Oil Pulling - Let’s Keep Our Original Teeth!

in #naturalmedicine6 years ago (edited)


I don't know about you but I would sure love to keep my original teeth for a lifetime. Well for me it will be my original teeth minus one. Unfortunately I had to get a tooth pulled last year (I would never get a root canal but that will be for a different post 😉). I had a cavity that eventually turned into a hole in my tooth from not getting it taken care of soon enough. I vow for that to be my first and LAST tooth pulling. Ironically I have only had 2 cavities in my entire life (yes I'm only 37 but it's still my entire life up to this point). My father was really strict on us about brushing our teeth every night before we went to bed and I'm so glad he was. He always said "that sugar you ate today will eat at your teeth all night if you don't brush it off." YIKES 😳


We All Eat Sugar At Some Point



I mean life is full of sugary drinks, candies, cakes, snacks...oh sorry I got a little happy there. Then there are those natural sugars in fruits, veggies and dairy. All of these things I grew up enjoying caught up with me a few years after high school. I used to chew gum almost everyday and I “WAS” a sugar addict (okay I tried to emphasize was but I'm guilty I still struggle with the love of sugar 😏). I was one that was terrified of going to the Dentist because I didn't like the idea of them putting things in my mouth and playing around in there. Thus, I remembered what we were taught growing up and I brushed my teeth every night as well as in the mornings.


What is Oil Pulling?

I came across an article about oil pulling and have been doing it ever since. Have you ever heard of it? Oil pulling is when you take a tablespoon or less of oil and swish it around in your mouth. You squeeze it through your teeth on the top and bottom and you try to get it to the front and backs of your teeth. The goal is to do this every morning before you eat or brush because those that might have a weak stomach will do better if it's empty. I shoot for 20 minutes but sometimes finish at 15. As long as you swish the oil and pull it through your teeth for at least 15 minutes you should benefit from it. You DO NOT want to swallow this swished up oil. The oil will be carrying toxins and bacteria and you do not want that in your gut and body. You will feel all the gunk coming out from the oil pulling and floating around in your mouth as you swish. You won't believe how much stuff the oil will pick up. You'll think

I had all that crap in there? 😷

When you discard of the oil you'll want to do so in the trash. If you discard in your sink or toilet you could risk clogging up those pipes. After you discard the oil you rinse your mouth out with warm water and then brush and floss as regular.


So Why Oil Pull?



Brushing and flossing your teeth are both great practices of keeping your teeth strong and healthy. However there are just some hard to reach places no matter which method you use. When you oil pull you are maneuvering the oil through your entire mouth and it picks up dirt, plaque, build up and bacteria everywhere it hits. As you pull the oil through these places it catches those nasty unwanted toxins in your mouth and takes it away from its resting place. The oil is literally detoxifying your mouth. It also helps rid bad breathe, strengthens your gums and jaw, whitens teeth, heals sore gums and prevents gum disease, tooth decay and overall helps boost your immunity for better health.

Did you know that most disease and illness begins in the mouth? Yep it's true! Our mouths are the gateway to our health. If you have a mouth full of germy bacteria, you are making yourself vulnerable for allowing sickness and virus to enter into your body. The tongue is connected to many organs in our body such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart and stomach. Just the opposite is true. If you keep a clean, detoxified, bacteria free mouth, then you will not be as vulnerable to get sick. There wouldn't be all that gunk in your mouth to sneak into your body to cause havoc. So as you can see oil pulling is not just for oral health but it is a benefit for your entire system.


Which Oils To Use?



I will start with the oil of my choice...Coconut Oil! I choose to oil pull with organic unrefined virgin coconut oil because this oil already has antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-fungul properties. It also balances blood sugar levels as well as hormones. I feel that I get the added benefits when using this oil. I also prefer coconut oil because of the taste. I cook with this oil and also use it on my skin and hair so I am very familiar with the smell and taste of it (yes this is a very versatile oil). This is the most preferred oil for oil pulling.

Another oil option is Olive Oil. Olive oil is full of fatty acids, antioxidants and it is anti inflammatory. Studies have shown it helps prevent heart disease. This is another oil I enjoy cooking with as well as using it occasionally on my hair and body.

Lastly another option is Sesame Seed Oil. Sesame seed oil is antibacterial and antiviral and it contains antioxidants. This oil has been used in Ayurvedic (whole body healing system) medicine for many of years. It is also widely used in China for culinary and medicinal purposes. While this oil can help remove toxins from your mouth it doesn't taste as pleasant as coconut oil.

It really just boils down to personal choice. I suggest you try all three oils and see which one you prefer. I also add in Young Living essential oils (I recommend only using therapeutic grade essential oils that are ingestible). I add on 2 drops of either Thieves, Tea Tree or Peppermint to enhance my oil pulling experience (see first image). Sometimes I might do a drop of each essential oil.


