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RE: Lessons from Mother Ayahuasca. Night 1: My miracle

in #naturalmedicine5 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing. My wife and I first drank the medicine six years ago along with a group of 15 at a jungle retreat in Genarro Hererra, Peru. It took four hours by motorboat down the Amazon to reach the vIllage. It was no fancy resort like Rythima, there were cold showers and no doctors on standby. We helped Luco, our shaman, crush the vines and brew the tea. 10 days of village life, 5 ceremonies with Luco and his apprentices singing the Icarios. Though them, Mother Ayahuasca did some real profound work on all of us.

So did the mosquitoes, but that's the jungle keeping us real.

Two nights were really intense for me. The first night, I was shown my first life and death in Pompeii when it fell, and a river of thousands of lives since. Serious la purga, there, like a hose on full blast outta both ends. I'm far from religious, but now I know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that there's a before and an after, and that's all I needed to know. That was the night i asked about my soul.

My third night, I was so high and literally tripping out of my head. I was seeing whole layers of realities and the psychic beings, light and dark, that surround und torment our celestial selves. Addiction looks like an evil monkey with fangs that sticks to a person's back. Dude two mattresses down had several. Doubts are little snakelike shadows with teeth that slither and bite. Lady next to me was assaulted by them. Luco was a giant who shooed them away with his plant rattle, and the stars that he sprinkled on my head gave me a grip to hold on to. I couldn't see myself so I'm not sure what he helped me with, but a certain weight was lifted and the relief made me miss what happened to the monkies but that dude got his doctorate a few years ago. That was the night I asked for a glimpse beyond the Veil. It was quite humbling.

The interesting thing is that that was the only night I actually got high off of the stuff. The experience was totally different each night. In the mornings we would all trudge on down to a small river feeding into the Amazon, and swim in it to cleanse ourselves of the ceremony. It was actually required.

All in all, life changing. Highly recommended for anyone with a serious stick up their arse or genuinely searching for a connection to their true selves.

Lessons indeed. It is said that once you drink Ayahuasca it never really leaves you. Even if you never drink it again, your connected to the Mother who will continue her work with you for life and beyond life.


Wow, she took you on quite the adventure as well. I am not drawn to the jungle, however, I've found some people in Panama who practice it so maybe I will do it here down the track. I'd love to know what the shamans see with everyone during ceremony. I think that would be fascinating. They do seem to know when people need help before the people themselves realise they do.

The past life stuff really interests me. I think that's what I'd like to explore next. I'm almost positive I have a connection to the Mayan culture, as you will see from my other nights, if you read them (not that I've written them up yet).

I was told that Mother Aya knows exactly how many times you will drink the medicine and she will give the downloads you need accordingly. I kinda like that.

Check out the website just launched by my friend Meghan, - she was one of the apprentices there and does a lot of work in the field.

Thanks. I will definitely read some of those posts she's got. I just forwarded it to my Rythmia room mate, who said she'd like to be a shaman!

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