[ESP/ENG]My first experience drinking ayahuasca // Mi primera vez tomando ayahuasca.

Hola!! // Hi there.

El día de hoy les hablaré un poco de lo que fue mi experiencia en una ceremonia de yage, para quien no lo sepa, la "ayahuasca" o "yage" es una medicina nativa del amazonas que funciona a modo de purga física, mental y espiritual.

Literalmente esta medicina te limpia por dentro y es que te hace ir al baño y vomitar a modo de limpieza, lo cual, junto con el ritual y música que le acompaña a la ceremonia, da una perspectiva muy positiva a lo que estas expulsiones se refiere, ciertas personas manifiestan visiones positivas y negativas, dependiendo siempre del proceso individual de cada persona, en mi caso personal, tuve una noche de muchísima meditación e introspección que me dejo con mucha paz al final de la velada, compartiendo música con toda la comunidad de medicina que ese día allí se encontraba en un compartir de música, alrededor de una hermosa fogata.

Today I will tell you a little about what my experience was in a yage ceremony, for those who do not know, "ayahuasca" or "yage" is a native Amazonian medicine that works as a physical, mental and spiritual purge.

This medicine literally cleanses you from the inside and it makes you go to the bathroom and vomit as a cleaning, which, together with the ritual and music that accompanies the ceremony, gives a very positive perspective to what these expulsions refer to , certain people manifest positive and negative visions, always depending on the individual process of each person, in my personal case, I had a night of much meditation and introspection that left me with a lot of peace at the end of the evening, sharing music with the entire community of medicine that day there was in a music sharing, around a beautiful campfire.


Lo que más me gustó de la experiencia fue la música con la que se acompaño la noche, llenándonos de energía positiva de la mano de un musico excelente @hijodesol, dejaré por aquí un poco de la musica de Chacón, estoy seguro que pronto podremos grabar algo con el.

What I liked most about the experience was the music that accompanied the night, filling us with positive energy from the hand of an excellent musician @hijodelsol, I will leave here some of the music of Chacón, I am sure that we will soon be able to record something with him.

La música de medicina se efectúa en A=432Hz, diferente del convencional A=440Hz que rige la música popular.

A=432Hz es una frecuencia que es matemáticamente correcta a la proporción áurea, a fibonacci, y que causa armonía dentro de cualquier tipo de materia, teniendo armónicos capaces de resonar con todo en el universo, es precisamente en esta cualidad científica de A=432Hz que están los cimientos de las terapias a través de sonidos binaurales, las frecuencias Binaurales son matemáticamente sagradas y todas, al sumar sus dígitos, dan como resultado "9" podemos conseguir horas de material en distintas frecuencias dentro de youtube y lo podremos comprobar.

Medicine music is performed at A = 432Hz, different from the conventional A = 440Hz that governs popular music.

A = 432Hz is a frequency that is mathematically correct to the golden ratio, to fibonacci, and that causes harmony within any type of matter, having harmonics capable of resonating with everything in the universe, it is precisely in this scientific quality of A = 432Hz that are the foundations of therapies through binaural sounds, Binaural frequencies are mathematically sacred and all, by adding their digits, result in "9" we can get hours of material at different frequencies within youtube and we can check it.


Durante la experiencia compartí con distintas personas que me compartieron luz, vibra y tuve muchas conversaciones existencialistas que me hicieron de la noche una velada de autentico provecho y crecimiento espiritual.

Jesús, el chico que me acompaña en la foto de arriba, me regalo un momento para darme una palabra de motivación sobre nunca rendirse, sin importar que estemos pasando por momentos de dolor.

During the experience I shared with different people who shared light, vibrates me and I had many existentialist conversations that made me an evening of authentic profit and spiritual growth.

Jesus, the boy who accompanies me in the photo above, gave me a moment to give me a word of motivation about never giving up, no matter what we are going through in moments of pain.


Al día siguiente nos hicieron una limpieza energética con distintas esencias, hierbas y plumas que, junto con música, fueron parte de un ritual de sanación que me dejo el aroma impregnado en la camisa incluso días despues

En resumen: Todas las personas que vi estaban cargadas de excelentes intenciones de poner sus vidas a mejor, siguiendo sus sueños y sobre todas las cosas percibí un fuerte rezo de mantenerse consciente y cuidar la tierra, creo que la ceremonia fue un espacio mágico donde todos pudimos encontrar un poquito de nosotros mismos y acercarnos a la naturaleza, espero pronto traer mas de este tipo de noticias y motivar lo suficiente a esta hermosa comunidad como para que muestren su arte a través de Steemit..

The next day we had an energetic cleaning with different essences, herbs and feathers that, together with music, were part of a healing ritual that left me with the aroma impregnated on my shirt even days later

In summary: All the people I saw were full of excellent intentions to make their lives better, following their dreams and above all things I perceived a strong prayer to keep conscious and take care of the earth, I think the ceremony was a magical space where everyone We were able to find a little of ourselves and get closer to nature, I hope soon to bring more of this kind of news and motivate enough to this beautiful community to show their art through Steemit.


Fotos tomadas por: @saavedra (próximamente en Steemit.)


Hey Jose, wonderful to read about your shamanic experience with the sacred vine. You have been through an initiation and are a new man.
Wishing you the very best in your journey of service to uplift humanity with your music and healing art.



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from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @carrieallen.

@helpie is a Community Witness.
For more information about our project,
please visit this month’s UPDATE post.

were part of a healing ritual that left me with the aroma impregnated on my shirt even days later

What a beautiful experience that must have been, and a lovely scent to carry you through to remind you of such a gorgeous experience. xxx

remind me a mindset of course! and i used that shirt the last weekend to a concert that i played (:

Thank you for sharing this with us. I have never tried it although there are a lot of ayahuasca ceremonies that happen around me. I personally think it is better to it where it is done traditionally. I really like that you have spoken about the different frequency of music and what is the most healing. xx

yeah, i think tradition is important too, i did yopo once too and was gived by the taita rufino, and grandparent of the Piaora Natives.

Exelente! "diario de una toma"!

un compartir de todo, ver esto como diarios hace el proceso de creación una maravilla!.

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