Let’s recap:

1) Choose an oil to pull with.
2) Use 1 tablespoon (you can start with 1 teaspoon and then work your way up).
3) Add on drops of essential oils if using.
4) Swish the oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes pulling it through the spaces in your teeth. Focus on all areas in your mouth, top and bottom front and back. Focus on cleaning your gums as well. DO NOT swallow any of the oil.
5) Discard the oil into the trash.
6) Rinse your mouth with warm water.
7) Brush and floss as regular.


After you oil pull you will notice a squeaky clean feeling on your teeth. Your breathe will be refreshed and you will have a sense of overall cleanliness and wellness.

Have you ever tried oil pulling? If so please leave me a comment and share your experience and thoughts about it.

Caution: If you have metals in your mouth please do further research before proceeding. Thank you @buckaroo!

Thanks for reading~














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I have never heard of this before, but plan on trying it. I have been have some gum issues as of late so I am up for a natural way of making myself healthier.

@sumatranate you won’t be disappointed if you try it. I had some gum issues too and it seems that oil pulling helped tighten them again. It’s hard to explain but you’ll feel the difference even after the first time. Even if you do it once a week you will reap the benefits :D

Thanks for your support~

yes yes yes!!!! it's such an amazing way to care for teeth! and more people should know about it!

Absolutely @dreemsteem! Thanks for your feedback!!

I do oil pulling any time my teeth feel even slightly "not right". It helps so much. I've probably been doing it for over 10 years, at least once every couple months. I have all of my original teeth (except for half of one that I lost in a young teenage years accidents).

For me, it makes my mouth feel a lot better. I highly recommend oil pulling, even if you aren't experiencing any problems. I usually use coconut oil, but have also used other oils.

That’s great to hear @matthewdavid! I don’t do it as often as I should but I definitely do it when my mouth and teeth starts to feel icky. That’s awesome that you have all of your original teeth...I’m trying to keep the ones I have left (which is all but one lol).

Thanks for the awesome feedback :D

oh its a FABULOUS way of caring for your teeth!!!! I have hear of people completely reversing their gum disease with faithful oil-pulling!!!! i hope it works for you! :)

I have heard of that too! That’s what keeps me on it Haaa! I need to do it more though. You have to make a conscious effort to get it done!

Resteemed as this amazing information needs to get out there. Well written @crosheille. Oil pulling is amazing. Thieves is such a good idea. Coconut is definitely my favourite. I love the flavour. I use it for everything (except my hair, I like olive or jojoba for my hair care) With my busy I don't know how I would even manage 15 minutes. I stopped oil pulling before he was born when I discovered how dangerous it is when you have metals in your mouth. I have one amalgam filling (tragically because of parental ignorance) Until it is safely removed I won't be swishing oil.

Thanks for the resteem and the support @buckaroo! It really needs to be shared, it’s an amazing Natural remedy for oral health.

Oh wow thanks for bringing up this great point. I didn’t even think about that. I will update my post to include this vital information.

I love jojoba oil for my hair too! It’s my favorite hair Oil!

I thought it was safe to oil pull with amalgam fillings, I researched it for my husband who has them. I remember learning that oil pulling helps pull some of the mercury that has been released into your nervous system, but now I’m questioning myself (again). Would please share your source of information? I would like to re-visit this again - perhaps I have been encouraging my husband to poison himself?

How frustrating to think you are doing something for your health when you aren’t.

This makes me want to pull oil MORE so I can avoid fillings and such (I have been very lucky with my teeth!).

Hmmm...well after @buckaroo informed me of this I looked up a few articles and it seems as if this is in question. Some sources belive it may be dangerous and others are saying oil pulling will not pull mercury vapors from your fillings.

I would say proceed with caution and do more research on this.

Yes I want to keep the rest of my teeth and avoid fillings as well. I tell people tooth pain is worse than labor...like seriously lol!

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and wow, that banner looks sexy!

Thank you so much! 😃

Wow! I haven't heard of this before but I find it very interesting especially previously being a holistic therapist who worked with essential oils! I am glad I read your responses below though before doing it as I also have fillings and I don't know which type... I guess I need to find out before trying this in case it is dangerous for my health! Thanks @buckaroo for pointing that out too

hey there @beautifulbullies! hehehehe fancy meeting you here! I have to agree with @crosheille - it's SUCH a healthy, natural way to care for your teeth! it does take a little getting use to for people with sensitive gag reflexes - so if you have one - start off with a small spoonful hehehehe

haha we get everywhere don't we @dreemsteem! xD
I need to find out what type of fillings I have first xD but yes, I will start small when I do try it out... I don't fancy gagging on oil! ewww

I love essential oils!!! 😃

Yes I am so glad she pointed this out. I have updated it in my post and put caution!

