Making A Healing Salve: My Entry for the Natural Medicine Fortnightly Challenge, PLUS A BONUS PRIZE

A recent home remedy to share for this edition of the Natural Medicine Fortnightly Challenge


I started and finished this process before the challenge was announced. Super glad I took pictures of it all! Here's my salve I've made from yarrow, plantain, and comfrey.

I read a lot leading up to making this one. My goal was to have something for small cuts, burns, bug bites, and general homesteady boo-boos.

The first step was to infuse the oil with the herbs. I read that the best way was to put the herbs in the jar, cover with oil, and let it sit in the sun for two to six weeks. Another option, and the one I went with, was to heat the jar of herbs and oil on low heat (100°-140°F) for four hours to four days. Different sources gave different recommendations.


My friend @burntoblog has a big plantain patch in his yard. He harvested a bunch and gave it to me and I dehydrated it a few days before making the salve. Then I harvested ten yarrow stalls and my two biggest comfrey leaves. After plucking leaves and flowers from the yarrow, I stuck the bare stalks in the A/C vent so the smell could fill the house. What a lovely smell.


I used about half coconut oil and half olive oil. I was going for all coconut oil, but I didn't buy enough. This worked out really well though.

I did a 24 hour test on my back burner on the lowest setting, and it held steady around 140°F. I put the jar in the water and the oil temp range stayed around 105°-110°F the whole time. I let it all steep for about 36 hours total, with a good hearty shake every time I thought about it.


I used my reusable coffee filter to strain out the herbs, and measured out the oil, setting it aside while I melted one ounce of beeswax per cup of infused oil.


The boiling water made the jar bounce, so I used three jar bands in the bottom of the pot and the problem was solved.


The oil was cooler than the wax, so it mixed really neat. Like an herbal medicine lava lamp. After heating it all back up to make sure it all mixed, I added it to the cool little jars I found at Wally World. A four pack was like five bucks, and they were perfect for this purpose, being very short, wide mouth jars to be able to dip out as much of the salve as possible.


This mixture filled all four jars. One for Sam's family, one for another family in our milk co-op, one for a friend at work, and one for us. So far it's been used for little cuts on my hands from work and on the baby's eczema, where it's been really helpful.

I picked these three herbs, Yarrow, Plantain, and Comfrey for their healing properties. Yarrow to help with bleeding and as an antimicrobial. Plantain for healing and removal of toxins. And comfrey for it's nourishment and regenerative strength.

I hope someone can find this interesting or inspiring. If you do, give it a vote and go try it yourself! Add your own twist or use my same recipe! I think next time it would be neat to add a bit of mint for some cooling effect on rashes and bites. Skeeter season is coming

As far as medicines go, this was really beneficial to me. I got to experience the herbs, harvesting them myself and using some harvested by a dear friend. I got to experience them in multiple ways: both as a medicine and as a joyful scent for my home. The medicine is being used in my home almost daily, and I will certainly make it again. It'll be a staple for our family, and a way to ease Melissa into being more comfortable with a natural remedy. If that's not a nice holistic function stack, I don't know what is.

Be blessed.
Be fruitful.
Stay relevant.


I've added some of my Turkeytail Tincture to the prize pool for this challenge!


This is 2 ounces, or about 60ml of the tincture I made a while back. You'll need a dropper of your own, as I don't have a spare, but the dosage I use is 10-15 drops in a glass of whatever I'm drinking. It'll be available if we get 25 entries in this challenge, so y'all go enter!

Purchase sustainably produced seeds, textiles, medicines, and more for SBD from @homesteaderscoop at The Homesteader's Co-op Online Marketplace!

Follow @naturalmedicine and join the Natural Medicine discord channel today and come grow and learn with us!


Very cool! Your first salve and such a good choice of herbs. It must be good to help the baby's eczema! Way to go, @nateonsteemit!

Oh it's super good! Of course, there's other things at play if he's got eczema in the first place, but this treats the symptoms.

Just a few minutes ago I finished listening to a WAPF podcast about tallow. I'd love to incorporate tallow into this salve.

