - itchy skin tonic!

red clover


Being the allergic bastard that I am, I use this as a spot treatment a lot. You can also use it on bug bites (unless they're still open - a friend discovered that with a mosquito bite before; but I've used it on mosquito bites just fine, so, hers must have just happened and ergo the puncture was still open, and mine must have been older and closed? Though when I say "it burns," I mean it in a "Purell on a cut" kind of way; you're not gonna die). ;)

Red clover and calendula are both pretty soothing - calendula salve is good for eczema, for instance - so it's a nice temporary relief for when you're itchy-scratchy.

And that's it! Have a wonderful day, all! :)

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Ah my Nana used to sit us kids with a bowl.of vinegar and and cotton balls for mozzie bites when we were kids. And she was the queen of homemade calendula ointment which she made with lard. Combining the two though... Ah, a revelation.

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O: You've just blown my mind. I need to try making a salve with lard!! I've been wanting to try baking with lard, especially on tortillas, but I thought, if I bought a whole bucket of lard at the store, I wouldn't use it up fast enough and half would probably go rancid. OINTMENTS! Brilliant. Thank you for the inspiration.

This is a good one to keep till I can 'harvest' the ingredients from the garden, @phoenixwren. Thank you !

Happy to share! ^_^

I need some of that for sure. Although I find coconut butter does wonders for me, although I have dry skin and not allergies 💯🐒

Coconut is one of the few things I am NOT allergic to - coconut is awesome!

It's magic I use it for everything 💯🐒


You’ve been visited by @walkerland on behalf of Natural Medicine!

This recipe is right up my alley, I've bookmarked it for summer time when I can pick some calendula and clover. I LOVE apple cider vinegar and take it every day but I never really think of it for the skin even though I know it has a lot of benefits! You have the best containers (especially the jeweled one in your last NM recipe).

We are also running our fortnightly competition for steem rewards, where you can explore a plant medicine! Check it out here - this fortnight's plants are valerian, salvia divinorum and thyme!


Consider supporting Natural Medicine through continued use of the #naturalmedicine tag, or delegating any amount through clicking above. We love to support those on a healing journey or writing about natural health wisdoms. Come join us on Discord if you're not already there! We'd love to have you.

I am totally a sucker for cool containers. There's all sorts of Pagan jokes about us and our collections of jars. I was always buying cases of Mason jars for various salves and to hold herbs and such (and I reuse a lot of jars, too), but then a while back a friend caught a garage sale where they were selling FOUR BOXES - like, moving boxes - of Mason jars for a dollar a box. She snapped them up for me, and I haven't had to buy jars in a while. LOL! This little jar, though, I think I inherited when some friends moved out of state and were getting rid of a bunch of stuff. :)

I have a bit of a problem when it comes to containers and jars so I totally get it. I bought a bottle of "champagne" purely because the base of the bottle was rose shaped and instead of a cork it had a glass top - so gorgeous. The fizzy wine was meh ...but the bottle is amazing. (I took a bazillion photos of the rose bottom because I am a dork).


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