Very nice article! I have always been curious about oil pulling. I had no idea the oil needed to be swished around for so long; I imagine it being a good facial workout! Are you an independent dealer with YL? I am too, and just recently started using their mouthwash. Do you think oil pulling is necessary if you use mouthwash often? Thanks for the good read! Following and resteemed!

Mouthwash is different because the oil causes sapinification - basically you make soap in your mouth by mixing the o and the saliva.

It is a mouth workout! Reading all these comments makes me want to pull oil NOW!

Haaa! Go do it Metzli!! Get that oil out now!!! 😄😄😄

I’ve already done it twice since I wrote that and my teeth already feel great!

Yay! That’s awesome!!!! Now we can help each other stay on top of it!! 😄😉

I thought you needed lye for saponification. 🤔 It makes sense! That's how soap works. The oil pulls up the bad, the suds wash away from the water, no more dirt! I would much rather oil pull than use one of those weird gadgets I've seen lately for jaw exercises! 🤣

It’s saliva soap 😂😂

And yes, it is a jaw exercise. I wonder if my selfies are going to be better looking now that I re-started oil pulling?

Ha ha very clever. No more filters necessary after oil pulling!

Thank you! Yes that’s the recommended amount of time to get the best benefits. Lol oh yes it is a facial workout...I have to take breaks in between.

Yes we’ve been YL distributors for about 6 years! That’s great to hear you are too! I love their mouthwash! I still Oil pull while using it because I have noticed more gunk is pulled out from in between my teeth when I’m using oil. I am trying to get in the habit of pulling at least twice a week.

Thanks for the follow and resteem! 😊

I will have to give it a try!

When I am doing my 26 day detoxes - i REALLY focus on oil pulling daily! because my body is releasing toxins everywhere and i want to do the best i can to help get RID of it all! i LOVE oil pulling - i think i really love the psychological aspect of it to! knowing how deep and far oil can get into crevices that toothbrushes can't??? love it! hehehehehe swish out those germies! really great post! so many people were new to the concept her that commented! hehehehe love it!

Oh yes! I love knowing it’s getting into those deep places that a toothbrush or floss won’t go. I love it too! Yes sometimes I’m surprised how many people haven’t heard of it. That’s why I figured it was time to talk about it again ;D

Thanks for the support!

hehehehe yep! maybe share it again in another 3 months too! you'll get a new crowd hooked on it hahahahaha


Haaa! Great idea! 😉👍🏽

I had never heard of oil pulling before - I usually use salt water, will have to try with oil.

I used to use salt water too. Please do and I would love to know what you thought of it!! It may take some getting used to but it’s so worth it!

Thanks for reading!

Cool! What are the benefits of using salt water and do you mix it yourself?

It makes it hard to bacteria to live in the mouth by temporarily changing it to an alkaline environment instead of acidic. Bacteria flourish in acidic environments. Half tablespoon of salt in a cup of water works well, if there's salt in the bottom after stirring then use less next time. Works well for a nasal rinse too - sounds weird, but if you tilt your head to the side and pour the salt water into the higher nose hole, it will drain out of the lower one, then gently blow nose afterwards - prevents nasal infections (this is a real thing, not a prank :) .. Dentists usually recommend a salt water gargle every couple hours after oral surgery for the same reason - to prevent infections. @metzli

I remember when I was little and my teeth would come out my parents would have me gargle with salt water. That’s all good info, thanks for sharing.

Wow this is great information! Thanks for sharing @jackdub! Sounds like the nose thing would burn though! 😳 Does it?

No burn... as long as you dont breath in through your nose or turn your head completely upsidedown while you are doing it - just like with swimming under water :) .. might want to try a lighter salt mixture the first time

Oh okay cool! Great to know. Thanks again for the info! 👌🏽

I think I have seen this phrase oil pulling before... But then I don't think I know what it is all about. Thanks to you, now I know a little bit more. I should consider oil pulling too...

Posted using Partiko Android

Yay I’m glad I could explain it further for you! I hope you try it out and let me know what you think!!! If you do it for one week straight your first time around you will be Amazed!!! 😃

I need to try this again. It’s so hard to form a new habit and I think this is a really good one.

I had never also used essential oils in the mix and I think that’s a brilliant addition!

Thanks for reminding me of this great intervention to promote oral health.

It is very hard forming a new habit! I think if you can do it for a few weeks straight (at least 3 times each week) you won’t want to stop because of the way your mouth will feel.

Adding essential oils makes it even more amazing! I hope you give it a go!! 😊

Thanks for reading~

Never heard of this before but I am interested after reading this article! Thank you for sharing and I’d like to add that it is very well written!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I am glad I could introduce you to this method!! Thanks so much for that nice compliment and thank you for reading ~ 😊

I hope you give it a whirl!

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