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Tallow is used in soapmaking as it makes a real hard soap. Some in the salve would make it a stiffer cream.

@nateonsteemit very cool, I should give making a salve a try. Sweet seeing all the steps and lots of great details.

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It was encouragingly simple to do. All in all, maybe an hour and a half of actual doing of things, spread out over two days.

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awesome! looks great :)

Woohoo!!! Thanks!

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You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Love it Nate! Great to see all the photos and steps detailing your research and methods! Good to know it's been effective too - a great remedy to have around the home!
Come on folks get your entries in so someone wins some of Nate's Turkey Tail tincture! That has quite a ring to it - turkey tail tincture!

Come join us in the Natural Medicine fortnightly competition for a chance to win Steem rewards. The theme for this challenge is Home Remedies!
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It's definitely fun to say :)

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Great post! I have to make this, it sounds wonderfully all purpose. Thank you!

It's very versatile! I'd like to make one next time with some smelly herbs just to make Melissa a nice rich hand cream.

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So very, very cool! I want to go try that immediately! The comfrey in the neighborhood is up and flowering already, although I might have trouble finding yarrow. I used to have some in my flower garden, but the chickens killed it. We have tons of beeswax; my husband is a beekeeper. Awesome project! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

Yeah! Make it happen!

I've found bunches more places to harvest yarrow by the road lately. Might get a bunch and dry it out for the future :) lmk and I'll get you some!

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I'll trade you some yarrow for a whole bunch of comfrey!

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Now we're talking! Lemme get some harvested, how much do you need? I'll dehydrate it and gather as much as I sustainably can til I get however much you need.

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I guess I would take enough to make two batches the size you made. I injure myself a lot! Here's the comfrey I have. Is it the right kind? And would you like dried leaves or whole plants? I could conceivably send live plants if you wanted a bigger harvest in the future, or I could dry a whole bunch of leaves.


I don't think there's such thing as a wrong kind of comfrey lol

Just harvested twenty two stalks for you this morning. The leaves and flower heads are in the dehydrator now. I used ten stalks in mine, so that oughtta get you pretty well set for a double batch :)

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Wow! Thank you! Did you want me to dehydrate the comfrey?

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Sure, yeah! It'll preserve and ship better that way :)

Gimme a sec to ship, I'll get it out when I get paid Friday.

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Sure, yeah! It'll preserve and ship better that way :)

Gimme a sec to ship, I'll get it out when I get paid Friday. It's finishing up now, almost dry :)

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Sure, yeah! It'll preserve and ship better that way :)

Gimme a sec to ship, I'll get it out when I get paid Friday.

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Hey, send me your address to my email [email protected]

Discord is being weird and saying I can't message you...

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Got it figured out. Since we're not in a common discord server, it won't let me message you.

Come on over to HSCO!

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We use a mixed broad and narrowleaf plantain + yarrow alcohol tincture, because of the added antiseptic function of the alcohol and because it kinda dries the wound up. But it stings a bunch and kids don't really appreciate that!

Yeah, a tincture would be good too! I've heard yarrow tinctures really well and has multiple uses like a healthy mouthwash too.

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Wonderful contribution Nate! I hope the salve helps heal up your baby's eczema. That would be tough to see baby with such an uncomfortable rash. Herbs to the rescue! Bet the herbs smelled so good each step in the process. Steem on!! 💚

It's definitely frustrating to see him deal with it.

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nate...this post rocks!!!!!!!!! man...thank you!!!!! re steemed with pleasure! my favorite alchemy words and photos!!!!! great choice of herbs! can't wait to see you next creations!

You’ve been visited by @riverflows on behalf of Natural Medicine!

How have I taken two days to see this post? I'm so impressed. Look at that yummy green! I've not done the quicker method, and I still have to wait for spring for some fresher and more potent herbs - and you know me, this post makes me impatient!! So impressed and inspiring, @nateonsteemit! Go you!! You need to drop it in post promotion as well so we can all see it!

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I've been doing awful with community engagement, so I haven't been dropping posts in promo lol

Thanks for the kind words! The greenness is even better in person. 💚

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